GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


An error appears after renaming a new macro then clicking on tab "1"

xan2622 opened this issue · 9 comments


Describe the bug
After renaming a new macro then clicking on tab "1", this error appeared:
Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua:873: attempt to compare number with nil

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open the Sequence Editor
  2. Click on the "New" button
  3. Rename the default Sequence Name from "NEW_SEQUENCE" to "MyNewMacro" (or any other name)
  4. Click on the tab "1"
  5. This error may appear:
Message: Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua:873: attempt to compare number with nil
Time: Tue Jun  1 20:38:16 2021
Count: 4
Stack: Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua:873: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua"]:873: in function <Interface\AddOns\GSE_GUI\Editor.lua:869>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `?'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua"]:2393: in function <Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:1277>


Expected behavior
GSE should display the tab "1" without generating this error.


OS: Windows 10 64bits pro
Hardware: nvidia GTX 1070 8GB - driver: 466.47

Game Version
World of Warcraft Shadowlands version (french language)

GSE Version
Version: 2.6.54


Like #829 I cant make this occur. I perform the exact same steps and do not get this issue.


Additional context
Here are all the addons that I also installed:

ACP 3.5.7 (not activated)
AlreadyKnown 1.32
AtlasLoot 8.13.00 (not activated)
Auctionator 9.0.9
AutoTurnIn 9.0.2
BigWigs 221.1
BigWigs_BurningCroisade 9.0.4
BigWigs_Cataclysm 9.0.3
BigWigs_Legion 9.0.4
BigWigs_MistsOfPandaria 9.0.4
BigWigs_WarlordsOfDraenor 9.0.3
BigWigs_WrathOfTheLinchKing 9.0.5
Details Retail
DynamicCam 1.4.10
elvui 12.24
GatherMate2_Data 36.1
GatherMate2 1.46.7
Grail 114
GTFO 4.62.1
HandyNotes 1.6.2
HandyNotes_DungeonLocations 1.53
HandyNotes_Oribos 11
LittleWigs 9.0.33
MaxDps 9.05.1
MaxDps_Mage 9.0.2
MBB 4.0.7 (not activated)
Scrap 9.0.5-9.0.5
TooltipItemIcon 1.783
WeakAuras 3.3.0
Wholly 082
WIM 3.9.0


I am answering in this Github issue because what I am going to type next is related to this (839) issue (I checked if the error appeared, after following those steps).

You said (here) that these errors could be caused by the sample macros.

I have noticed that SAM_LUTECHI's macros contain white lines: AFAIK, it means that something is broken in these lines (a typo or bad command).

So I deleted the GSE.lua and GSE.lua.bak files once more and joined the game with my MM Hunter. As soon as I joined the game, GSE asked me if I wanted to load the sample macros, I declined this offer (to have an empty Sequence Editor).

I reproduced the steps mentionned above. This time, I could rename the Sequence Name and click on the tab "1" without any error poping up.


OK, thank you for this clarification.

I noticed that, after importing the three sample macros, GSE failed to translate some spells from English to French.
So I guess, because of that, it's normal and expected that these lines can't work.

Capture d’écran 2021-06-04 220840

Capture d’écran 2021-06-04 220858

Capture d’écran 2021-06-04 220921

Should I report this "failure" in another Github issue?



The error not only appears after renaming the Sequence Name and clicking on tab "1", it can also appear if :

  • you open the Sequence Editor
  • you click on the "New" button
  • you just click once in the Sequence Name text field (without even renaming it, just a click at the end of the macro name)
  • you click on either the "Variables", "1" or "WeakAuras" tabs but also if you click once in any of the text fields of the the Configuration tab (Help Link, Default Version, ... Dungeon, Party..)

Note that it doesn't only appear after clicking on the "New" button. It can also happen if you edit any macro.


This error seems to be fixed in GSE 3.0.0 beta 5.