GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[ENH] Allow variables to be specified as the input to a Pause Block.

betterftr opened this issue · 2 comments


Hi, this is a special one. The idea behind it is this particular api call :
/run local i = select(1,UnitRangedDamage('player')); print(i);
It checks your toon's current attack speed, works in combat, tested it, it updates.
I want to feed this number into the GSE pause block. (*1000 so its compatible with GSE3 MS) possibly as variable and then pass the variable to the pause block.
Then I could create the famous hunter macro that existed in TBC, with dynamically updating pause block.
Is this possible? What do you think?


GSE Should though allow for the selection of a variable in the pause block along with the choice for GCD.