GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[ENH]Revert Editor UI back to old style

Helldiver1080 opened this issue Β· 28 comments


Hello Timothy, been a long time user of your addon. However, this most recent update just needs to be reverted. I am sorry but this new editor is a huge step backwards. PLEASE, for all of us, revert this back to the old style editor! Many of us over at Wow Lazy Macros ( thread i started over there) are asking the same. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change this back. You have a great addon here, dont ruin it with this horrible new editor. I beg of you.


Hi can you give us the old version? this new inteface is terrible in all her elements ! It's not clear and practice. Please ripristinate old version!!!!!!!!!


hi give us the old interface. new version is terrile!


new version is terrile!
Im also on his one. Ok, i have read "Understanding GSE3 from a GSE2 Users Perspective" and quite can see what Timothy wanted to do - but, come on, interface is a godawful mess, with crazy amount of empty space and scrollbars - doing some coding becomes pain in ass... as for this you have to jump into "raw edit" that by itself are confusing in any way possible. So instead thinking of macro you have to fight with interface and blocks and scrolls while have in mind that instead of castsequence you should use 'loops' or 'repeats'.
Please, Timothy, give us an opportunity to have old-style yet understandable way to use our macros.


God yes. I'm sure you changed this for a reason, and as a developer/programmer I'm sure it makes sense. But for the rest of us, we're lost. PLEASE REVERT. My macros are broke/gone and I don't have a clue in this new interfaced




After reading through the wiki (Understanding GSE3 from a GSE2 user’s perspective) I understand the changes and recognize it’s an improvement. I suggest you guys do the same. Though I do agree the UI is clunky and confusing.


And you, as the developer have every right to do things as you please. And I believe they were done with the forward thinking necessary to keep this project afloat. My concern is that from yesterday to today (even after 9.1 went live) the addon went from working to not. Macros are gone and must be rewritten. THAT is my biggest beef. I appreciate that you were looking for feedback and warning people and all, but honestly, if most people are like myself...we don't head off to the forums unless there is an issue. I certainly never looked at any prior to today. Whose fault is that? Mine and mine alone. I simply wanted to let you know that it has created issues that the average user cannot deal with expeditiously. That said, I will read the posted link (I didn't even know such an article existed until now) and endeavor to not upset you further. You offer this for free. The least we can do is understand when you make decisions they are for a good reason. Please take my feedback with a grain of salt.


And please hear me with the greatest sincerity and respect - I am truly sad that you had that experience at migration. I did spend a ton of time trying to iron this all out so that wouldn't be the case.


Could sum this up with a few sentences.

For Users: Appreciate what you had before this plugin became "a stakeholder plugin" as it was now presented. This plugin might recover in time but for now, is either a tool for only the top competitors in the game that take part in championships or is an opportunity for someone else to make another similar plugin. This plugin isn't anymore for the million of users that sped only a few hours a day/week that want to enjoy what the game developers created story-wise and get a random PVP. Show appreciation for something that saved you time and brought you help and just move away from this plugin and test other ones.

For the Developer: I truly hear you and coding this over the few years has brought joy but you need to face it that maybe wasn't the time for this. There are always compromises to keep a balance, the drag and drop should be a tool to drag the spells to create a spells order for example rather than typing with a simple/advanced feature to then add the extra lines one needs. Another option is to make the old interface have each line of spells read the macro the way the new version of the plugin is supposed to make it read. Yes, you did well for a long time and we thank you, but yes, do listen to people that use and that make the plugin worth it for the stakeholders because the fewer people use the less will be worth keeping. There is always competition at some corner, listen before it's too late.

I am one of those that think going forward is needed but don't try to reinvent the wheel, just improve it. Thank you again for all the help over the years but it is time to see the good, practical change on this new version or people need to move away from GSE.


Every reason for these changes is listed on that post that @rafigalbur linked. Its interesting that when GSE2 launched with 7.1 there were the same "the sky is falling" reactions.

GSE isn't an I-WIN button for the ignorant masses. It is a tool that requires a significant amount of understanding of not just what is going on but why. 90% of macro errors and faults occur because something happened under the covers and you weren't aware of the actual problem. So blundering around in the dark you would poke some stuff until you got a clear picture of what was happening. A lot of things that happened under the covers were detrimental but as you never saw them you didn't care. There was a ton of macro lag that you just adjusted to. For example now, if you spam your macro too fast - GSE keeps up with your spamming and as a result, will overflow the WoW input buffer and disconnect you. The fault with this is spamming too fast however some will cry that GSE broke the game for them. Is there a learning curve to this Yes.

Is the UI clunky and not as clean as I would like. Yes Will this be the final version of the UI. No. Once I get Drag and Drop to work for actions this will be a million times more manageable. User Interface stuff in WoW is a PITA coming from a coding background. What is there though is both the functionality that's needed as well as a power user edit mode - "Raw Edit" for fast mass changes. Is it different to what was there before Yes Does it force people to be more aware of what their macro is doing Yes

Have I been talking about this and asking for feedback on this for the last 6 months Yes Was this warned about a month ago that this change was happening and to get some feedback yes. GSE is developed based on the input of its (GSE's) patrons. WLM is NOT a supporter of GSE. It is a community of people who USE GSE but they are not the only groups. I listen to all the stakeholders of GSE.

I appreciate the fear and the discomfort. I use this myself on a day to day basis but I am not going backwards.


I disagree with reverting,
My argument for this, is the new layout gives much better representation and control over where loops are going to occur, and which blocks are going to execute.
I think some of the confusion may come from the inital conversion from legacy. When I first saw how it broke apart each line of my macro into a separate block I was a bit confused and it looked way overly complicated,
I know this for the purpose of the allowing the --keypress-- block to function like the legacy GSE, but is is visually jarring.
Once I Grokked to what the block system was going for and that I have FULL control of when the keypress block was going to execute I totally twigged to it.
I have since reworked my macros, and condensed them down. I have gotten improved responsiveness to boot since I'm only executing the keypress block when I intend to and not every keypress.


Ok, as i said i have read "Understanding GSE3...", but Luke, is there a way to continue support for GSE2 for some time until GSE3 work flawlessly and get somewhat prettier interface? (Collapsing blocks like in notepad++ for ex would be great i think.)


I for one am excited for GSE3, however like everyone else ive losted all my macros and i def wont be able to get them back tbh. Ill move forward and enjoy GSE3 as i did GSE2. Besides patreon and github do you any other place like an official website or discord? I rarely ever checked wlm and posts arent shown on a news feed type thing thats visible right away.


@leethaxdk If you try the current version 3.0.07 your macros should "just reappear" if not go to GSE's Options - Plugins - GSE2Library. You may need to close and reopen the menu (/gse) and they should appear. If they don't, if you could upload your GSE.lua file to a ticket here I can have a look at it. This GiHub and its Wiki is the official place. I don't post to WLM - I post to here or Patreon and then put up a link to that on WLM if I have time. Every change (even going back to GSE 0.02) is raised here as an enhancement. People have been free to comment on each and every change since the day dot.

@Mephirogob GSE2 is in the releases section of this website. You are free to continue using it. It may or may not work with 9.1 or future releases and patches. I won't be updating it any further. I haven't for the last 6 months while working on this. There was a couple of 'help get this to run on BCC' but I am not fixing problems or bugs with it (And there are several that simply can't be fixed in it). There are a number of macros that worked with 9.0 on GSE2 that due to Blizzard API changes won't work with GSE2 on 9.1. Its a risk you will need to assess for yourself.


While I feel it's unfortunate that the plugin is going in this direction, I never meant disrespect but simply that all the work I had put in to learning, and all the macros I meticulously built are now gone. I made macros because of my disability. I have very limited use of my left hand, and thus rotations are very hard to manage without assistance. Not to be one of these people you speak of simply using macros to avoid learning their classes or whatever.

I also understand and respect that you are taking the plugin forward and want to appeal to a more competitive audience. Unfortunately that is not a level I could ever hope to be at. I truly appreciate the fun your addon provided me over the years. It really made wow a whole new enjoyable experience and allowed me to keep up with guildmates in various content. I suppose I fall into the bucket of "move on and test other plugins". Best wishes as always. Thank you for many wonderful years.


@Natervater can you upload your GSE.Lua file so I can have a look at why things as missing?


I sincerely appreciate you reaching back out. I wish I had seen your reply right away. I just had removed the addon when the email alert came through.


The file may still be in C:\path\to\wow\_retail_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables\GSE.lua as its not stored with the Mod code itself


One of the things i spent a month on was trying to get all the permeations of different macros to import. My expectation was that all the macros would import with maybe one or two really weird things that wouldn't.

GSE 2.6.55 may still work with 9.1 and is available on this site in the releases section. It will recover all your old macros but from there upgrading to 3.0 needs a manual step of going to Plugins and Clicking load GSE2Library to reload it into 3.0 after you update back to 3.0 Down grading to 2 will also wipe all 3.0 macros and updates.


Hi @leethaxdk
If you want, you can also join the Wow Lazy Macros Discord server to discuss about GSE and about GSE macros:


i refuse to use this new verson breaks all my macros if there is no revert change i will be modifying it and reverting it myself dont go closeing my stuff


Timothy, I reinstalled the addon and followed your instructions. Most of my macros have come back. They need some TLC to be ready for 3.0 but I will try using the wiki to get them running. I appreciate the help


Hi @pointaction
You can still install the old version:

Just note that this version won't get further updates.
If one day, Blizzard changes the addons or Lua API, GSE 2 might not work anymore.

Thank you.... I will use the old version until the new version it is more improved.

My suggestion is to make new version more noobie friendly because their is a lot of users that use the addon will not fully understand how to use it even if you try to detail it on how to use it you will get users that still get confused with it.

I am website developer and teacher in IT field. It is very important to make things very easy to understand for everyone.

You need to put yourself in the eyes of people who do not really understand things and write up documentation the same way.

Step by Step instructions with screen shots for everything so it is very easy to understand how to do the things on the new version.

Doing this will help many new users on how to's. May have a How To Section with all this step by step with screen shots from start to finish of creating a full macro for the new version.


Not all but some of my macros are broken with the new version.

Trying to fix the macros with the new version and made it even more broken.

I had use RAW Editor to fix a couple of them. Which I spent all day doing so I could not even play the game at all due the new version and it will most like take me a full 1 to 2 weeks to fix the macros that are broken I have and will not able to play and do raids with guild because of this issue.

Also I now have issue with some macro while playing it will come up disable addon or ignore addon message

Then it will start posting in say chat "type c/" every time I cast a spell.

The new version is not noob friendly at all.

You need to add in Addon Description "This addon is now for experienced users only"

The old version is better and easy to understand for everyone.

You can make button in the new version to have both layouts so users can choose which way they want to use.


Hi @pointaction
You can still install the old version:

Just note that this version won't get further updates.
If one day, Blizzard changes the addons or Lua API, GSE 2 might not work anymore.



Turning off Error Speech here is the official fix that came a couple of years ago.


The final out come for this is I'm not going to revert. I considered adding it back in as a "lite" editor but two limitations stopped me.

  1. Once you hit save the editor cant update a macro. You could use this to create a macro and then it saves and gets converted to GSE3 like GSE2 macros but thats it. You then cant edit the macro.
  2. You cant edit the macro as there is no way to do the following in the old sequence box:
  • Create a mulitline command - eg /targetenemy [noharm][dead] /cast something doesnt work.
  • Cant create an If/Then structure on a single line
  • Cant handle a repeat.

As i cant go both ways I'm not spending a billion hours trying to support a UI that does both. I appreciate the comments raised and havnt just dismissed it out of hand.