GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Wierd conflict or something with Elv Ui (New to Github hope this helps )

Braymire opened this issue ยท 10 comments


I was having trouble with Elv ui and GSE not showing any UI for the macros and would stick trying to import after a refresh/reinstall I believe the problem with me is I had the Ace 3 skin in Elv Ui settings off I turned it on and everything is working nicely now


THere was a fix - #831 that fixed a bunch of transparency things in Elv. This then broke everyone without the Addon Skins enabled. I fixed it in #895 and Release 3.0.07

If your running that and its still Quirky please let me know


this was after updating to the latest version it was Quirky locking up/acting like it was in combat que according to the minimap icon I do not know what else would be conflicting with GSE


I cant replicate this - if I turn on and off addon skins and enable and disable Elv - it works for me

Where do I go in Elv to turn off the setting you are seeing?


it may of been something with Elv ui saved settings or something and when I turned Ace3 skins back on (which was after I accidentally hit turn on all blizzard Skins ) and it cleared it out when I reactivated Ace3 skins

/elvui under Skins button on the top


ok Found it - Thats the easy part - now to figure out how to identify its off or not


Fixed in the latest alpha on Curse - will wait for another issue to push it with


Glad I could be of Help :)




In Elv's settings can you check that these are set?



Ofc it did work. Ace3 turned off = GSE working.