GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Variable Section bugging out

RoboJin opened this issue ยท 29 comments


The bug can happen during EDIT/NEW macro

Variable not being saved or got blanked out (unable to type anything in the box) rendering the macro not usable

The only way for me to make it work again are logging out and logging back in (Edit/REMAKE macro).


How can I make this bug happen?


How can I make this bug happen?

For me it can happen anytime randomly
DURING the edit of macro or even making NEW macro
It's not a 100% occur bug


I'm having this issue too, to me happens everytime with two macro i modified with the previous version of gse, the "pre-macro" became the variable KeyPress but in the variable place there isn't written KeyPress, I can't type in it so i tried to put the name in the raw edit mode but somehow it doesn't keep it. I think I've seen the error after opening the raw mode edit the first time (i was exploring the new interface). The first time it blanked the var name, second time it blanked all the pre-macro and now i lost it :')


Off topic slightly but PreMacro never became KeyPress. KeyPress is KeyPress

Shows where things have gone.

You can reload your old GSE2 macros by going to GSE Options - Plugins - GSE2Library THis will restore them all to what you had originally or add in the original as a new version depending on your default merge action setting.

If you muck things up in Raw Edit its totally not forgiving. Its there for power users who want to make mass changes fast.

Im still trying to make this happen so I can figure out what is happening


I'm sorry, i said pre macro but intended the key press (i didn't play for a month and didn't remember the old labels).
Thanks for the tip to restore, i actually replicated the case now.
Basically with the macro restored i have my keypress variable, with name and actions, then i click "raw edit" and in there there's the blanked variable. From there i can only compile and there's no back button, and that emptied the variable section.
I was doing the screenshot for this post and actually stopped doing it, i don't have any bug in bugsack to post... the only thing i did is delete and recreate the macro icon (it wasn't updating), but i can't say if it really is related.
Let me know if there is some log or something that can be of any help.

If it can help this is the macro i'm using exported


BTW - Escape is the back/cancel button in Raw Edit


@Mirimes I have played with this macro for 4-5 hours and I cant get it to wipe the KeyPress variable.

I do have some notes though: You have a comment about 10ms. You run this at 10ms and your frame rate will evaporate at best and you will DC yourself at the worst. I wouldn't go below 250ms.


Thanks for the esc tip, didn't know :)
The comment was from the macro i downloaded i think (i modified a macro from wowlazymacros), i actually don't play with something that starts macros at certain time periods, i actually press the keyboard button to start the action and i'm pretty sure i'm not that fast :)
I honestly think it's something that happens the first time i load a macro from gse2, probably the one i exported was ok because i opened in gse3... is there a way to give you the gse2 "backup"?


If you give me your GSE.lua file from c:\path\to\wow_retail_\WTF\Account\YOURACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables

To put it in here just rename it GSE.lua.txt or make it a zip

here it is, i've put the lua file and the bak file in it


I think I noticed the same bug.

I have just noticed that GSE 3.0.14 didn't record the content of my variable named "Instant".
I call it with ~~Instant~~ in my Action block.


  1. I entered the variable name (Instant), then I typed two spells.
  2. I pressed SAVE button
  3. I closed the Sequence Editor
  4. Then, on the list of macros, I right-clicked on my macro to edit it, and I clicked on the "1" tab
  5. There, I noticed that the variable was gone (variable name and variable content).



@Mirimes I'm still working with your file to try to make this happen for me.


Thanks :) the more i think about it the more i think it's something related to the fact that it's related to gse2 to gse3 transformation... i think i'll retry again today to try and isolate the bug


These problems seem to happen when you add a Pause block. It gets all wonkey and wont save changes, deletes saved variables, deletes titles. Also wont let you delete or make new macros. It then spams chat with keypause, keyrelease spam. Other times it will just revert back to the macro you had before the pause break.


@shadowace6969 i had the problem but didn't add a single pause block, so it must be something else ๐Ÿ˜• the first time you had the issue was on a brand new macro in gse3 or when you edited a macro done in gse2?


@Mirimes The first time was after trying to change an imported macro from gse2. I have also created my own macro using gse3 and everything works fine until I add the pause block. I did have the problem with titles disappearing before adding the pause block though. I've tried these processes with all versions of gse3 so far and it always waits until I add the pause block and makes the addon unusable for that character even after relog / reload. Have to uninstall and reinstall to delete the macro and start over.


@shadowace6969 to me it worked (i think) just deleting the icon of the macro and then readding (found out totally random since it wasn't updating, but it was the only action i did), if you read my comments before maybe you can see what our situations could have in common ๐Ÿค” I'm convinced it's something missing when a macro done in gse2 is "translated" to gse3 that have some butterfly effect and makes all go wrong, but I'm in no position to say this is the truth, let's say it's my 6th sense, the "bug detection sense" ๐Ÿ˜‚
I've even think that could be linked to the fact I'm not using the english name spells and the guy that posted the video isn't using english too (even tho he's using french spell names and I'm using italian spell names, but idk if this can really be the case, my bug detection sense says it's less likely)



When you add a pause block what settings are you changing it to?


It wont even let me add a block or a loop now, the entire interface just turns blacked out. But when I was adding the pause block I tried both number of button pushes and the seconds one. It wouldn't save either one so didn't get to try them. Soon as the pause block was added it wouldn't allow any other changes what so ever.


Im still getting reports of this happening anecdotally but still cant identify the common thing as to the why


I've made a couple of changes. The challenge is that there is no way to rename a variable. You have to create a new one with the new name and then copy over the value then delete the original. When you type it does this on each key. It was asking the value of the input box meaning it could potentially get to a point where it's asking for a future state that hasn't caught up yet.

If this fix doesn't solve it then need to look at disabling the ability to edit a variable name. THis means when you go Add Variable you would need to specify the name and it would be locked in stone.


This problem was the same in 2.6 but as less people were using them it wasn't noticed.


Ive released this as a beta marked as 3..0.18-7 (retail fast link)


Its out as 3.0.19 as well - watching to see


ok i tried doing what i did the other time and can't make the error happen now, so it seems working fine now :) thanks!


So it's def over ๐Ÿฅณ Thanks for your work!


I finally solved this.

Lua tables consist of Key, Value combinations. You cant rename a Key. So to rename a variable you have to create a new one and copy the contents of the old key over and delete the old key. What was happening sometimes is that you could create a new key and instead of copying over the contents it would initialise it to a blank and forget to import the value from the old key. Then it would dutifully remove the old key along with the data.

Figured it out by renaming the variable and hitting Raw Edit to look before doing anything else.