GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Repeat block is not inserting into the correct place

Opened this issue · 8 comments


Ever since GSE 3.0 has been released, I've been trying to get repeat blocks to work. But either they don't or I just can't wrap my head around it.

Going by the block specs a Repeat block should be:

be repeated within this main block every n times

The example is multiple block macro with a Repeat block leading it. The Repeat block is supposed to be repeated every _n_th line.

Let's give this a try:

    ["Variables"] = {
    ["Actions"] = {
        [1] = {
            [1] = "/say Repeat",
            ["Type"] = "Repeat",
            ["Repeat"] = "3"
        [2] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 1?",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [3] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 2",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [4] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 3",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [5] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 4",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [6] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 5",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
    ["InbuiltVariables"] = {

Going by the example this should result in the follow chat output for 8 key presses:

Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5

What I actually get is:

Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 1

The same happens, if I put it into a Loop.

What am I missing? And is there any other why to define the n in the interface? Or just in Raw Edit?


you should be getting this based off your example.

Repeat (action 1)
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Repeat (action 1)
Action 5
Action 6

Looks like its out by one from what you are getting


I need to walk away a bit - is it ok if i fix this in the morning my time? (About 12 hours)


Looks like its out by one from what you are getting

Ah, it doesn't count the Repeat block itself for the n? So the Repeat value defines the number of key presses before it gets repeated?

I need to walk away a bit - is it ok if i fix this in the morning my time? (About 12 hours)

Absolutely! I'm just still exploring!


Got it - the math is wrong hence why its not going where it should.

if you run the following at what you should get back is a, b, f, c, d, f, e

local inserts = {{"f", 2, 2}}

for k,v in ipairs(inserts) do

  local insertcount = math.ceil((#returnActions - v[3]) / v[3])
  local insertStart = v[2]
  local numactions = #returnActions

  for i=1, v[2] do
    local insertpos 
    if i > 1 then 
      insertpos = insertStart  + 1
      insertpos = insertStart  +  i * insertcount + 1
    table.insert(returnActions, insertpos , v[1])

for k,v in ipairs(returnActions) do

now to get it to work in GSE


Its in the latest alpha. Have a couple of other things to release then it will be in 3.0.15


It still doesn't seem to be working for me.

Here is a sample macro:

    ["Variables"] = {
    ["Actions"] = {
        [1] = {
            [1] = "/say Repeat",
            ["Interval"] = 3,
            ["Type"] = "Repeat"
        [2] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 1",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [3] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 2",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [4] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 3",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [5] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 4",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [6] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 5",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
        [7] = {
            [1] = "/say Action 6",
            ["Type"] = "Action"
    ["InbuiltVariables"] = {

It's compiled template:

Step 1
/say Action 1

Step 2
/say Action 2

Step 3
/say Action 3

Step 4
/say Action 4

Step 5
/say Action 5

Step 6
/say Action 6

And output for ten manual key presses:

Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Action 6
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3

The Repeat block never gets called.