GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[?] How to emulate the old Keypress activity in 3.0

anomadeus opened this issue · 1 comments



Forgive me if this is painfully obvious and I'm not understanding. I have read thru the Wiki and done testing.
In GSE 2.0 I could add a [mod:alt] spell to the keypress part of themacro (I use a macro to run button press's in the background) and when I pressed alt it would instantly cast the spell. In GSE 3.0 it seems like this cant be done. I have added the [mod:alt] to each block in the macro and it make an excellent sub sequence, but seems a bit much if I only needed to cast a single spell. How would this be done?

P.S. I'm a long time user and I think the new version is great. Thanks again.


Create a variable and call it whatever you want - KeyPress might be a good name and I’m the variable put the commands into it that you want. Then in the actions that you want this to occur on you put the name of you variable in the place where you want it to go.

eg: in the variable “KeyThingie” put /targetenemy [noharm][dead]. Then on your action(s)

/cast something

min GSE2 KeyPress and KeyRelease were added to every line automatically. In FSE3 you choose specifically where this happens or if it happens at all.