GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


Annihilation not reverting to Chaos Strike[BUG]

Wisconsen opened this issue · 34 comments


🔵 Describe the bug:
Sometimes Annihilation will not revert back to Chaos Strike when exiting Meta as a DH. I have been unable to 100% reproduce it, but have had it happen enough times to nail it down to that specific spell interaction. For Reference here are the spell IDs.

Annihilation 201427
Chaos Strike 162794

🔵 To reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior.

  1. Engage in Combat as a DH
  2. Use Metamorphosis/Eye Beam with demonic
  3. Leave Demon Form
  4. GSE is still trying to call Annihilation specifically instead of reverting to Chaos Strike

🔵 Screenshots:
GSE debug, i am current;y not in Demon Form, and thus do not know the Annihilation spell. The oddity is it shows Death Sweep also, but it does fire Blade Dance instead.

🔵 Expected behavior:
Death Sweep and Annihilation replace Blade Dance and Chaos Strike respectively when you are in Demon form as a DH. It should revert to the latter two abilities when you leave meta just as it swaps to former when you enter meta.

🔵 GSE.lua file:

Macro Export String


🔵 Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Game Version Retail - current patch

🔵 GSE Version:

  • Version: 3.0.26
  • Downloaded From: Curse, via WoWUp addon manager

🔵 Additional context:
I am sorry i cannot provide the steps to 100% replicate the bug on demand, it is intermittent, but when it happens i need to reload the UI and/or zone for it fix itself. I hope i have provided enough information to be helpful and not just start a rabbit chase in the underbrush.

As always thank you for all your hardwork, GSE enables me to play with my RSI at the level of difficulty i enjoy.


Hey Wisconsin, it looks like you’ve hit a a WoW bug not a GSE bug. Once combat starts GSE can’t change what it sends to WoW to execute. It uses the ids and in particular the api GetBaseSprllFromId but this only tells GSE what to store and also what to send WoW.

It’s tied to WoW’s smart spells. When you hit Meta it changes from the base spell to an override. GSE can’t tell this has happened and just sends the base spell as WoW goes oh you mean you’re trying to cast this now. When meta ends GSE is still sending the base spell and WoW has not realised it needs to change back.


I will keep looking to se what can be done thoigh


Ya it's really odd because it never happened with GSE2.X

I want to try some different block combinations to see if it only happens in the loop block i currently have set up for priority step.

It's also really odd that it is inconsistent. I've done 3 M+ dungeons this afternoon since i put in the bug report and 2 of them had the issue. one i needed to reload ui to fix the other, i had put chaos strike on my bar and just manually hit it once it locked up, and after the next meta it fixed itself. The third there was no issue at all.

It's also very odd that it affects Annihilation/Chaos Strike but not Death Sweep/Blade Dance as they functionality is exactly the same.

I know the information is vague and i do apologize about that. I have full confidence you will do the best to fix it if it is indeed a gse issue and not just a wow macro issue


There was the other issue similar to this in GSE2 #790


As its action based now - A work around for WIldfire bomb was to put the three spells into the one action

Wonder with Chaos/Anni if you

/cast Chaos Strike
/cast Annihilation 

in the one frame would it work?


The work around don't work as Chaos Strike is the base spell.


Got exactly this problem.
How can this be a wow bug, when I was playing DH whole time for last 2 years and NEVER had this problem on gse2 ???
So whats the solution-workaround ? How come there are some people that dont experience this ? What are they using different ?Because now I like cannot play DH anymore lol ...
Can we have old GSE2 version working somewhere or its gone for good ?


This happens when you are in Metamorphic Form and Edit/Save Macro - to avoid it wait until you are not in Metamorphic Form to open GSE for editing.


This happens when you are in Metamorphic Form and Edit/Save Macro - to avoid it wait until you are not in Metamorphic Form to open GSE for editing.

This happen during combat. We are not editing stuff in meta dude. Learn2Read before you comment.

This happen randomly when GSE decided not to revert Annihilation back to Chaos Strike when we are not in Meta Form.
The only workaround like i say is /reload which is annoying.


This happens when you are in Metamorphic Form and Edit/Save Macro - to avoid it wait until you are not in Metamorphic Form to open GSE for editing.

This happen during combat. We are not editing stuff in meta dude. Learn2Read before you comment.

This happen randomly when GSE decided not to revert Annihilation back to Chaos Strike when we are not in Meta Form.
The only workaround like i say is /reload which is annoying.

You must be the most awesome contributor to GSE that ever was -

  • please excuse me and my years of experience in writing macros

Thank you!

PS: There is a work around for the combat bug also but I'm going to keep that to myself now.


LarryThiessen can you please elaborate ? Why cant this community be helpful.
And yes, we are not editing-opening GSE in meta form and this bug happens randomly so Robojin has a point here...


LarryThiessen can you please elaborate ? Why cant this community be helpful.
And yes, we are not editing-opening GSE in meta form and this bug happens randomly so Robojin has a point here...

I'm always helpful until some asshat starts running his mouth who contributes nothing to the communities - after that its just better to ignore the asshat and move on because its his/her loss.

Tim spends HOURS AND HOURS fixing stuff as they get reported - you can believe him when he says its a WoW Bug and not GSE - yet people continue to press him that its GSE which is uncalled for.

Creators spend Hours/Days Creating/Test/Fixing our Macros - I was simply stating how it normally happens. Because it has happened to me and I went into combat and thought it was the same issue stated above.



LarryThiessen can you please elaborate ? Why cant this community be helpful.
And yes, we are not editing-opening GSE in meta form and this bug happens randomly so Robojin has a point here...

I'm always helpful until some asshat starts running his mouth who contributes nothing to the communities - after that its just better to ignore the asshat and move on because its his/her loss.

Tim spends HOURS AND HOURS fixing stuff as they get reported - you can believe him when he says its a WoW Bug and not GSE - yet people continue to press him that its GSE which is uncalled for.

Creators spend Hours/Days Creating/Test/Fixing our Macros - I was simply stating how it normally happens. Because it has happened to me and I went into combat and thought it was the same issue stated above.


Helpful my ass, more like trying to be a smart alex and Learn2Read before you comment. Have fun with your non existence workaround.


For me to pursue this further without other information will take a few weeks. I will need to level and play a Demon Hunter firstly to find a way to reliably cause this to happen. The fact that it happens randomly means we do t have a clear indication of the cause. Nothing happens randomly there is a set of circumstances that is repeatable that causes issues. The challenge is figuring out what that set of circumstances is. Nflrtunatey tjose of you that play DH’s daily are in a far better position to shed more light on this combination than I am right at this minute. Rather than a reload, what else can unlock this? What has been tried that doesn’t work? Does an edit/save which triggers all your macros to recalculate their base spells work? Does opening it and looking at the Compile Template show that Annihilation when it shouldn’t? Questions like these and their answers is useful information. “Me too” posts and “this didn’t happen in GSE2” comments only waste your time in writing them and my time. (This particular problem did exist in GSE2 and the base spell change that was put in was the solution for it.) TimothyLuke
On 12 Jul 2021, at 6:55 am, Timothy Minahan @.> wrote:  This is the key thing here: GSE doesn’t change what it is sending to WoW when you go into metamorphosis. It is still sending the base spell as it has no way of knowing that you have gone into meta to know to send something else. Even if you are in Meta and you hit save GSE is still saving Chaos Bolt into what you send to WoW. This can be seen clearly via the Compile Template button which shows exactly what GSE is sending WoW. For some reason on 9.1 WoW is behaving differently than it did in 9.0. This is not finger pointing this is working the problem. However until more information is released from Blizzard or other people have this happen and find another insight on what we can attempt we are stuck at an impasse. GSE is doing what WoW allows it to do. TimothyLuke >> On 12 Jul 2021, at 6:18 am, ScaryLarryGames @.> wrote: >> >  > LarryThiessen can you please elaborate ? Why cant this community be helpful. > And yes, we are not editing-opening GSE in meta form and this bug happens randomly so Robojin has a point here... > > I'm always helpful until some asshat starts running his mouth who contributes nothing to the communities - after that its just better to ignore the asshat and move on because its his/her loss. > > Tim spends HOURS AND HOURS fixing stuff as they get reported - you can believe him when he says its a WoW Bug and not GSE - yet people continue to press him that its GSE which is uncalled for. > > Creators spend Hours/Days Creating/Test/Fixing our Macros - I was simply stating how it normally happens. Because it has happened to me and I went into combat and thought it was the same issue stated above. > > Enjoy! > > — > You are receiving this because you commented. > Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

Tim - I will be updating my DH-Havoc Macro soon - I will correspond with you on triggers and fixes as needed


Got exactly this problem.
How can this be a wow bug, when I was playing DH whole time for last 2 years and NEVER had this problem on gse2 ???
So whats the solution-workaround ? How come there are some people that dont experience this ? What are they using different ?Because now I like cannot play DH anymore lol ...
Can we have old GSE2 version working somewhere or its gone for good ?

As much as i hate it, there no point pointing finger at whose fault. as much as i know if i play manually, there isn't a problem at all.

For now only /reload work for me as temp workaround whenever the bug pop up


I can confirm having Chaos Strike and Annihilation in the same block in my loop did not resolve it as a work around eg

I didn't catch up on this chat for suggestions on what to try before I did a /reload unfortunately but next time it happens I'll recheck first and try a few suggestions to see if I can add any data. Anecdotaly I think if I eyebeam to get into meta anihiliation will cast while in meta form but once it drops it won't cast chaos strike or self fix. I'll do some more thorough checking next time though!
I think I remember a trick for shadow priests to only cast void bolt when it was the empowered version of whatever the base spell was but it was so long ago I can't remember the syntax, I may try that as a work around later if I can find it.


ok here is what the compiled template looks like after the lockup

hitting save on the macro then entering combat did resolve the issue and began casting chaos strike again. Hope this helps, please let me know if I can collect any more data for you I appreciate the effort thank you.
(edit replaced the screen shot with one not where I don't annihilation and chaos strike in the same block on seperate lines as above to remove any confusion)


I have added a manual override for Annihilation to always think its Chaos Strike. This is on Curseforge as "3.0.29-3-ge26f84f" This is marked as an alpha. If you go to this page and can't see it, you may need to log in - i don't get how their rules always work at curseforge.

What should never happen is that GSE shows Annihilation in the Compiled Template. It should always show Chaos Strike

If this doesn't work could someone please

While in metamorphosis -
/run print(GetSpellInfo("Annihilation"))
And get the output of that,

then when not in meta run
/run print(GetSpellInfo("Chaos Strike"))

In particular, I am looking for the two SpellID's


I have added a manual override for Annihilation to always think its Chaos Strike. This is on Curseforge as "3.0.29-3-ge26f84f" This is marked as an alpha. If you go to this page and can't see it, you may need to log in - i don't get how their rules always work at curseforge.

What should never happen is that GSE shows Annihilation in the Compiled Template. It should always show Chaos Strike

If this doesn't work could someone please

While in metamorphosis -
/run print(GetSpellInfo("Annihilation"))
And get the output of that,

then when not in meta run
/run print(GetSpellInfo("Chaos Strike"))

In particular, I am looking for the two SpellID's

Testing it out now but just incase

/run print(GetSpellInfo("Chaos Strike"))
Chaos Strike nil 1305152 0 0 0 162794

/run print(GetSpellInfo("Annihilation"))
Annihilation nil 1303275 0 0 0 201427


@TimothyLuke Nope it still get locked up in Annihilation randomly time to time and i have provided the info you need too for spellID above.


added in an override force. DO you guys want to test this (3.0.29-5-ge3f9e7b)

Just woke up, Will be testing this now and reporting back in afew hour cross finger it is working :)


Seems to be working - just tested -

The Chaos Nova name never swaps to Annihilation in GSE but the skill swaps and is used and then swaps back after META and Chaos Nova is used. (although it seems to maybe take a second or three to swap back because Its spamming Demons Bite 5 or 6 times before firing off a Chaos Nova - might also be I just need to update my macro a bit)


The Chaos Nova name never swaps to Annihilation in GSE

This is good news as if its working you should never see Annihiliation in GSE.


The Chaos Nova name never swaps to Annihilation in GSE

This is good news as if its working you should never see Annihiliation in GSE.

Quest is how many other spells/skills it this effecting we haven't heard about yet?


Just adjusted my Macro and Its spot on - the swapping thing is fixed - thx Timster!


When it saves, It converts the string "Chaos Strike" to an id - 162794, Then it asks for the Base Spell and gets 344582. The behaviour of FindBaseSpellByID has changed in 9.1 to return 201427 instead of 344582 while in Meta. for Choas Strike.


added in an override force. DO you guys want to test this (3.0.29-5-ge3f9e7b)


Yes i am confirm too it's working. tested for 3hour straight of M+ :)