GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Version 3.0.30-TBCC produces faulty behavior, appears not to work

jallstein opened this issue · 16 comments


No error messages produced, simply put the latest version of GSE appears broken.

  1. Existing macros ceased to work.
  2. Unable to create new macros.
  3. When I press the close button within the sequence editor it does not return to the list of current macros which is the expected behavior.

Reverting to 3.0.24-tbcc resolved the issue. All versions available on curseforge newer than .24 either yielded errors or malfunctioned without error as described above.


After a lot of head scratching I was able to find out why I was experiencing issues. I recently ran a custom compression algorithm on the drive where my game client is installed. Although I whitelisted the WoW directory, I didn't whitelist the directory where I store newly downloaded addons.

Because I'm somewhat of a data hoarder I keep backups of recent addons in case I break something while tinkering with the code or if for some other reason, I need to revert back to an old version. Compressing the files on that drive meant that the file compression was applied to the full range of GSE addons that I'd downloaded - starting with version .25. Because this process is automated, each time I downloaded a fresh copy from curseforge it was subsequently compressed.

It wasn't until I saved the addon to another directory, which is what I'd done with v.24, that I was able to escape the automatic file compression and the root cause of the issue. I'm surprised the addon even worked at all under those circumstances, but here we are. You can close my ticket.


WoW there is no way I would have ever thought of that.


I finally managed to get it to spit out an error message.
Edit: This is from version 3.0.30-tbcc:

Message: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua:71: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)
Time: Fri Jul 16 00:05:01 2021
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua:71: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)
[string "=[C]"]: in function gsub' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Translator.lua"]:71: in function ProcessVariables'
[string "@interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua"]:1521: in function CompileTemplate' [string "@Interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Storage.lua"]:512: in function OOCUpdateSequence'
[string "@interface\AddOns\GSE\API\Events.lua"]:454: in function `?'
[string "@interface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:55: in function <...terface\AddOns\GSE\Lib\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

Locals: (*temporary) =

Action = "/use shield slam"
Interval = 1
(*temporary) = "GCD"
(*temporary) = 1.500000
(*temporary) = "string expected, got table"


I wouldn't look too closely at my GSE.lua file anyway because I nuke it every time I install a new version of GSE since the release of 3.0 anyway.


But my problem still persists though. All of the aforementioned version beyond 3.0.24 don't work for me.
In addition to cleaning the WTF folder, I've now disabled every other addon and still experience issues.


I literally use GSE for one singular macro comprised of two action blocks.

Action block #1: /use devastate
Action block #2: /use shield block

The macro is so simple that I've just been wiping all of the relevant files in the WTF folder and recreating the macro each time I download a new version of GSE.
If my macro is garbage in, then how can I take the necessary steps to ensure that I'm using the addon correctly?


Apologies for the spam and I appreciate I'm only level 60:



I don't have Devastate and it just skips for me to Shield Block.

The export of that is:


WIth no UI on the same version 3.0.30



Huh. That's odd. I just attempted to import the code that you pasted and the addon broke in a similar fashion to what I've experienced previously. No error message, the addon seemingly fails to save the macro and no newly created macro (or any macro for that matter) appears in the list.

At this point any reasonable individual should assume either one of two things: That the PEBKAC or that an unknown variable local to my system is causing problems. As far as I'm able to tell given the low degree of complexity involved with copy/pasting the string of text that you posted, and after double and triple checking that I did in fact do it properly I have a growing suspicion that something else is going on that's unrelated to your addon.

It's currently 2 AM where I live and way past my bedtime. I'll report back in the morning once I've had a chance to take a look at my system.


Mate sleep well. There is ALWAYS a reason - we just have to figure out what that is.


Edit: apologies, posted the wrong file fixed now