GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros

GSE: Sequences, Variables, Macros


[BUG] Unexpected error when not actively using GSE

njetson opened this issue ยท 1 comments


๐Ÿ”ต Describe the bug:
After multiple hours of play and use. Ran various heroics and regular dungeons. I joined a raid and just flying around outside matheridon's lair when i started getting this lua error. GSE still appeared to work when running around fighting trash however.

๐Ÿ”ต To reproduce: (Steps to reproduce the behavior)
I can't tell what event occurred to start this error. i was just flying around when the error began.

๐Ÿ”ต The error:
Paste the error message in this blockquote.
8x GSE\API\Serialisation.lua:427: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function pairs' [string "@GSE\API\Serialisation.lua"]:427: in function ?'
[string "@ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:119: in function <...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:119>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:29: in function <...ies\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:25>
[string "@ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:64: in function `Fire'
[string "@ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0-12.lua"]:264: in function <...Ons\ElvUI\Libraries\Ace3\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.lua:246>

๐Ÿ”ต Screenshots:
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

๐Ÿ”ต Expected behavior:
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

๐Ÿ”ต GSE.lua file:
Please provide your GSE.lua file or the export string for the specific macro that is causing an issue.

GSEOptions = {
["HideLoginMessage"] = false,
["Update3023"] = true,
["use2"] = false,
["DebugPrintModConditionsOnKeyPress"] = false,
["showGSEUsers"] = false,
["msClickRate"] = 100,
["DefaultImportAction"] = "MERGE",
["COMMENT"] = "|cff55cc55",
["autoCreateMacroStubsGlobal"] = false,
["filterList"] = {
["All"] = false,
["Spec"] = true,
["Global"] = true,
["Class"] = true,
["AddInPacks"] = {
["GSE2Library"] = {
["Name"] = "GSE2Library",
["Version"] = "3.0.29",
["SequenceNames"] = {
"Assorted Sample Macros", -- [1]
"GSE2 Macros", -- [2]
["Samples"] = {
["Name"] = "Samples",
["Version"] = "3.0.29",
["SequenceNames"] = {
"Assorted Sample Macros", -- [1]
"GSE2 Macros", -- [2]
["EQUALS"] = "|cffccddee",
["CreateGlobalButtons"] = false,
["sendDebugOutputToChatWindow"] = false,
["UseWLMExportFormat"] = true,
["Update3000"] = true,
["debug"] = false,
["useExternalMSTimings"] = true,
["CONCAT"] = "|cffcc7777",
["CommandColour"] = "|cFF00FF00",
["autoCreateMacroStubsClass"] = true,
["DisabledSequences"] = {
["DefaultDisabledMacroIcon"] = "Interface\Icons\INV_MISC_BOOK_08",
["showCurrentSpells"] = true,
["NUMBER"] = "|cffffaa00",
["use14"] = false,
["showGSEoocqueue"] = true,
["sendDebugOutputToDebugOutput"] = false,
["hideSoundErrors"] = false,
["overflowPersonalMacros"] = false,
["useTranslator"] = false,
["STRING"] = "|cff888888",
["clearUIErrors"] = false,
["PromptSample"] = true,
["editorWidth"] = 700,
["TitleColour"] = "|cFFFF0000",
["hideUIErrors"] = false,
["initialised"] = true,
["INDENT"] = "|cffccaa88",
["DebugModules"] = {
["Translator"] = false,
["GUI"] = false,
["Storage"] = false,
["Editor"] = false,
["Versions"] = false,
["API"] = false,
["Viewer"] = false,
["Transmission"] = false,
["resetOOC"] = true,
["MacroResetModifiers"] = {
["Alt"] = false,
["LeftControl"] = false,
["LeftButton"] = false,
["LeftAlt"] = false,
["RightShift"] = false,
["RightAlt"] = false,
["AnyMod"] = false,
["Button5"] = false,
["LeftShift"] = false,
["Shift"] = false,
["Control"] = false,
["RightControl"] = false,
["MiddleButton"] = false,
["Button4"] = false,
["RightButton"] = false,
["requireTarget"] = false,
["EmphasisColour"] = "|cFFFFFF00",
["UseVerboseExportFormat"] = false,
["WOWSHORTCUTS"] = "|cffddaaff",
["RealtimeParse"] = false,
["deleteOrphansOnLogout"] = false,
["use6"] = false,
["UNKNOWN"] = "|cffff6666",
["AuthorColour"] = "|cFF00D1FF",
["KEYWORD"] = "|cff88bbdd",
["showMiniMap"] = {
["hide"] = true,
["use11"] = false,
["use12"] = false,
["use13"] = false,
["NormalColour"] = "|cFFFFFFFF",
["editorHeight"] = 700,
["saveAllMacrosLocal"] = true,
["setDefaultIconQuestionMark"] = true,
["STANDARDFUNCS"] = "|cff55ddcc",
["use1"] = false,
GSELibrary = nil
GSEStorage = nil
GSE3Storage = {
["NEW_TANK"] = "d8t8daWyvCyPEju8wIsTnbv9xIkntfjNxcZgI5d4MQe9lq5Bev1)KK2jH9sTBK2VQ(jrrnmj14ikzGefAOsIbRudhOoiO60GCmICCirwOGSuiLfRsA5k8qvQEkPLbvphXeHunvLmzG00fDrbQRsuXLrDDf1gHe1wvjSzGy7cKpsuLzbLMgKW3jk4RksDBfXOfGNjrNes6UcQCnbL7ruKpRs51cOFl0wYllKSkcEA5UGlWybUxwxncttI1QyRITk2QyRITk2QwNQjPCadANmOwXRXLQLVunooUuDTvfmFqfDlKSEzFgrIxwi5L1l6buFfHjEzfdxGgJWnH9YcjRWon9Wi98O)DieMqGO3(DeKFxzet(KqrQf4wHDA6Hr65r)7qimHarV97ii)wBKG6eksTO0kSttpmspp6FlVb3jp(DieMqGO3(DeKFRnsqDcfPoTIHlQmycXllKScl7XnozkpP43YMgdOhtWsJGYnOHZcCRWafImjottlkTcJK9i7m7tGwGcRWonj)n6mimLafe)BnB6HTimRWonj)TSpXjx7mC)oesmc6OVXoDAf(jHIuIxwi5LfsEzHK1h4bWWfvgmH8apGf4wHDAs(7suGcCzzrP1h4bWWfOXiCt4h4bSUkaZwHFsOi1Pf4EzHK1h4bWWfvgmH8apGf4wHDAs(7Y6YWKVfLwFGhadxGgJWnHFGhW6QamBf(jHIuNwu6LfswFGhadxuzWeYd8awGBf2PjjHrPzME4F)7bt4uMk)9VlRldl8y)DzDnoo2FxwxJJBrP1h4bWWfOXiCt4h4bSUkaZwHFsOi1Pv0yWCNwizDvaMTovmc2QMmyuEMEsOi1ALbuCaLfoDAfv61ziK8IEa1xryIxwVhNCTthYPtNwHpNbehwLdnqAugO)g(CgqCyDAUde(8OjE506LC2O3z7L1vJW0Kyn09FFFk4QI6DRWNZaIdRRMgievgR03qyRYtd(cEqGIulkRXLL1lB6CJGkn5rqmnHIuhYk6mi9msAHKvrpHTkcEA5UGlWyvbZhur3cjRlz(Uf41HvlznykiXXHVhNaUZ(kecuw4qoD60g",
}, -- [1]
}, -- [2]
}, -- [3]
}, -- [4]
}, -- [5]
}, -- [6]
}, -- [7]
}, -- [8]
}, -- [9]
}, -- [10]
}, -- [11]
}, -- [12]
[0] = {
GSESpellCache = {
["enUS"] = {
["Shield Slam"] = 30356,
["Victory Rush"] = 34428,
["Revenge"] = 30357,
["Devastate"] = 30022,

๐Ÿ”ต Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Game Version: TBC

๐Ÿ”ต GSE Version:

  • Version: 3.0.30.bcc
  • Downloaded From:

๐Ÿ”ต Additional context:
Add any other context about the problem here.
