


bug: error when loading a guide

max-ri opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I got following error code on some quests that I tried to check completion on. The pylon quests are an example for that ( )

My text basically was go to [G56,12Un'Goro Crater] click the pylon to complete [QC4287]

newest version from github

Message: Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime.lua:289: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got no value)
Time: Mon Aug 19 19:24:07 2019
Count: 4
Stack: Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime.lua:289: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got no value)
[C]: in function ipairs'
Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime.lua:289: in functionloadCurrentGuide'
Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime_Guides.lua:23: in functionloadGuide'
Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime_Guides.lua:138: in function <Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime_Guides.lua:137>
Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime_Frames.lua:101: in function <Interface\AddOns\Guidelime\Guidelime_Frames.lua:100>

Locals: (*temporary) = "table expected, got no value"
= defined =[C]:-1`

when I removed the completions on quests that didn't have symbol next to them, that part of my guide loaded without a problem

reported by natox