Guild Bank Snapshots

Guild Bank Snapshots



Ayeager77 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Interface Version


AddOn Version


Have you replicated this error without any other addons loaded?


What steps did you take leading up to this issue?

Installed, opened Guild Bank, and used /scan command. Received "GuildBankSnapshots: Please open your guild bank frame and try again." Turned off all addons except Guild Bank Snapshots and received same message. I am in a guild; I am an officer with permissions. I logged into my banker alt, since I am the GM and only member. Again, turned off all addons except GBS, verified I had Load out of Date enabled, and got the same results. I do not know what else to try, since there were no bug popups or errors.

Please supply any screenshots relevant to this issue.

No response

Please supply a copy of your saved variables.




Line 20, Change to:
if select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >=0 then


Sorry it's taken so long to address this. The guild I was in for classic to test this addon kicked me out and I don't actively play classic. But, I have a friend that may be able to get me into a guild tomorrow.

@JerbAcuch thank you for the reply. I did log into classic and see that EventUtil is implemented in classic now (I don't think it was before and I really don't keep up with anything classic related), so assuming this is the problem, I appreciate that you've given me somewhere to start troubleshooting and it will be a quick, easy fix if that's the case.