GuildGreet Extended

GuildGreet Extended


Interface Color

rwhemme opened this issue · 11 comments


HI -- I'm running 8.0.0. When I first installed it, the add-on work great! The problem is, I wanted to make an adjustment, so when I opened the interface, it was all this super bright green! What happened?!? It's very difficult to see what you want to do, and started giving me a headache. Please can you fix this? The default GUI appearance was just fine. No need to for the bright zombie green GUI.



this is still a thing after patch 8.3 went live ( ), the ultra-widescreen bug is also still a thing as you can see :(


Just came here to add that I was able t fix this locally by changing a few of the bgFile file entries n GuildGreet.xml.


Backdrop bgFile="Interface\TutorialFrame\TutorialFrameBackground" tile="true"/

changed to

Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background tile="true"/`





i tried this and only got a Lua error ... , maybe you can transmit your XML file ?, might be a phew thing extra we are missing


I went through all of the code because I was going to clean it up. No offense but it's a mess. There's functions not closed, commented out things that shouldn't be there. I'd clean up the code and I bet you'd find multiple issues.


I can confirm. I will take a look into it


So, any update on that blinding neon green GUI ? It burns the back of my retinas! Can you change the code color to be black or dark grey, or even a dark green. Anything other than that horrid blazing green!


Ok, so open the file below


First do a search for "bgfile" and replace anything in quotes after it with


The do a search for "edgeFile" and replace anything in quotes after it with


I really didn't want to go all the way through the XML riding it up so just went for a dirty quick fix. Hope this helps.

I've attached my own one that I pre edited. Replace the file and once again you can see the screen without sunglasses LOL


"dirty fix" seems to be working :p , now if only somebody can fix that offscreen bug lol ^^


Because this was only for specific parts of the xml, I got very confused by the explanations given and the file in the zip file didn't work for me so I started playing with it myself and learning where abouts the problems actually were.

It took a while (and it's not perfect) but I managed to get rid of the horrible green AND re-size the whole thing so you can actually close it down :)

I have attached a copy of the xml that I fixed if anyone is interested. I was so busy playing with it that I didn't put comments where I changed everything but it was the following -

  • changing most (not all) bgfiles to use Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border (tileset is no longer used in backdrop apparently)
  • decreasing the size of the frames
  • changing some of the absdimensions to move where the frames were

I'm not totally happy with where it is (so please don't complain about the positions) but it is now easier to look at and you can now close it so use this if you want.


I went through all of the code because I was going to clean it up. No offense but it's a mess. There's functions not closed, commented out things that shouldn't be there. I'd clean up the code and I bet you'd find multiple issues.

Yes please, share your XML file with us, I simply don't have the code knowledge to clean it up.