GuildGreet Extended

GuildGreet Extended


patch 8.3 Lua

reaper666735 opened this issue ยท 0 comments



getting this since patch 8.3 went live :

2x FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua:612: attempt to compare nil with number
[string "@FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:612: in function UIDropDownMenu_AddButton' [string "@GuildGreet\GuildGreet-8.0.0.lua"]:4451: in function initFunction'
[string "@FrameXML\UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:76: in function UIDropDownMenu_Initialize' [string "@GuildGreet\GuildGreet-8.0.0.lua"]:4398: in function GLDG_GuildFilterDropDownTemplate_OnShow'
[string ":OnShow"]:1: in function <[string ":OnShow"]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function Show' [string "@GuildGreet\GuildGreet-8.0.0.lua"]:3582: in function GLDG_ClickTab'
[string ":OnClick"]:1: in function <[string ":OnClick"]:1>

info =

func = defined @GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:4480
text = "Lions Fury"
level = 3
listFrame = DropDownList3 {
0 =
Border = DropDownList3Backdrop {
numButtons = 1
index = 1
width = 91.200005
listFrameName = "DropDownList3"
button = DropDownList3Button1 {
0 =
value = "Lions Fury"
Highlight = DropDownList3Button1Highlight {
invisibleButton = DropDownList3Button1InvisibleButton {
Icon = DropDownList3Button1Icon {
func = defined @GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:4480
normalText = DropDownList3Button1NormalText {
0 =
icon = DropDownList3Button1Icon {
0 =
invisibleButton = DropDownList3Button1InvisibleButton {
0 =
expandArrow = DropDownList3Button1ExpandArrow {
0 =
OnEnter = defined @FrameXML\UIDropDownMenuTemplates.lua:36
OnMouseDown = defined @FrameXML\UIDropDownMenuTemplates.lua:49
HandlesGlobalMouseEvent = defined @SharedXML\DropDownToggleButton.lua:7
OnLoad_Intrinsic = defined @SharedXML\DropDownToggleButton.lua:3
xPos = 17
yPos = -15
displayInfo = DropDownList3Button1NormalText {
0 =
frame = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButton {
0 =
Right = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonRight {
Left = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonLeft {
Text = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonText {
initialize = defined @GuildGreet\GuildGreet.lua:4402
Button = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonButton {
Icon = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonIcon {
Middle = GuildGreetFramePlayersGuildFilterDropboxButtonMiddle {
noResize = 1
colorSwatch = DropDownList3Button1ColorSwatch {
0 =
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 91.200005
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 91.200005
(*temporary) = 91.200005
(*temporary) = "DropDownList3Button1"
(*temporary) = DropDownList3Button1Icon {
0 =
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare nil with number"
UIDropDownMenuDelegate = {
0 =