Guild Raid Attendance

Guild Raid Attendance


CSV Export

Tawmmm opened this issue · 15 comments


Hey, It'd be great if I could export the raid attendance to a CSV file that I can then use for the spreadsheet that I have previously been using to track attendance.

Something like these headers would be great:

Thanks! <3


Like this?

Would you please show me a picture? Maybe yours is better.


That would be perfect, the layout of the one I use at the moment is different because I don't track time joined, that's where your addon comes in. How it looks there would work perfectly though!


Hi there.

Any chance this feature will be added in the near future?

It's currently entirely copying the attendance percentages over to our googlesheet roster record and this involves a lot of tabbing!

One other observation is why do new players added to the raiding roster have 60 and 90 day attendance percentages even if they haven't been there that long? Surely there should be a lesser figure there, not just the 30 day figure repeated.

Nice addon though, have been using it for a few months and just looking for QoL improvements if possible.


Thanks for the reply and great to hear about the update!

On the roster percentage, it's weird but that's not my experience.

Take the following example (see image)

The monk, Tuketu has been with us two weeks and has raided both these weeks 100%.

This gives him 100% 30 day attendance which whilst technically correct for him is wrong as it's only 50% for the entire month as he wasn't with us for half of it.

You can then see this also gives him 100% for 60, 90 and AR. This should not be the case and if you compare him with Scabbrox below (me) who has been here for the entire expansion then he appears to have a better attendance rate than me and this is misleading.

I use attendance rates to designate ranks an measure players against each other longer term so having all new players with misleading figures means I don't know when they have hit the attendance thresholds to move to a higher rank as they all start off at 100% until they miss a raid.

I would suggest that attendance at 30, 60, 90 and AR should be the percentage of ALL the raids in that time you were there for and not just those since you joined even if this is less than the period selected.

This would mean that Tuketu would have 50% for 30 days, 25% for 60 and 12% for 90 and this is the way other raid trackers (for example on Enjin) track these figures.

Anyway, I hope this explains better what I meant.

Thanks for the awesome addon.

Screenshot 2019-04-13 at 11 46 40


Thanks for the update.

Confirmed working. Good job!

p.s. Percentage issue for new raiders previously mentioned is unchanged however.


Ohh nice... missed that!

Seems to work for AR but the 30, 60 etc day percentages are wrong. If I have missed no raids in the last 30 days it should show 100% etc.

See attached.
Screenshot 2019-04-22 at 13 10 13
Screenshot 2019-04-22 at 13 10 05


Plus not sure if it's messing up with alts as Razael has never missed a raid but under B his AR is wrong.


Plus not sure if it's messing up with alts as Razael has never missed a raid but under B his AR is wrong.
Replace Utils.lua in GRA folder with this one.
It may solve the problem.


That worked thanks!


The issue it was having with Razael was that for some reason it wasn't recognising the times he was signed on his mage (Kharastraza) before Razael was added to the roster and became his main as being part of Razael's attendance. I still had to go back in and amend all the old records to have razael not ignored and that fixed this issue of a low AR and AR 90.

Just thought you should know that whilst the fix was better, it still had this issue with this player who re-rolled to DH and so didn't have the DH as an alt back when he was running as mage.


Thanks a lot!

Man, I wish all addon authors were as quick to react as you are.



The issue it was having with Razael was that for some reason it wasn't recognising the times he was signed on his mage (Kharastraza) before Razael was added to the roster and became his main as being part of Razael's attendance. I still had to go back in and amend all the old records to have razael not ignored and that fixed this issue of a low AR and AR 90.

Just thought you should know that whilst the fix was better, it still had this issue with this player who re-rolled to DH and so didn't have the DH as an alt back when he was running as mage.
