Guild Raid Attendance

Guild Raid Attendance


Changing Mains causes issues with calculation method B

Scabbrox opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi there, me again

Enjoying using the addon as always to track our guild raid attendance.

Just thought I'd let you know of an issue I encountered when a couple of my players race changed and name changed their mains this patch.

Initially I tried simply adding the new named character to their list of raiding players and then assigning the new character the Main flag and making the others, including the previous main which in the case of the race and name change no longer existed in reality as alts.

I ended up with huge double counting in the 60 90 and AR fields with figures of 250% or more and with number of raids increasing to 340 (which is impossible in just this expansion).

I tried to sort it at first by removing the non existent character(a pandarian shaman called Mingchao) who had now been replaced by a Vulpera shaman called Hitsuji.

This broke his attendance as it wiped out all the raids her had attended as Mingchao and as he no longer existed I could not simply fix it by adding him back in so I had to go through every raid log and manually correct it.

I then noticed that on another player who had main changed to a mage from a Paladin that the same issue with his past percentages existed after the main change. Setting it back to a paladin main with the mage as an alt fixed the 200%+ attendances, but it's not really ideal as he is now maining a mage.

Lastly I had a paladin who changed his name from Somitwo to Somi. Again here I was forced to retain Somitwo (doesn't exists anymore) as main and put Somi as alt or his numbers went wrong as well.

Anyway, TLDR, there seems to be some issue with main changing and retaining raid percentages when a main or an alt no longer exists whilst the player remains on another character.

Thought you should know.