Guild Raid Attendance

Guild Raid Attendance


Feature Requests: Sit Out Color / Search to Import / Filter By Role / RDPS vs MDPS / Raid Note vs Title

Scryrz opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi! I've been using this addon for a long time, and as a raid leader it's incredibly helpful! After talking with some of my officers, we thought of some suggestions for added/modified functionality:

  • Sit Out Color: Set the default color for "Sit Out" to blue (instead of green as if they attended) like it shows in the attendance editor. This would allow raid leads to have an easier time seeing which weeks a given member sat out.
  • Search to Import: Allow admins to import from the guild roster based on character name.
  • Filter By Role: Add a third sorting option for attendance sheets that would order the list based off of role (T > H > DPS)
    • Essentially Role > Class sorting.
  • RDPS vs MDPS: I'm not sure if the addon stores spec data for characters in the roster, but it would be helpful to be able to break up "DPS" into "RDPS" and "MDPS". The easiest implementation I can think of is in the Edit Roster section, just split the "DPS" button into two buttons, one for RDPS and the other for MDPS, that way admins can manually set a member's DPS type.
  • Raid Note vs Title: Split raid "Note" into "Note" and "Title". Title is what shows in the tree view on the left-hand side, and the note is what shows at the top of the "Summary" tab.
    • This would allow for us to have titles like "12/08/20 Progression: Nathria (N) W01" and then add a note like "Mechanics on Shriekwing were sloppy. Look at second phase."

Thank you for writing such a useful addon! Happy holidays!