Guild Raid Attendance

Guild Raid Attendance


Feature request: Sit Out

Zoob011 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hey, I've been going through your code for a while now and i just can't figure it out myself so i thought i'd ask here. I'm trying to make a new column next to AR columns that would count a "Sit Out" percentage. Basically it would require to add an additional option to attendance(Present, Absent, On Leave, Ignored and Sit out). "Sit Out" option would count as "Present" in the overall AR columns, but would have its own "formula" to count how many times has a person Sat Out(Simple example: There has been 2 raids total. A guy has 1 "Present" and 1 "Sit Out". He will have 100% in the AR columns, but will have 50% in the Sit Out column).

As i have mentioned, I've tried this myself but it just isn't working. I didn't try making new column, tried editing the "AR 90" one to serve my purpose and using "On Leave" as a Sit Out but there's too much stuff for me to get my head around.


Well, I get it.
Not too complicated, but it will take hours.
I'll try to add it.


Me and my guild would love this feature as well, if you need any help with development just ask I'm a developer myself and would love to get into some project besides work.


Sorry for the late reply. I've been "dead" for these days. But now I am back.

"Sit Out" has been implemented, I'll release it today.

Currently, you can set someone's attendance to Sit Out. The column "SR" shows SITOUT/PRESENT.
I mean you can not set the exact time of Sit Out.
Example: A has 1 PRESENT. A is present from 19:00 to 20:00. But his state changes to Sit Out after 20:00. If you mark him as Sit Out, he will 100% in the SR column.

If you need the feature to set the exact time of Sit Out, I'll try to add it.


Me and my guild would love this feature as well, if you need any help with development just ask I'm a developer myself and would love to get into some project besides work.

Sorry for the late reply...

As you can see in Config, I can't figure out how to do with the Export to CSV feature.
Actually, I think this feature is useless, but someone may need this.
The code is simple, but I don't know what data (columns?) should be exported.
That would be nice if you can show me a sheet. :)

Thank you!