Classic: "Wrong object type for function" when changing zones
chief-tyrol opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Haven't had time to dig into it yet, but for the last few months I've been getting the following error whenever I change zones (e.g. enter/leave a dungeon or raid, or use a mage portal):
Date: 2020-05-12 10:04:46
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\GW2_UI\objectives/map.lua line 346:
Wrong object type for function
[C]: SetParent()
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = Minimap {
timer = 0
SetScale = <function> defined =[C]:-1
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = nil
Swatter, v8.2.6377 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AtlasLootClassic, vv1.5.1
AtlasLootClassicData, vv1.5.1
AtlasLootClassicDungeonsAndRaids, vv1.5.1
AucAdvanced, v8.2.6430 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucFilterBasic, v8.2.6364 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucScanData, v8.2.6365 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatHistogram, v8.2.6366 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatiLevel, v8.2.6370 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatPurchased, v8.2.6367 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatSimple, v8.2.6399 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucStatStdDev, v8.2.6369 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AucUtilFixAH, v8.2.6371 (SwimmingSeadragon)
AuctionDB, vv1.02.01
BeanCounter, v8.2.6434 (SwimmingSeadragon)
BetterVendorPrice, vv1.13.04
ClassicCodex, v1.2.3
DBMCore, v1.13.44
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
Details, v
DetailsStreamer, v
DetailsTinyThreat, v
DruidBarClassic, v0.7.7
Enchantrix, v8.2.6428 (SwimmingSeadragon)
EnchantrixBarker, v8.2.6469 (SwimmingSeadragon)
GeartoGearPlanner, vv1.3.7
GW2UI, v
Informant, v8.2.6374 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ItemRack, v
LibHealComm40, v
Pawn, v2.3.25
SlideBar, v8.2.6375 (SwimmingSeadragon)
Stubby, v8.2.6376 (SwimmingSeadragon)
ThreatClassic2, v2.19
WeaponSwingTimer, v4.1.0
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v1.13.4.11304 <none>
Afterwards, the AHDB
"scan" button is no longer with the rest of the map buttons in the expander, but is instead stuck on the side of the map, and clicking the three dots no longer expands/hides the map button menu (it stays in whatever state it was in prior to the zone change).
Reloading the UI fixes the issue, until the next time I change zones (it happens 100% of the time).
I think the issue started with v1.7.2
, but I'm not sure.
Here's an example of what it looks like if the expander was closed prior to changing zones:
And here's an example of what it looks like if it were open prior to changing zones: