HandyNotes: Battle for Azeroth

HandyNotes: Battle for Azeroth


Feature Request: show important events/locations on world map

Rezy942 opened this issue ยท 9 comments



This would probably have to be a separate handynotes addon, but a major gripe I have with this expac is requirement to open zone map or have to be INSIDE the zone to view locations of some events/places.
One good example are the unlockable teleport pads. Im sure most people end up never using them as the icons are terribly small and dont show up in world map. With handynotes installed - they are downright IMPOSSIBLE to see!

This addon would be similar to the one that shows dungeon locations in world map, which is super handy.
I wasnt sure where to post this thread, so I post it here :)
Feel free to close if this is not something that interests anyone.



Thank you for suggestion. I actually recently deleted it - it does the job for storms, but not much else. The scaling is also super small on their addon and they dont seem to be interested in user feedback. I mainly wanted the teleport pads to be honest. Theyre just so hard to see, so i thought handynotes would be a perfect addon to implement this.

For example Handynotes Dungeon Locations is fantastic, and does a similar job but only for dungeon entrances. Although I get it - events and static objects are completely different.


@Rezy942 So far we've added nodes or altered tooltips for Community Feast, Siege on Dragonbane Keep, Elemental Storms, Grand Hunts, and Dragonracing locations.

What other important events or locations are there? You say one example is the unlockable teleporter pads but is there another that you think needs to be added?

Trying to get as sense of scope for your request!


Hmm, to be honest I never noticed any of those things on the WORLD map.
Here is my world map as example, using only handynotes + handynotes dragonflight:

Here is my ideal implementation in current addon or a separate plugin:

Grand hunts - the only thing I see is the grand hunt icon. Icon does not show exact hunt location though, not sure if even possible. Current implementation is great, exact location would make it that much better.

Community feast is at "Soup ready, 23m left" stage. But no icon on world map. Need to click zone. Not sure if intended or bug.

Siege is at "siege active, time left 38m" stage. Same thing, no icon on world map. Need to click zone. Not sure if intended or bug.

Elemental storms do not show either.

Teleport pads - same as mentioned above, would be great on WORLD map.

Hmm what else... perhaps Aylaag camp? To track location + timer to easily see if the camp is moving or not. Escort gives a nice reward and there is a rare that spawns only during this event. Perhaps wont be as popular but im sure some users would appreciate :)

Edit* perhaps fishing hole locations would be nice on a world map!

I dont think theres any other notable events really worth throwing on the world map.
Thanks :)


Might I suggest taking a look at the addon Better World Quests? The author p3lim recently pushed an update that moves the Elemental Storms up to the continent map as well as zone maps. Maybe their addon may be better suited to do what you're looking for.

You basically want zone AreaPOIs to be automatically pushed up to the continent map - which their addon has already started doing.

I could be wrong, but I think this feature may be outside of the scope of this project here.

I will say, on a personal note, I think this is a great idea for an addon. I would certainly benefit from it personally!


You are amazing! Going to install and report any issues if any
Thanks again..


@Rezy942 Well it took a few hours but I think this is kind of exciting!

Grand Hunts, Community Feast, Siege at Dragonbane Keep, Elemental Storms, Aylaag Camp, Fishing Holes, and Teleporter pads all on the Dragon Isles map in the correct positions AND with full tooltip interactivity.

Much harder than I expected! I haven't been able to figure out how to hide the generic Grand Hunts icon yet. But I think this might be what you're looking for.

This is a completely different addon than HandyNotes: Dragonflight.



Wow you have no idea how thankful I am for you spending the time to do this! Im sure many people would love this too! I have many guildies who wanted something like this.
Do you plan on posting this addon separately somewhere, and what would be the name?

Again THANKS!!!


@Rezy942 I am going to close this request for now but I followed you on Github and will be sure to ping you when I have the new addon up and running.


@Rezy942 approved on CurseForge just this morning! BetterWorldMap: Dragonflight

You can get involved with development here on the BetterWorldMap: Dragonflight GitHub page.