Lua error with v13
lowpita opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hey. As of today's v13 release I'm getting the following error when loading or reloading into the game while only having bugsack, buggrabber, handynotes and handynotes dragonflight enabled:
33x ...tes_DragonflightTreasures/handler/routes_minimap.lua:27: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function pairs' [string "@HandyNotes_DragonflightTreasures/handler/routes_minimap.lua"]:27: in function
[string "@HandyNotes_DragonflightTreasures/handler/routes_minimap.lua"]:194: in function `UpdateMinimapRoutes'
[string "@HandyNotes_DragonflightTreasures/handler/routes_minimap.lua"]:75: in function <...tes_DragonflightTreasures/handler/routes_minimap.lua:73>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
= defined =[C]:-1