HandyNotes: Loremaster

HandyNotes: Loremaster


Addon suddenly stopped working

Arkewas opened this issue ยท 4 comments


until 2 days ago the addon was working fine but now when hovering the cursor on the World Map I get the following LUA error and HandyNotes Loremaster tooltip doesn't show . I haven't installed new addons recently neither I have addons that modify the World Map so I really don't know why the addon stopped working. Can you help me? Thanks in advance

[edit] I just did a test by enabling only the addons HandyNotes, HandyNotes: Loremaster, BugGrabber and BugSack: the Loremaster tooltip showed correctly so I must find the addon that conflicts with HandyNotes: Loremaster, maybe an addon that was updated in latest 2 days.

[edit] I think that the issue doesn't depend on a addon conflict because I've tried with 2 different alts on the same realm and with the same enabled addons. HandyNotes: Loremaster works fine on a alt and not on the another one so it's very difficult to find the reason of the issue. The only clue is the LUA error I posted but I don't know if it's useful for that purpose.

62x HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua:1789: attempt to index field 'activeZoneMapInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua"]:1789: in function <HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua:1787>
[string "@HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua"]:1806: in function <HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua:1804>
[string "@HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua"]:1841: in function <HandyNotes_erglo_Loremaster/Core.lua:1837>
[string "=[C]"]: ?

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(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'activeZoneMapInfo' (a nil value)"
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Hi, thank you for reporting this and especially for the detailed description!
This is new, I haven't encountered this error myself, yet.

I should be able to fix this if it's only the activeZoneMapInfo variable, but just in case, could you please tell me more about your alt on which the error occurred, eg. class, location, etc. Anything that differs with those where it worked might help understand the issue.


Hi, thank you for your reply. I must say that I have several alts, both Alliance and Horde, scattered in different servers. I haven't checked them all yet but atm I can say that the issue occurs specifically on a Alliance Warrior (Arms) in Legion Chromie Time. It occurs not only when I hover the mouse cursor on a exclamation mark in Legion maps but also on other maps (I've tried maps on Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Nordania, etc. so I presume it occurs on every WoW map) even if the alt's location isn't on a Legion map. Furthermore the HandyNotes: Loremaster green checkmarks or the yellow / red crosses on continent maps are missing. The issue doesn't occur on a Alliance Death Knight in Legion Chromie Time, neither on a Horde Priest in Legion Chromie Time


Hi, thanks again for your explanation!
It really is strange that the error doesn't happen with all characters.
Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce the error, but I think if I work on identifying the displayed map better, it should work properly again.
The missing continent icons might be related to this.

I will take care of it.


Hi, thank you very much, I'm aware it's not a easy task. I've tried other alts with different classes / races and the addon is working fine with them. I forgot to tell you that the problematic alt is of Human race but probably it's not relevant to solve the issue.