HandyNotes: MapNotes Instances only

HandyNotes: MapNotes Instances only

REQUIRES --> HandyNotes <-- to be installed

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Due to demand, there is now a slimmed down version of MapNotes for Retail,

but this only includes the display of instance icons on every map type without additional icons such as portals etc.

The main Addon HandyNotes: MapNotes works on all versions: Retail (The War Within) / Cataclysm / Classic Era & Hardcore

For a All in One version download this >> HandyNotes: MapNotes (Retail / Classic / Cataclysm) <<


  • Normally, on a maximized map, you cannot use instance icons from Blizzard or other addons that would open the adventure guide.
  • But not for MapNotes u can use all functions on minimized or maximized maps!
  • You can test this by deactivating all instances / dungeon display addons, maximizing the map and then right-clicking on Blizzard's own dungeon icons, then you will exactly hear the sound of Dungeon Journal opening, but nothing happens because Blizzard blocks itself here.
  • Settings can be found under: ESC -> Interface -> Addons -> HandyNotes -> Plugins -> MapNotesInstances