lua error
purplemooni opened this issue ยท 1 comments
1x HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:314: attempt to index upvalue 'L' (a nil value)
[string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua"]:314: in function GetText' [string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/nodes.lua"]:318: in function
[string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/core.lua"]:141: in function <HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/core.lua:140>
self =
__address = "0x7fa743f802f0"
SpawnTime = 1677366000
id = 17
__class =
TimeFormat = "%B %d - %H:%M local time"
NextSpawn = 1684976400
TimeLeft = 34
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1677366000
(*temporary) = 1684976400
(*temporary) = 34
(*temporary) = 1684976400
(*temporary) = 34
(*temporary) = 50400
(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'L' (a nil value)"
ns =
GetIconLink = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:108
NameResolver =
color =
WorldMapDataProvider =
requirement =
SetOpt = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:63
status =
Group =
tomtom =
group_types =
maps =
world_map_button = Krowi_WorldMapButtons1 {
IsInstance = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:86
faction = "Alliance"
icons =
class = "DRUID"
Intervals =
expansion = 10
BootstrapDevelopmentEnvironment = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:30
groups =
professions =
node =
Error = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:285
reward =
optionDefaults =
options =
GetColorOpt = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:68
Warn = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:280
Class = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:10
PlayerHasProfession = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:173
plugin_name = "HandyNotes: Dragonflight"
locale =
MinimapDataProvider = HandyNotes_DragonflightMinimapDP {
Map =
CreateGlobalGroupOptions = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:338
Interval =
GetIconPath = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:102
AsTable = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:230
GetGlowPath = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:117
RenderLinks = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:73
poi =
HEXtoRGBA = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:253
Debug = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:275
addon =
GetOpt = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:62
AsIDTable = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:238
PrepareLinks = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:57
CreateGroupOptions = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:382
IsClass = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:82
NewLocale = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:211
Clone = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:96
PlayerHasItem = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:169
SetColorOpt = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:73
GetDatabaseTable = defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:185
L = nil