HandyNotes: Shadowlands

HandyNotes: Shadowlands


Lua error hovering 14h rotational rares at 0 min [attempt to index upvalue 'L' (a nil value)]

jsutan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


ADDON VERSION: HandyNotes v1.6.15; HandyNotes: Dragonflight v38

Describe the bug
Occurs when hovering over Dragonflight 14 hour rotational rare icons on the World Map when the rare is within the spawn window (0 minutes remaining).

image (working example, don't have a non-working example but I'll get one in 30 minutes)

Lua error:

[string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua"]:314: in function `GetText'
[string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/nodes.lua"]:318: in function `Render'
[string "@HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/core.lua"]:141: in function <HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/core.lua:140>

self = <table> {
 __address = "000002DBB59DE120"
 SpawnTime = 1677362400
 id = 15
 __class = <table> {
TimeFormat = "%B %d - %H:%M local time"
NextSpawn = 1684771200
TimeLeft = 53
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1677362400
(*temporary) = 1684771200
(*temporary) = 53
(*temporary) = 1684771200
(*temporary) = 53
(*temporary) = 50400
(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'L' (a nil value)"
ns = <table> {
 GetIconLink = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:108
 GROUP_HIDDEN75 = <table> {
 NameResolver = <table> {
 color = <table> {
 WorldMapDataProvider = <table> {
 requirement = <table> {
 SetOpt = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:63
 status = <table> {
 COLORS = <table> {
 Group = <table> {
 tomtom = <table> {
 group_types = <table> {
 maps = <table> {
 world_map_button = Krowi_WorldMapButtons2 {
 IsInstance = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:86
 faction = "Alliance"
 icons = <table> {
 class = "PRIEST"
 Intervals = <table> {
 expansion = 10
 BootstrapDevelopmentEnvironment = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:30
 groups = <table> {
 professions = <table> {
 node = <table> {
 Error = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:285
 reward = <table> {
 optionDefaults = <table> {
 options = <table> {
 GetColorOpt = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:68
 Warn = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:280
 GROUP_HIDDEN = <table> {
 Class = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:10
 PlayerHasProfession = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:173
 plugin_name = "HandyNotes: Dragonflight"
 locale = <table> {
 MinimapDataProvider = HandyNotes_DragonflightMinimapDP {
 Map = <table> {
 CreateGlobalGroupOptions = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:338
 Interval = <table> {
 GetIconPath = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:102
 AsTable = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:230
 GetGlowPath = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/icons.lua:117
 RenderLinks = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:73
 poi = <table> {
 HEXtoRGBA = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:253
 Debug = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/dev.lua:275
 addon = <table> {
 GROUP_ALPHA75 = <table> {
 GetOpt = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:62
 AsIDTable = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:238
 PrepareLinks = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:57
 CreateGroupOptions = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:382
 IsClass = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:82
 NewLocale = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:211
 Clone = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/class.lua:96
 PlayerHasItem = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:169
 SetColorOpt = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/options.lua:73
 GetDatabaseTable = <function> defined @HandyNotes_Dragonflight/core/util.lua:185
L = nil

sorry it got closed by my commit.

it should now be fixed when Zarillion releases the new version.


Any update on this? Still getting this error. Would love a release to get it fixed. :)



Is all done (you can verify that the Issue have the green tag "Solved next release" and the commit from @Ioney with solution: 087494b

Only needs a new release. I'll say to @zarillion (creator).
