HandyNotes: Shadowlands

HandyNotes: Shadowlands


Suggestion/Feature Request: Achievement Tracking

WoWProxy opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi there,
Is it possible to make the Achievement tracking for Rare's a part of the "Rewards" Filter options?

Today, if I know/ have received all the loot / Transmog / Mounts etc from a Rare it will auto hide from the map if I have selected "Hide rare if all rewards known"

If I select a filter option, example "Show Mount Rewards" But have everything else unchecked. Then it will show all rares that don't have mounts which I do not own as white and they will be hidden when using the option above. (even if the rare still has mog / pet / or other loot rewards)

The issue I have, is that if the Rare is part of an Achievement, then even if the rare doesn't have a mount, it still shows up even though all I have selected to show is mount rewards.

My request/suggestion would be to add the Achievement tracking to the Rewards filter (or have something similar) which can allow me to ignore any Achievements which I don't have yet from the Rare tracking.

Also, it would be handy to have the Dragon Riding Manuscripts and possibly Druid "Marks" (form customizations) as additional filter options.


i'm working on this, in fact i started already some time ago. i have to check over the code again and will then merge #425