HandyNotes: Achievements

HandyNotes: Achievements


Switch from GetNodes to GetNodes2

JanGalek opened this issue ยท 4 comments


more info - Nevcairiel/HandyNotes@cf6c7a4

we should work with uiMapID instead of mapFile


This should resolved problem with BFA :)

PS: I'm hard working on DB of uiMapIds ;)


This may be a substantial, fragile, yet interesting task.

The substantial parts include:

  • build mapFile+dungeonLevel to uiMapID map, including when dungeonLevel is undefined.
  • apply map to 11k rows of the spreadsheet [@idiomatic volunteers].
  • patch derive.coffee to build with uiMapID [@idiomatic volunteers].
  • patch HandyNotes_Achievements.lua to use GetNodes2, replacing mapFile and dungeonLevel with the unified uiMapID.
  • test all over the place.
  • deprecate mapFile+dungeonLevel from spreadsheet and derive.coffee [@idiomatic volunteers].

It may be well suited for a branch. However, some parts can be implemented on master in non-destructive manner, such as the additive parts to AchievementLocations.


see mapID spreadsheet for my unfinished stab at the table.


Note: the source of truth project gets many uiMapIDs for free. For better or worse, it also denormalizes the data.