HandyNotes: Achievements

HandyNotes: Achievements


deprecate (or automate) GitHub releases

idiomatic opened this issue · 9 comments



  • add GitHub actions to tag and release to GitHub in tandem with CurseForge
  • or ignore or remove old archives

It will need small refactore change log (change to standard - https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)


Interesting. However, I doubt there's actually a demand for GitHub-hosted release archives.

  • GitHub probably doesn't have a downloader like the Curse Client
  • GitHub does not show number-of-downloads like CurseForge
  • GitHub does not enforce alpha/beta/release categorization as firmly as CurseForge

I advise de-prioritizing this issue. Tasks that add unnecessary complexity or dependence should not be rushed.


GitHub Releases

  • thats true there is just release and pre-release

but I understand ;)


GitHub Desktop [client] is more a Git front end than an add-on release auto-updater. I would be thrilled if we could get WoW players to switch from specialty add-on manager clients to developer-oriented, submodule-savvy clients (like git, GitHub Desktop, Tower, or my current favorite Fork), but that's counter-culture.

GitHub Releases



Yeah. It sounds good :). I have plan create new wow addon manager (reason ? I'm linux user and twitch app work on wine good but it's not perfect, so multi-os).


Note that the GitHub-hosted releases were appropriate before GitHub Actions existed and had hosted artifacts. Also, locally-assembled releases was more tolerable when this project had a single developer with a predictable toolchain.

Luckily we've evolved, and should move forwards.


new wow addon manager

If that's what @wowads is, I'd recommend a different name. "Ads" is not short for "add-ons", but "advertisements".


Thanks for advice :), I renamed it to @wowmua :) #36