Problem calling GetFactionInfoByID
sauljaffe opened this issue · 11 comments
The following has been appearing a lot in my chat log in Pandaria Remix:
HandyNotes _Achieverents Error: ...
HandyNotes Achievements/
HandyNotes Achievements.lua:378: attempt to call global
"'GetFactionInfoByID' (a nil value)
I don't know what is causing it... and I don't know why BugSack/BugGrabber doesn't catch it. But it has been appearing for the last several days.
Dont know much about coding but seems that GetFactionInfoByID was changed to C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByID.
I have replaced GetFactionInfoByID
with C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByID
in two lines and for now it is working.
@22raider can you make a pull request?
if you replace GetFactionInfoByID with C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByID it wil be fixed.
My line 378 looks like this
local _, _, standing = C_Reputation.GetFactionDataByID(row.faction)
And this line isnt producing error for me. Not sure what to tell you.