HealthBarColor - Health Bar Color

HealthBarColor - Health Bar Color


locale file of zhCN

alexqu0822 opened this issue · 2 comments


local addonName = ...

local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale(addonName, "zhCN")
if not L then return end

--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BackgroundTextures_desc"] = "Create background Textures beneath health bars."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BackgroundTextures_name"] = "背景纹理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BetterBossFrames_desc"] = "移除boss框体背景、扩大boss生命条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BetterBossFrames_name"] = "改进的boss框体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BiggerHealthBar_desc"] = "将玩家的生命条扩大至覆盖整个玩家头像"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BiggerHealthBar_name"] = "更大的生命条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BiggerHealthBars_desc"] = "将玩家盒目标框体的生命条变得更大"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["BiggerHealthBars_name"] = "更大的生命条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["boss1"] = "Boss 1"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["boss2"] = "Boss 2"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["boss3"] = "Boss 3"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["boss4"] = "Boss 4"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["boss5"] = "Boss 5"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["classColor_name"] = "职业颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["classColors"] = "职业颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colorMode"] = "着色模式: "
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colorPicker_desc"] = "选择颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colorPicker_name"] = "选择颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colorResetButton_desc"] = "重置该选项"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colorResetButton_name"] = "重置"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["colors_tab_label"] = "插件颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DarkFrames_desc"] = "使用暗色纹理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DarkFrames_name"] = "使用暗色纹理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DEATHKNIGHT"] = "死亡骑士"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DebuffColor_desc"] = "当角色带有角色自己可以驱散的debuff时,将生命条染色为debuff颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DebuffColor_name"] = "Debuff颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["debuffColor_name"] = "Debuff颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["debuffColors"] = "Debuff颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DEMONHUNTER"] = "恶魔猎手"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["DRUID"] = "德鲁伊"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["enabledModules"] = "开启模块:"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["ENERGY"] = "能量"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["EVOKER"] = "唤魔师"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["excludePowerBar_desc"] = "Exclude the Power Bar from getting a Texture applied to it."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["excludePowerBar_name"] = "Exclude"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["FOCUS"] = "焦点"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["focus"] = "焦点"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["focustarget"] = "焦点目标"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["font_module_desc"] = "Use custom SharedMedia fonts and customize font size and color."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["font_module_name"] = "字体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["fonts_tab_label"] = "字体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Friendly"] = "友好"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["FURY"] = "恶魔之怒"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Glow_desc"] = "Hide or recolor the Reputation Color (the glow beneath the unit's name)."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Glow_name"] = "泛光"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["gradientEnd_desc"] = "This color is used at the end of a status bar."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["gradientEnd_name"] = "渐变结束颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["gradientStart_desc"] = "This color is used at the beginning of a status bar."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["gradientStart_name"] = "渐变开始颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Health Bar"] = "生命条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["healthBars_tab_label"] = "生命条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["healthFont"] = "生命字体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["healthFontSize"] = "生命字体大小"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["HideClassPowerBar_desc"] = "隐藏武僧的气、术士的灵魂碎片、贼和猫的连击点等额外资源"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["HideClassPowerBar_name"] = "隐藏豆子"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["hideOption"] = "隐藏"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Hostile"] = "仇恨"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["HUNTER"] = "猎人"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["import_decoding_failed_error"] = "解码错误,取消导入"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["import_empty_string_error"] = "请输入配置字符串"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["import_uncompression_failed_error"] = "解压错误,取消导入"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["INSANITY"] = "狂乱"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["invalid_profile_error"] = "错误配置,取消导入"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["LUNAR_POWER"] = "星界能量"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MAELSTROM"] = "旋涡"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MAGE"] = "法师"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MANA"] = "魔法"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MinimapButton_desc"] = "创建一个插件小地图按钮以便快速进入设置选项"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MinimapButton_name"] = "小地图按钮"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["modules_tab_label"] = "模块"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["MONK"] = "武僧"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["nameFont"] = "名字字体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["nameFontSize"] = "名字字体大小"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Neutral"] = "中立"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionBlizzard"] = "默认绿"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionClass"] = "职业"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionClassBlizzard"] = "职业 / 默认绿"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionClassCustom"] = "职业 / 自定义"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionClassReaction"] = "职业 / 单位反应"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionCustom"] = "自定义"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionPower"] = "能量类型"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["optionReaction"] = "单位反应"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["outlineMode"] = "字体轮廓"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Overabsorbs_desc"] = "当吸收盾超出生命条时,超出的部分在生命条内从右到左延伸"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Overabsorbs_name"] = "过量吸收盾"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["PALADIN"] = "圣骑士"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["PartyColor"] = "小队颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["pet"] = "宠物"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["player"] = "玩家"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Power Bar"] = "能量条"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["powerColor_name"] = "能量颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["powerColors"] = "能量颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["powerFont"] = "能量字体"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["powerFontSize"] = "能量字体大小"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["PRIEST"] = "牧师"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["profile_management_group_name"] = "配置管理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["profiles_tab_label"] = "配置"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["RAGE"] = "怒气"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["reactionColor_name"] = "单位反应颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["reactionColors"] = "单位反应颜色"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["ROGUE"] = "盗贼"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["RUNIC_POWER"] = "符文能量"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["SHAMAN"] = "萨满"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_desc_row1"] = "To export your current profile copy the code below."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_desc_row2"] = "To import a profile replace the code below and press Accept."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_header"] = "Share your profile or import one"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_input_desc"] = "Caution: Importing a profile will overwrite your current profile."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_input_name"] = "import/export from or to your current profile"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["share_profile_title"] = "Import/Export Profile"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["singleColor_desc"] = "This color is used when the gradient color is not possible."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["target"] = "目标"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["targettarget"] = "目标的目标"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Texture"] = "纹理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Textures_desc"] = "在生命条盒能量条里使用 "SharedMedia" 纹理."
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["Textures_name"] = "纹理"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["WARLOCK"] = "术士"
--[[Translation missing --]]
L["WARRIOR"] = "战士"


Simplied Chinese FYI.
It could be an alternative for Traditional Chinese before someone provide it. They can read both Simplied and Traditional words.


Oh, thank you so much! I will create a pull request with your translation.