Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Hekili crashes/disconnects WoW for only one toon when logging in.

LadyRakael opened this issue ยท 13 comments


Hekili crashes/disconnects World of Warcraft when I log into my main toon. None of my alts who use this add-on have this issue upon logging in. The only way I can avoid crashing is when I disable Hekili first at the character selection screen, load, then reload Hekili add-on after my toon is logged in and in-world.

This has been going on for months. The only way I could successfully log into my main without crashing was to disable all the add-ons, load my toon, then enable the add-ons afterward. Finally this morning I sat down and disabled the add-ons one by one to find the culprit. I was very surprised that it was Hekili. I tested it several times enabled and disabled Hekili upon loading the toon. Every single time I had it enabled upon loading the toon, the game crashed and gave me error code WOW51900319.

I am unable to capture bugs about this using the buggrabber/bugsack addon , sadly.

I reset and deleted profiles saved by this addon. That did not work. It still crashes upon loading.

I deleted the add-on, restarted the game, loaded my toon with success, exited the game, reinstalled Hekili, loaded my toon, and CRASH.

I am baffled by this and now approach you for any ideas what may be happening. (Does Hekili not like paladins? Ha ha.)


So it's a Paladin. Tell me about your Paladin. Spec, settings, gear, talents, covenant, renown, soulbinds, conduits, etc. When did this start? I have no open requests for any crash issues at all.


The only way I can avoid crashing is when I disable Hekili first at the character selection screen, load, then reload Hekili add-on after my toon is logged in and in-world.

Do this, then submit the information from the Issue Reporting tab.




If you sign in as Holy, does it have any impact?


It still crashed, sadly, when I logged in as Holy.


I'm sorry that I can't replicate this on my end. The next thing to try is editing Hekili.toc inside the Hekili folder.

Try placing a # before Classes\PaladinProtection.lua and Classes\PaladinRetribution.lua, like so:

# Classes\PaladinProtection.lua
# Classes\PaladinRetribution.lua

Restart WoW. See if you have the same error. Let me know.

If that let you back into WoW, edit the Hekili.toc again, removing the # from one of the files. Restart WoW again. If WoW works, put the # back and then remove the # from the other file. Restart and try again.

Let me know in which cases you experience the client crash.


From the issues reporting tab. Prot first.

build: v9.0.5-1.0.9a
level: 60 (60)
class: PALADIN
spec: protection

talents: blessed_hammer

pvptalents: none

covenant: kyrian

conduits: punish_the_guilty = 5
pure_concentration = 5
ringing_clarity = 5
shielding_words = 5

soulbinds: [forgelite_prime_mikanikos]
brons_call_to_action = 1
forgelite_filter = 1
regenerating_materials = 1
soulsteel_clamps = 1

sets: none

gear: ascended_gladius_of_glory = 1
chyruss_crest_of_hope = 1
dealer_xyexas_cape = 1
diadem_of_imperious_desire = 1
dynamo_doomstompers = 1
epaulettes_of_overwhelming_force = 1
fashionable_undershirt = 1
fogweaver_gauntlets = 1
gluttonous_spike = 1
gormshell_greaves = 1
hellhound_cuffs = 1
inscrutable_quantum_device = 1
nobles_birthstone_pendant = 1
rampaging_giants_chestplate = 1
ring_of_perpetual_conflict = 1
ritual_bone_band = 1
shadowghast_waistguard = 1

legendaries: vanguards_momentum = 1

itemIDs: 151116, 171418, 174315, 178701, 178706, 178870, 178872, 179338, 179349, 179350, 182994, 182997, 182999, 183018, 183039, 184023, 184272

settings: aoe = 2
buffPadding = 0
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
debuffPadding = 0
enabled = true
enhancedRecheck = false
gcdSync = true
maxRefresh = 10
maxTime = 33
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = true
package = Protection Paladin
petbased = false
potion = potion_of_spectral_strength
potionsReset = 20180919.1
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false

toggles: cooldowns = false
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = true [separate]
essences = true
interrupts = true [separate]
mode = automatic
potions = false

******** Ret below *******

build: v9.0.5-1.0.9a
level: 60 (60)
class: PALADIN
spec: retribution

talents: blade_of_wrath

pvptalents: none

covenant: kyrian

conduits: expurgation = 5
golden_path = 5
ringing_clarity = 5
shielding_words = 5

soulbinds: [pelagos]
cleansed_vestments = 1
combat_meditation = 1
focusing_mantra = 1
let_go_of_the_past = 1

sets: none

gear: bloodoath_signet = 1
dealer_xyexas_cape = 1
diadem_of_imperious_desire = 1
dynamo_doomstompers = 1
epaulettes_of_overwhelming_force = 1
fashionable_undershirt = 1
fogweaver_gauntlets = 1
gluttonous_spike = 1
gormshell_greaves = 1
guarding_cudgel_of_the_goliath = 1
hellhound_cuffs = 1
inscrutable_quantum_device = 1
nobles_birthstone_pendant = 1
rampaging_giants_chestplate = 1
ring_of_perpetual_conflict = 1
shadowghast_waistguard = 1

legendaries: vanguards_momentum = 1

itemIDs: 151116, 171418, 178701, 178706, 178871, 178872, 179338, 179349, 179350, 180312, 182994, 182997, 182999, 183018, 183039, 184023

settings: aoe = 3
buffPadding = 0
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
debuffPadding = 0
enabled = true
enhancedRecheck = false
gcdSync = true
maxRefresh = 10
maxTime = 33
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = true
package = Retribution
petbased = false
potion = spectral_strength
potionsReset = 20180919.1
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
check_wake_range = false

toggles: cooldowns = false
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = true [separate]
essences = true
interrupts = true [separate]
mode = automatic
potions = false


Does it matter which spec you are when you sign in?


Also, what else can you tell me about your PC? CPU/GPU/memory? WoW settings in general?

My best guess at it's related to item or spell caching (since item/spell information isn't available immediately on first load) but I have no idea why it'd happen specifically for your Paladin -- with no one else reporting.


Pastebin probably works, or [email protected] as an attachment. Thanks!


I've picked up troubleshooting this issue again today. One thing I noticed between my paladin and the other toons when they loaded in. All my other toons would have a notification stating saying "The [spec] and [spec] priorities were updated." When I previously loaded Hekili for my paladin, she never got this text.

This morning, I've temporarily scrubbed the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders. Now I am able to finally get the Hekili update notification.


I did try your suggestion with the # marks, but it didn't work. I plan to keep working on this some more to see what may have gone wrong for future sake.

Thanks for your time in all this. I appreciate it.


It sounds like your Hekili data in your SavedVariables folder must've been corrupted in some way that couldn't be interpreted successfully. If you kept a copy of that file, I can look and try to see more. Otherwise, there's no way to replicate and resolve this. But I'm glad it's working for you now!


What is the best way to get you a copy of this file?