Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[BUG] Error fired when clicked on the "Issue Reporting" tab

gi2k15 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

This error is immediately fired when I click the "Issue Reporting" tab in the options menu.

How to Reproduce

Open the Options and click in the "Issue Reporting" tab.

Player Information (Link)

Issue Reporting isn't working

Error Messages (Link)


Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

No response


Thanks, this one is painfully ironic and funny. Looks to be simple to fix.


I have a testfix going into 1.0.10-beta1 in a few minutes. Can you give me some character information since Issue Reporting wasn't working for you? How do I replicate this? Ret Paladin? Any spec? Every spec?


Weird, I've tested with other toons now and it's working. Went back to my main (ret pally) and started working again too. Maybe an addon conflict?

build: v9.1.0-1.0.9
level: 60 (60)
class: PALADIN
spec: retribution

talents: cavalier

pvptalents: none

covenant: kyrian

conduits: focused_light = 5
golden_path = 5
lights_barding = 5
resplendent_light = 6
shielding_words = 5

soulbinds: [kleia]
cleansing_rites = 1
hope_springs_eternal = 1
mentorship = 1
pointed_courage = 1
valiant_strikes = 1

sets: none

gear: breastplate_of_cautious_calculation = 1
charm_of_eternal_winter = 1
colossal_plate_gauntlets = 1
cowled_batwing_cloak = 1
epaulettes_of_overwhelming_force = 1
errant_crusaders_greaves = 1
fused_bone_greatbelt = 1
gorewrought_greatsword = 1
macabre_sheet_music = 1
manabound_mirror = 1
ritualists_treasured_ring = 1
seal_of_the_panoply = 1
selfless_collectors_greathelm = 1
shadowghast_greaves = 1
tabard_of_the_ascended = 1
vambraces_of_verification = 1

legendaries: shock_barrier = 1

itemIDs: 171416, 174289, 178734, 178991, 181694, 182984, 182987, 182994, 183027, 183034, 183037, 183040, 184024, 184029, 185815, 185840

settings: aoe = 3
buffPadding = 0
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
debuffPadding = 0
enabled = true
enhancedRecheck = true
gcdSync = true
maxRefresh = 10
maxTime = 33
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = true
package = Retribution
petbased = false
potion = spectral_strength
potionsReset = 20180919.1
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
check_wake_range = true

toggles: cooldowns = true
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = false
essences = true
interrupts = false
mode = single
potions = false


Could've been an addon conflict, could've been anything. It doesn't look like we have a way to explore it further so I'll close this ticket. Feel free to open another ticket if you see this again.