Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[BUG] attempt to concatenate local 'aFlash' (a table value)

Zetaprime82 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

1x Hekili\UI.lua:1351: attempt to concatenate local 'aFlash' (a table value)
[string "@Hekili\UI.lua"]:1351: in function <Hekili\UI.lua:903>

self = HekiliDisplayPrimary {
0 =
UpdateAlpha = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1563
index = 3
Active = true
lastFlash = "templars_verdict"
Deactivate = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1793
combatTime =

updateCount = 129898
RefreshCooldowns = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1589
flashColor =
updateTime = 0.300025
Recommendations =
refreshTimer = 0.114000
postRange = 0.216700
auraTimer = 0
flashTimer = 153678
postDelay = 0.121400
UpdatePerformance = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1848
firstThreadCompleted = true
numIcons = 3
TextureUpdateNeeded = true
alpha = 1
refreshRate = 0.500000
updateMax = 8.891600
flashWarnings =
firstForce = 152141.639000
UpdateKeybindings = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:873
eventMax = 0.212600
combatUpdates =
GetPerimeterButtons = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1805
criticalUpdate = true
Initialized = true
activeThreadTime = 5.222800
Buttons =
postPrimary = 8.750900
eventCount = 2830
failEvents =
successEvents =
postTargets = 1.037700
NewRecommendations = false
Activate = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1736
lastUpdate = 153677856.424400
activeThreadStart = 153677851.183700
postGlow = 0.037900
RecommendationsStr = "templars_verdict"
postRecs = 0.395800
HasRecommendations = true
glowTimer = -1.017000
flashReady = true
lastFlashFrames =
OnUpdate = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:903
postAlpha = 0.058600
activeThreadFrames = 1
eventTime = 0.017445
targetTimer = 0.052000
delayTimer = -1
alphaCheck = 0.500000
id = "Primary"
IsThreadLocked = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:895
threadUpdates =
OnEvent = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:1632
eventsTriggered =
recTimer = 0.100000
SetThreadLocked = defined @Hekili\UI.lua:899
combatRate = 0.100000
postFlash = 0.314800
superUpdate = true
rangeTimer = 0.200000
threadLocked = false
elapsed = 0.017000
init = 153677965.074700
profile =
displays =
Clash = 0
fixedBrightness = false
autoSnapshot = true
fixedSize = true
iconStore =
trinkets =
enabled = true
minimapIcon = false
screenshot = true
toggles =
flashTexture = "Cooldown\star4"
clashes =
runOnce =
notifications =
specs =
packs =
interrupts =
conf =
glow =
indicators =
builtIn = true
order = 1
primaryWidth = 50
flash =
anchorPoint = "BOTTOM"
frameLevel = 10
relativeTo = "SCREEN"
numIcons = 3
border =
range =
enabled = true
zoom = 30
keepAspectRatio = true
elvuiCooldown = false
captions =
targets =
frameStrata = "LOW"
queue =
y = -225
x = 0
name = "Primary"
primaryHeight = 50
keybindings =
delays =
visibility =
displayPoint = "TOP"
postAlpha = 153677965.075800
now = 153677.963000
postRecs = 153677965.148700
postPrimary = 153677965.150300
postGlow = 153677965.151800
postRange = 153677965.211600
a = "templars_verdict"
changed = false
ability =
gcd = "spell"
startsCombat = true
flash =
copy =
key = "templars_verdict"
texture = 461860
charges = 1
recharge = 0
id = 85256
desc = ""
funcs =
name = "Templar's Verdict"
realUnit = "Creature-0-1469-2481-31243-183033-00008257E3"
realCast = 153387.239000
handler = defined @Hekili\Classes\PaladinRetribution.lua:1261
cooldown = 0
spendType = "holy_power"
aFlash =
1 = 85256
2 = 336872
(*temporary) = defined @ad

How to Reproduce

Retri pally Final Verdict

Player Information (Link)


Error Messages (Link)


Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

No response


Thanks; this may help explain another spellflash ticket. I'm testing a solution.


Thats realy nice :D


This should be resolved (I just took forever to close it).