Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Unholy DK Hekili suggesting 2 DnD in a row.

AleSSouza opened this issue ยท 2 comments



Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

WoW Version

Retail (Dragonflight)

Describe the Issue

Hekili is suggesting 2 DnD in a row inside AoE rotation;
Even after use the first DnD charge, hekili still suggests DnD application while first is running.

How to Reproduce

  1. Enter the game as Unholy DK;
  2. Go to a dummy that has 2 or more;
  3. Use Festering Strike in 1 target;
  4. See Hekili AoE reccomendation.

Talent Loadout



Unholy; AOE - Scourge Strike(0.00), Festering Strike(2.65), Death and Decay(3.92), Death and Decay(9.86)
build: v10.0.0-05.3
level: 60 (60)
spec: unholy

talents: acclimation
    antimagic_barrier = 1/1
    antimagic_shell = 1/1
    apocalypse = 1/1
    army_of_the_dead = 1/1
    blinding_sleet = 1/1
    brittle = 1/1
    bursting_sores = 1/1
    chains_of_ice = 1/1
    cleaving_strikes = 1/1
    dark_transformation = 1/1
    death_rot = 1/1
    death_strike = 1/1
    deaths_echo = 1/1
    empower_rune_weapon = 1/1
    enfeeble = 1/1
    epidemic = 1/1
    eternal_agony = 1/1
    festering_strike = 1/1
    festermight = 2/2
    gloom_ward = 1/1
    grip_of_the_dead = 1/1
    icebound_fortitude = 1/1
    icy_talons = 2/2
    improved_festering_strike = 2/2
    infected_claws = 1/1
    insidious_chill = 1/1
    merciless_strikes = 1/1
    might_of_thassarian = 1/1
    mind_freeze = 1/1
    outbreak = 1/1
    permafrost = 1/1
    plaguebringer = 1/1
    raise_dead = 1/1
    raise_dead_2 = 1/1
    replenishing_wounds = 1/1
    runic_attenuation = 1/1
    scourge_strike = 1/1
    sudden_doom = 1/1
    unholy_assault = 1/1
    unholy_blight = 1/1
    unholy_bond = 1/2
    unholy_command = 2/2
    unholy_ground = 1/1
    unholy_pact = 1/1
    veteran_of_the_third_war = 2/2
    vile_contagion = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: necrolord

conduits: accelerated_cold = 7
   brutal_grasp = 7
   condensed_anima_sphere = 7
   everfrost = 7
   fleeting_wind = 7
   spirit_drain = 8

soulbinds: [plague_deviser_marileth]
   kevins_oozeling = 1
   oozs_frictionless_coating = 1
   plagueborn_cleansing_slime = 1
   ultimate_form = 1
   undulating_maneuvers = 1
   volatile_solvent = 1

sets: none

gear: arachnid_cipher_ring = 1
    charm_of_eternal_winter = 1
    decanter_of_animacharged_winds = 1
    drape_of_twisted_loyalties = 1
    epaulettes_of_overwhelming_force = 1
    girdle_of_unity = 1
    gutcrusher_stompers = 1
    harmonium_gauntlets = 1
    nova_numerus_crown = 1
    quantum_leapers = 1
    rimebinders_runeblade = 1
    shoulderblade_vambraces = 1
    signet_of_the_false_accuser = 1
    stone_legion_heraldry = 1
    synchronous_numerus_breastplate = 1

legendaries: abominations_frenzy = 1

itemIDs: 109802, 178780, 178824, 178861, 178933, 180123, 182994, 183040, 184027, 184135, 185798, 188030, 190467, 190996, 191000

settings: aoe = 2
    buffPadding = 0
    combatRefresh = 0.1
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = true
    cycleDebuff = festering_wound
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = false
    damageExpiration = 8
    damageOnScreen = true
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    enhancedRecheck = true
    gcdSync = true
    maxTime = 10
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = true
    noFeignedCooldown = false
    package = Unholy
    petbased = false
    potion = potion_of_spectral_strength
    regularRefresh = 0.5
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    disable_iqd_execute = false

toggles: cooldowns = true [separate]
    custom1 = false 
    custom2 = false 
    defensives = true [separate]
    essences = true [overridden]
    interrupts = true [separate]
    mode = dual 
    potions = false 

    abomination_limb    = M4  [05]
    antimagic_shell     = SE  [05]
    antimagic_zone      = CQ  [05]
    any_dnd             = M3  [05]
    apocalypse          = CR  [01]
    army_of_the_dead    = '   [01]
    blinding_sleet      = X   [04]
    chains_of_ice       = T   [01]
    clawing_shadows     = 2   [01]
    dark_transformation = Q   [01]
    death_and_decay     = M3  [05]
    death_coil          = F   [01]
    death_grip          = E   [01]
    death_strike        = M5  [05]
    deaths_advance      = SR  [05]
    defile              = M3  [05]
    empower_rune_weapon = V   [06]
    epidemic            = 4   [01]
    festering_strike    = 1   [01]
    icebound_fortitude  = CW  [05]
    mind_freeze         = C   [04]
    outbreak            = 3   [01]
    raise_ally          = F1  [05]
    raise_dead          = -   [01]
    scourge_strike      = 2   [01]
    unholy_assault      = R   [01]
    unholy_blight       = SX  [05]
    vile_contagion      = CE  [05]
    wound_spender       = 2   [01]

warnings: none

    nameplate1   -  8 - Creature-0-4217-2222-18950-174487-00005E773A - 766.00 - 10 - Competent Veteran 
    nameplate2   -  2 - Creature-0-4217-2222-18950-174487-0000DE773A - 392.00 - 10 - Competent Veteran 

   186401 - *sign_of_the_skirmisher                  -   1 - 3600.00
   292360 - *embrace_of_bwonsamdi                    -   1 - 3600.00
   207203 - frost_shield                             -   1 - 9.49  
   377591 - festermight                              -   5 - 4.24  
    81340 - sudden_doom                              -   1 - 9.49  



   391568 - insidious_chill                          -   4 - 29.49 
   115994 - unholy_blight                            -   4 - 10.81 
   191587 - virulent_plague                          -   1 - 31.91 
   374557 - *brittle                                 -   1 - 0.31  
   194310 - festering_wound                          -   4 - 24.59 

New Recommendations for [ AOE ] requested at 01:39:24 ( 19697.04 ); using built-in ( Unholy ) priority.

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: runes[ 1.00 / 6.00 ], runic_power[ 100.00 / 100.00 ]
    Rune Regeneration Time: 1=0.00, 2=1.38, 3=2.64, 4=3.90, 5=9.85, 6=11.12
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   raise_dead ( precombat - 1 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.11ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-1:raise_dead:0.11:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.05):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.02)
        2.   army_of_the_dead ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        3.   fleshcraft ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-3:fleshcraft:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
         - variable.trinket_1_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-4:variable:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_2_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_priority will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Completed precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Unholy - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   mind_freeze ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-1:mind_freeze:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   strangulate ( default - 2 ) - PvP talent [ strangulate ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-2:strangulate:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.apoc_timing will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:3 )
        ( ( rune.time_to_3[2.64] ) / ( ( debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] + 1 ) / 4 ) ) + gcd.execute[0.00] + ( talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] * 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-3:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        10.  variable ( default - 4 )
         - variable.garg_pooling will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:4 )
        ( ( ( cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] + 1 ) / gcd.execute[0.00] ) / ( ( rune.current[1.00] + 1 ) * ( runic_power.current[100.00] + 20 ) ) ) * 100
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        11.  variable ( default - 5 )
         - variable.festermight_tracker will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:5 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] >= 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.build_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:6 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        apoc_timing Result = 0.
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = PASS: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[4.24] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[0.00] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[0.00]
         - value = true.
        festermight_tracker Result = true.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pop_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:7 )
        ! cooldown.apocalypse.ready[false] & ( variable.festermight_tracker[true] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] >= 1 & ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | debuff.festering_wound.up[true] & cooldown.unholy_assault.remains[90.00] < 30 & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & variable.st_planning[0.00] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] > 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-7:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        14.  variable ( default - 8 )
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pooling_runic_power will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:8 )
        cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains < variable.garg_pooling[0.00] & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 3 & ! active_enemies[2.00] >= 3 | talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] & cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] < 3 & runic_power.current[100.00] < 60 & ! variable.st_planning[0.00]
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-8:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        15.  variable ( default - 9 )
         - variable.pooling_runes will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:9 )
        talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & rune.current[1.00] < 2 & target.time_to_pct_35[255.00] < 5 & fight_remains[763.50] > ( dot.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] + 5 ) | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & talent.ghoulish_frenzy.enabled[false] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-9:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        16.  variable ( default - 10 )
         - variable.st_planning will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:10 )
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 15 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-10:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        17.  variable ( default - 11 )
         - variable.adds_remain will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:11 )
        active_enemies[2.00] >= 4 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.remains[763.50] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-11:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        18.  wait ( default - 12 )
        The action (wait) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & target.time_to_pct_35[255.00] < 5 & fight_remains[763.50] > 5 & cooldown.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] < ( gcd.execute[1.27] * 0.75 ) & active_enemies[2.00] = 1
        Excluded -0.94 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.22ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-12:wait:0.22:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.12):Post-Recheck Times(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00)
        19.  outbreak ( default - 13 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until virulent_plague expires at 19728.95 [+31.91].
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (outbreak) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:6.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( dot.virulent_plague.refreshable[false] | talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & ( dot.frost_fever_superstrain.refreshable[true] | dot.blood_plague_superstrain.refreshable[true] ) ) & ( ! talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] & cooldown.unholy_blight.remains[35.56] > 15 / ( ( talent.superstrain.enabled[false] * 3 ) + ( talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] * 2 ) ) )
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.44ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-13:outbreak:0.44:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.04):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.07):Pre-Recheck(0.25):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        20.  wound_spender ( default - 14 )
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        apoc_timing Result = 0.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[0.00] & talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] & talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & buff.plaguebringer.remains[0.00] < gcd.execute[1.27]
        Excluded -1.26 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.26ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-14:wound_spender:0.26:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.00):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.04):Pre-Recheck(0.12):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        21.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 15 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        22.  gavel_of_the_first_arbiter ( trinkets - 1 ) - IsUsableItem item 189862 and nil
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-1:gavel_of_the_first_arbiter:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        23.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-2:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        24.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 3 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-3:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        25.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-4:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        26.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-5:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        Resetting delayMin to 0.00 from 0.00.
        27.  call_action_list:racials ( default - 16 )
        There is no criteria for racials.
        Action list (racials) was found.
        + racials
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        28.  arcane_torrent ( racials - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        29.  blood_fury ( racials - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-2:blood_fury:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        30.  berserking ( racials - 3 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-3:berserking:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        31.  lights_judgment ( racials - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-4:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        32.  ancestral_call ( racials - 5 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-5:ancestral_call:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        33.  arcane_pulse ( racials - 6 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-6:arcane_pulse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        34.  fireblood ( racials - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        35.  bag_of_tricks ( racials - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-8:bag_of_tricks:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (racials), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - racials
        36.  call_action_list:garg_ua_opener ( default - 17 )
        Criteria for garg_ua_opener FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[28.45] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        37.  call_action_list:garg_opener ( default - 18 )
        Criteria for garg_opener FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[28.45] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        38.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 19 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        39.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-1:potion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        40.  army_of_the_dead ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        41.  vile_contagion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-3:vile_contagion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        42.  raise_dead ( cooldowns - 4 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-4:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        43.  summon_gargoyle ( cooldowns - 5 ) - talent [ summon_gargoyle ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-5:summon_gargoyle:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        44.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[763.50] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[762.50] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[4.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        Time spent on this action:  0.86ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-6:dark_transformation:0.86:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.06):Pre-Recheck(0.29):Post-Recheck Times(0.07):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.05):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.28):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        45.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 7 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & ( cooldown.any_dnd.remains[0.00] < 10 & talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] & ( ( cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 10 ) & death_knight.fwounded_targets[1.00] < cycle_enemies[2.00] | ! talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] ) & ( raid_event.adds.remains[763.50] > 5 | ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] ) | ! talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] ) | fight_remains[763.50] < 25
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded -9.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.45ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-7:dark_transformation:0.45:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.31):Post-Recheck Times(0.04):Post Recheck(0.00)
        46.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 8 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-8:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        47.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 9 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-9:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        48.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 10 )
        The action is not ready ( 35.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-10:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        49.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 11 )
        The action is not ready ( 35.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-11:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        50.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 12 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-12:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        51.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-13:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        52.  apocalypse ( cooldowns - 14 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-14:apocalypse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        53.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 15 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[763.50] <= 21
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        There are 2 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.01.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[763.49] <= 21
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[762.50] <= 21
        Time spent on this action:  0.98ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-15:empower_rune_weapon:0.98:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.04):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.27):Post-Recheck Times(0.05):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.01):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        54.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 16 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false]
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.13ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-16:empower_rune_weapon:0.13:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        55.  abomination_limb ( cooldowns - 17 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-17:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        56.  sacrificial_pact ( cooldowns - 18 ) - talent [ sacrificial_pact ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-18:sacrificial_pact:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        57.  call_action_list:covenants ( default - 20 )
        There is no criteria for covenants.
        Action list (covenants) was found.
        + covenants
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        58.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-1:swarming_mist:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        59.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-2:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        60.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-3:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        61.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-4:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        62.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-5:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        63.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-6:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        64.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-7:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        65.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-8:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        66.  fleshcraft ( covenants - 9 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-9:fleshcraft:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (covenants), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - covenants
        67.  run_action_list:aoe ( default - 21 )
        Criteria for aoe FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] >= 4
        68.  run_action_list:generic ( default - 22 )
        Criteria for generic PASS at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        Action list (generic) was found.
        + [generic]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        69.  death_coil ( generic - 1 )
        The action (death_coil) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[763.50] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded -2.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        2.6435085449193 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 0.01.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[763.49] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[762.50] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.64.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #3 ( +2.64 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[3.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[760.85] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        Time spent on this action:  1.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-1:death_coil:1.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.06):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.06):Pre-Recheck(0.11):Post-Recheck Times(0.09):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.08):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        70.  any_dnd ( generic - 2 )
        The action (any_dnd) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:15.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_knight.fwounded_targets[1.00] >= cycle_enemies[2.00]
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.17ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-2:any_dnd:0.17:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.05):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.01)
        71.  wound_spender ( generic - 3 )
         - no aura identified for target-cycling and no aura matching scourge_strike found in ability / spec module; target cycling disabled.
        cycle min:15.00, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        festermight_tracker Result = true.
        pop_wounds #1 [Unholy:default:7]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pop_wounds Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: variable.pop_wounds[true] | active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_and_decay.ticking[false]
        Action chosen:  wound_spender at 0.00!
        Returned from list (generic), current recommendation is wound_spender (+0.00).
        - [generic]
        Added generic to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    Completed default action list [ Unholy - default ].
    Recommendation is wound_spender at 0.00 + 0.00.
    Recommendation #1 is wound_spender at 0.00s (0.00s).
    pop_wounds Result = true.

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.27, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: runes[ 0.00 / 6.00 ], runic_power[ 100.00 / 100.00 ]
    Rune Regeneration Time: 1=1.38, 2=2.64, 3=3.90, 4=9.85, 5=11.12, 6=12.38
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   raise_dead ( precombat - 1 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-1:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        2.   army_of_the_dead ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        3.   fleshcraft ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-3:fleshcraft:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
         - variable.trinket_1_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_2_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_priority will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Completed precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Unholy - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   mind_freeze ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-1:mind_freeze:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   strangulate ( default - 2 ) - PvP talent [ strangulate ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-2:strangulate:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.apoc_timing will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:3 )
        ( ( rune.time_to_3[3.90] ) / ( ( debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] + 1 ) / 4 ) ) + gcd.execute[0.00] + ( talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] * 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-3:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        10.  variable ( default - 4 )
         - variable.garg_pooling will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:4 )
        ( ( ( cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] + 1 ) / gcd.execute[0.00] ) / ( ( rune.current[0.00] + 1 ) * ( runic_power.current[100.00] + 20 ) ) ) * 100
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        11.  variable ( default - 5 )
         - variable.festermight_tracker will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:5 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] >= 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.build_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:6 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        apoc_timing Result = 0.
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = PASS: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[4.24] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[0.00] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[0.00]
         - value = true.
        festermight_tracker Result = true.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pop_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:7 )
        ! cooldown.apocalypse.ready[false] & ( variable.festermight_tracker[true] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] >= 1 & ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | debuff.festering_wound.up[true] & cooldown.unholy_assault.remains[90.00] < 30 & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & variable.st_planning[0.00] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] > 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-7:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        14.  variable ( default - 8 )
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pooling_runic_power will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:8 )
        cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains < variable.garg_pooling[0.00] & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 3 & ! active_enemies[2.00] >= 3 | talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] & cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] < 3 & runic_power.current[100.00] < 60 & ! variable.st_planning[0.00]
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-8:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        15.  variable ( default - 9 )
         - variable.pooling_runes will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:9 )
        talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & rune.current[0.00] < 2 & target.time_to_pct_35[255.00] < 5 & fight_remains[763.50] > ( dot.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] + 5 ) | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & talent.ghoulish_frenzy.enabled[false] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-9:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        16.  variable ( default - 10 )
         - variable.st_planning will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:10 )
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 15 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-10:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        17.  variable ( default - 11 )
         - variable.adds_remain will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:11 )
        active_enemies[2.00] >= 4 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.remains[763.50] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-11:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        18.  wait ( default - 12 )
        The action (wait) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & target.time_to_pct_35[255.00] < 5 & fight_remains[763.50] > 5 & cooldown.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] < ( gcd.execute[1.27] * 0.75 ) & active_enemies[2.00] = 1
        Excluded -0.94 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.18ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-12:wait:0.18:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.09):Post-Recheck Times(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00)
        19.  outbreak ( default - 13 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until virulent_plague expires at 19728.95 [+30.52].
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (outbreak) is usable at (0.00 + 1.39) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.39 vs. +10.00).
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:7.39, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( dot.virulent_plague.refreshable[false] | talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & ( dot.frost_fever_superstrain.refreshable[true] | dot.blood_plague_superstrain.refreshable[true] ) ) & ( ! talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] & cooldown.unholy_blight.remains[34.17] > 15 / ( ( talent.superstrain.enabled[false] * 3 ) + ( talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] * 2 ) ) )
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.36ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-13:outbreak:0.36:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.02):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.07):Pre-Recheck(0.18):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        20.  wound_spender ( default - 14 )
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (0.00 + 1.39) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.39 vs. +10.00).
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 3.8148791696863.
        apoc_timing Result = 3.8148791696863.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[3.81] & talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] & talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & buff.plaguebringer.remains[0.00] < gcd.execute[1.27]
        Excluded -1.26 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.30ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-14:wound_spender:0.30:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.00):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.11):Pre-Recheck(0.10):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        21.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 15 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        22.  gavel_of_the_first_arbiter ( trinkets - 1 ) - IsUsableItem item 189862 and nil
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-1:gavel_of_the_first_arbiter:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        23.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-2:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        24.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 3 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-3:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        25.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-4:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        26.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-5:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        27.  call_action_list:racials ( default - 16 )
        There is no criteria for racials.
        Action list (racials) was found.
        + racials
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        28.  arcane_torrent ( racials - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        29.  blood_fury ( racials - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-2:blood_fury:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        30.  berserking ( racials - 3 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-3:berserking:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        31.  lights_judgment ( racials - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-4:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        32.  ancestral_call ( racials - 5 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-5:ancestral_call:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        33.  arcane_pulse ( racials - 6 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-6:arcane_pulse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        34.  fireblood ( racials - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        35.  bag_of_tricks ( racials - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-8:bag_of_tricks:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (racials), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - racials
        36.  call_action_list:garg_ua_opener ( default - 17 )
        Criteria for garg_ua_opener FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[28.45] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        37.  call_action_list:garg_opener ( default - 18 )
        Criteria for garg_opener FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[28.45] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        38.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 19 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        39.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-1:potion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        40.  army_of_the_dead ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        41.  vile_contagion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-3:vile_contagion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        42.  raise_dead ( cooldowns - 4 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-4:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        43.  summon_gargoyle ( cooldowns - 5 ) - talent [ summon_gargoyle ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-5:summon_gargoyle:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        44.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (0.00 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[762.22] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[761.22] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[3.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        Time spent on this action:  0.85ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-6:dark_transformation:0.85:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.05):Pre-Recheck(0.29):Post-Recheck Times(0.06):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.05):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.28):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        45.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 7 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (0.00 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & ( cooldown.any_dnd.remains[0.00] < 10 & talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] & ( ( cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 10 ) & death_knight.fwounded_targets[1.00] < cycle_enemies[2.00] | ! talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] ) & ( raid_event.adds.remains[762.22] > 5 | ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] ) | ! talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] ) | fight_remains[762.22] < 25
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded -9.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.41ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-7:dark_transformation:0.41:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.28):Post-Recheck Times(0.04):Post Recheck(0.00)
        46.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 8 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-8:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        47.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 9 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-9:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        48.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 10 )
        The action is not ready ( 35.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-10:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        49.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 11 )
        The action is not ready ( 35.56 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-11:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        50.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 12 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-12:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        51.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-13:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        52.  apocalypse ( cooldowns - 14 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-14:apocalypse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        53.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 15 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[763.50] <= 21
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        There are 2 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.01.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[763.49] <= 21
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[762.50] <= 21
        Time spent on this action:  1.00ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-15:empower_rune_weapon:1.00:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.24):Post-Recheck Times(0.05):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.28):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.24):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        54.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 16 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false]
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.14ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-16:empower_rune_weapon:0.14:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        55.  abomination_limb ( cooldowns - 17 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-17:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        56.  sacrificial_pact ( cooldowns - 18 ) - talent [ sacrificial_pact ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-18:sacrificial_pact:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        57.  call_action_list:covenants ( default - 20 )
        There is no criteria for covenants.
        Action list (covenants) was found.
        + covenants
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        58.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-1:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        59.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-2:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        60.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-3:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        61.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-4:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        62.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-5:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        63.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-6:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        64.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-7:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        65.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-8:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        66.  fleshcraft ( covenants - 9 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-9:fleshcraft:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (covenants), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - covenants
        67.  run_action_list:aoe ( default - 21 )
        Criteria for aoe FAIL at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] >= 4
        68.  run_action_list:generic ( default - 22 )
        Criteria for generic PASS at +0.00 - active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        Action list (generic) was found.
        + [generic]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        69.  death_coil ( generic - 1 )
        The action (death_coil) is usable at (0.00 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[0.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[762.22] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded -2.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        2.6328821550233 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.28.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +1.28 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[0.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[762.21] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[761.22] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 3.90.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #3 ( +3.90 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[3.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[759.59] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        Time spent on this action:  1.08ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-1:death_coil:1.08:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.10):Pre-Recheck(0.11):Post-Recheck Times(0.09):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        70.  any_dnd ( generic - 2 )
        The action (any_dnd) is usable at (0.00 + 1.39) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.39 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.39.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:15.98, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_knight.fwounded_targets[1.00] >= cycle_enemies[2.00]
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-2:any_dnd:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        71.  wound_spender ( generic - 3 )
         - no aura identified for target-cycling and no aura matching scourge_strike found in ability / spec module; target cycling disabled.
        cycle min:15.98, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (0.00 + 1.39) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.39 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.39.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = FAIL: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[2.85] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[1.27] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[3.81]
         - value = nil.
        festermight_tracker Result = false.
        pop_wounds #1 [Unholy:default:7]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        pop_wounds Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.pop_wounds[false] | active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_and_decay.ticking[false]
        pop_wounds Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        festermight_tracker Result = false.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.39.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = FAIL: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[1.85] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[1.27] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[3.81]
         - value = nil.
        festermight_tracker Result = false.
        pop_wounds #1 [Unholy:default:7]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        pop_wounds Result = false.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.39 ) NOT MET: variable.pop_wounds[false] | active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_and_decay.ticking[false]
        Time spent on this action:  0.64ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-3:wound_spender:0.64:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.02):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.18):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post-Recheck Times(0.07):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.20):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.03):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        72.  festering_strike ( generic - 4 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until festering_wound expires at 19729.01 [+29.32].
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (festering_strike) is usable at (0.00 + 2.65) with cost of 2 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +2.65 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.65.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 3.8148791696863.
        apoc_timing Result = 3.8148791696863.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: debuff.festering_wound.stack[0.00] < 4 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < variable.apoc_timing[3.81]
        apoc_timing Result = 3.8148791696863.
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.41ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-4:festering_strike:0.41:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.04):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.13):Pre-Recheck(0.07):Post-Recheck Times(0.09):Post Recheck(0.00)
        73.  festering_strike ( generic - 5 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until festering_wound expires at 19729.01 [+29.32].
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (festering_strike) is usable at (0.00 + 2.65) with cost of 2 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +2.65 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.65.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        build_wounds #1 [Unholy:default:6]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        build_wounds Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: variable.build_wounds[true]
        Action chosen:  festering_strike at 2.65!
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        Time spent on this action:  0.20ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-5:festering_strike:0.20:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.03):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.04):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.03)
        Returned from list (generic), current recommendation is festering_strike (+2.65).
        - [generic]
        Added generic to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    Completed default action list [ Unholy - default ].
    Recommendation is festering_strike at 0.00 + 2.65.
    Recommendation #2 is festering_strike at 2.65s (2.65s).
    build_wounds Result = true.
     - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until festering_wound expires at 19729.01 [+29.32].
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    cycle min:8.65, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 2.65, GCD: 1.27, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: runes[ 0.00 / 6.00 ], runic_power[ 100.00 / 100.00 ]
    Rune Regeneration Time: 1=1.25, 2=7.20, 3=8.47, 4=9.73, 5=15.68, 6=16.95
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   raise_dead ( precombat - 1 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (2.65 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-1:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        2.   army_of_the_dead ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        3.   fleshcraft ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-3:fleshcraft:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
         - variable.trinket_1_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_2_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_priority will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Completed precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Unholy - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   mind_freeze ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-1:mind_freeze:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   strangulate ( default - 2 ) - PvP talent [ strangulate ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-2:strangulate:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.apoc_timing will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:3 )
        ( ( rune.time_to_3[8.47] ) / ( ( debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] + 1 ) / 4 ) ) + gcd.execute[0.00] + ( talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] * 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-3:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        10.  variable ( default - 4 )
         - variable.garg_pooling will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:4 )
        ( ( ( cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] + 1 ) / gcd.execute[0.00] ) / ( ( rune.current[0.00] + 1 ) * ( runic_power.current[100.00] + 20 ) ) ) * 100
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        11.  variable ( default - 5 )
         - variable.festermight_tracker will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:5 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.build_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:6 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        apoc_timing Result = 0.
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = PASS: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[1.59] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[0.00] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[0.00]
         - value = true.
        festermight_tracker Result = true.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pop_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:7 )
        ! cooldown.apocalypse.ready[false] & ( variable.festermight_tracker[true] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 1 & ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | debuff.festering_wound.up[true] & cooldown.unholy_assault.remains[90.00] < 30 & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & variable.st_planning[0.00] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] > 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-7:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        14.  variable ( default - 8 )
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pooling_runic_power will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:8 )
        cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains < variable.garg_pooling[0.00] & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 3 & ! active_enemies[2.00] >= 3 | talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] & cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] < 3 & runic_power.current[100.00] < 60 & ! variable.st_planning[0.00]
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-8:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        15.  variable ( default - 9 )
         - variable.pooling_runes will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:9 )
        talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & rune.current[0.00] < 2 & target.time_to_pct_35[252.35] < 5 & fight_remains[760.85] > ( dot.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] + 5 ) | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & talent.ghoulish_frenzy.enabled[false] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-9:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        16.  variable ( default - 10 )
         - variable.st_planning will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:10 )
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 15 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-10:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        17.  variable ( default - 11 )
         - variable.adds_remain will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:11 )
        active_enemies[2.00] >= 4 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.remains[760.85] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-11:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        18.  wait ( default - 12 )
        The action (wait) is usable at (2.65 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & target.time_to_pct_35[252.35] < 5 & fight_remains[760.85] > 5 & cooldown.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] < ( gcd.execute[1.27] * 0.75 ) & active_enemies[2.00] = 1
        Excluded -0.94 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.18ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-12:wait:0.18:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.09):Post-Recheck Times(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00)
        19.  outbreak ( default - 13 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until virulent_plague expires at 19728.95 [+27.99].
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (outbreak) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:9.92, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( dot.virulent_plague.refreshable[false] | talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & ( dot.frost_fever_superstrain.refreshable[true] | dot.blood_plague_superstrain.refreshable[true] ) ) & ( ! talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] & cooldown.unholy_blight.remains[31.64] > 15 / ( ( talent.superstrain.enabled[false] * 3 ) + ( talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] * 2 ) ) )
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.36ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-13:outbreak:0.36:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.02):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.07):Pre-Recheck(0.19):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        20.  wound_spender ( default - 14 )
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 3.8148791696863.
        apoc_timing Result = 3.8148791696863.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[3.81] & talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] & talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & buff.plaguebringer.remains[0.00] < gcd.execute[1.27]
        Excluded -1.26 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.31ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-14:wound_spender:0.31:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.00):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.11):Pre-Recheck(0.10):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.01)
        21.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 15 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        22.  gavel_of_the_first_arbiter ( trinkets - 1 ) - IsUsableItem item 189862 and nil
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-1:gavel_of_the_first_arbiter:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        23.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-2:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        24.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 3 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-3:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        25.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-4:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        26.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-5:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        27.  call_action_list:racials ( default - 16 )
        There is no criteria for racials.
        Action list (racials) was found.
        + racials
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        28.  arcane_torrent ( racials - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        29.  blood_fury ( racials - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-2:blood_fury:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        30.  berserking ( racials - 3 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-3:berserking:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        31.  lights_judgment ( racials - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-4:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        32.  ancestral_call ( racials - 5 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-5:ancestral_call:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        33.  arcane_pulse ( racials - 6 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-6:arcane_pulse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        34.  fireblood ( racials - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        35.  bag_of_tricks ( racials - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-8:bag_of_tricks:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (racials), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - racials
        36.  call_action_list:garg_ua_opener ( default - 17 )
        Criteria for garg_ua_opener FAIL at +2.65 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[31.10] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        37.  call_action_list:garg_opener ( default - 18 )
        Criteria for garg_opener FAIL at +2.65 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[31.10] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        38.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 19 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        39.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-1:potion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        40.  army_of_the_dead ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        41.  vile_contagion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-3:vile_contagion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        42.  raise_dead ( cooldowns - 4 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (2.65 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-4:raise_dead:0.06:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        43.  summon_gargoyle ( cooldowns - 5 ) - talent [ summon_gargoyle ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-5:summon_gargoyle:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        44.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[759.57] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[758.57] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        Time spent on this action:  0.86ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-6:dark_transformation:0.86:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.06):Pre-Recheck(0.29):Post-Recheck Times(0.06):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.05):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.29):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        45.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 7 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & ( cooldown.any_dnd.remains[0.00] < 10 & talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] & ( ( cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 10 ) & death_knight.fwounded_targets[2.00] < cycle_enemies[2.00] | ! talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] ) & ( raid_event.adds.remains[759.57] > 5 | ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] ) | ! talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] ) | fight_remains[759.57] < 25
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded -9.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.42ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-7:dark_transformation:0.42:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.28):Post-Recheck Times(0.04):Post Recheck(0.00)
        46.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 8 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-8:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        47.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 9 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-9:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        48.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 10 )
        The action is not ready ( 32.91 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-10:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        49.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 11 )
        The action is not ready ( 32.91 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-11:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        50.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 12 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-12:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        51.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-13:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        52.  apocalypse ( cooldowns - 14 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-14:apocalypse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        53.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 15 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (2.65 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[760.85] <= 21
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        There are 2 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.01.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[760.84] <= 21
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[759.85] <= 21
        Time spent on this action:  0.95ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-15:empower_rune_weapon:0.95:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.24):Post-Recheck Times(0.05):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        54.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 16 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (2.65 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false]
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.14ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-16:empower_rune_weapon:0.14:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        55.  abomination_limb ( cooldowns - 17 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-17:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        56.  sacrificial_pact ( cooldowns - 18 ) - talent [ sacrificial_pact ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-18:sacrificial_pact:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        57.  call_action_list:covenants ( default - 20 )
        There is no criteria for covenants.
        Action list (covenants) was found.
        + covenants
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        58.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-1:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        59.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-2:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        60.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-3:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        61.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-4:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        62.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-5:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        63.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-6:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        64.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-7:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        65.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-8:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        66.  fleshcraft ( covenants - 9 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-9:fleshcraft:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (covenants), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - covenants
        67.  run_action_list:aoe ( default - 21 )
        Criteria for aoe FAIL at +2.65 - active_enemies[2.00] >= 4
        68.  run_action_list:generic ( default - 22 )
        Criteria for generic PASS at +2.65 - active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        Action list (generic) was found.
        + [generic]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        69.  death_coil ( generic - 1 )
        The action (death_coil) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[759.57] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded -2.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        7.2018821550264 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.28.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +1.28 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[759.56] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[1.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[758.57] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 8.47.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #3 ( +8.47 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[0.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[3.01] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[752.37] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        Time spent on this action:  1.08ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-1:death_coil:1.08:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.09):Pre-Recheck(0.11):Post-Recheck Times(0.09):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        70.  any_dnd ( generic - 2 )
        The action (any_dnd) is usable at (2.65 + 1.27) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:19.50, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_knight.fwounded_targets[2.00] >= cycle_enemies[2.00]
        Action chosen:  any_dnd at 1.27!
        Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-2:any_dnd:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
        The recommended action (any_dnd) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (generic).
        Returned from list (generic), current recommendation is any_dnd (+1.27).
        - [generic]
        Added generic to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    Completed default action list [ Unholy - default ].
    Recommendation is any_dnd at 2.65 + 1.27.
    Recommendation #3 is any_dnd at 1.27s (3.92s).
    cycle min:19.50, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2

RECOMMENDATION #4 ( Offset: 3.93, GCD: 1.27, Casting: 0.00 ).

    Resources: runes[ 0.00 / 6.00 ], runic_power[ 100.00 / 100.00 ]
    Rune Regeneration Time: 1=5.92, 2=7.19, 3=8.45, 4=14.40, 5=15.67, 6=16.93
    Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
    No whitelist.
    Processing precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        1.   raise_dead ( precombat - 1 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (3.93 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-1:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        2.   army_of_the_dead ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        3.   fleshcraft ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-3:fleshcraft:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
         - variable.trinket_1_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
         - variable.trinket_2_sync will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
         - variable.trinket_priority will check this script entry ( Unholy:precombat:6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-precombat-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Completed precombat action list [ Unholy - precombat ].
    Processing default action list [ Unholy - default ].
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        7.   mind_freeze ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-1:mind_freeze:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        8.   strangulate ( default - 2 ) - PvP talent [ strangulate ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-2:strangulate:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        9.   variable ( default - 3 )
         - variable.apoc_timing will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:3 )
        ( ( rune.time_to_3[8.45] ) / ( ( debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] + 1 ) / 4 ) ) + gcd.execute[0.00] + ( talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] * 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-3:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        10.  variable ( default - 4 )
         - variable.garg_pooling will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:4 )
        ( ( ( cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] + 1 ) / gcd.execute[0.00] ) / ( ( rune.current[0.00] + 1 ) * ( runic_power.current[100.00] + 20 ) ) ) * 100
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-4:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        11.  variable ( default - 5 )
         - variable.festermight_tracker will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:5 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 1
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-5:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        12.  variable ( default - 6 )
         - variable.build_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:6 )
        debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-6:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        13.  variable ( default - 7 )
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        apoc_timing Result = 0.
        festermight_tracker #1 [Unholy:default:5]; conditions = PASS: talent.festermight.enabled[true] & ( buff.festermight.remains[0.31] / ( 4 * gcd.execute[0.00] ) ) >= 1 & cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[0.00]
         - value = true.
        festermight_tracker Result = true.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pop_wounds will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:7 )
        ! cooldown.apocalypse.ready[false] & ( variable.festermight_tracker[true] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 1 & ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | debuff.festering_wound.up[true] & cooldown.unholy_assault.remains[90.00] < 30 & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & variable.st_planning[0.00] | debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] > 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-7:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        14.  variable ( default - 8 )
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 0.
        garg_pooling Result = 0.
        st_planning Result = 0.
         - variable.pooling_runic_power will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:8 )
        cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains < variable.garg_pooling[0.00] & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 3 & ! active_enemies[2.00] >= 3 | talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] & cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] < 3 & runic_power.current[100.00] < 60 & ! variable.st_planning[0.00]
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-8:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        15.  variable ( default - 9 )
         - variable.pooling_runes will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:9 )
        talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & rune.current[0.00] < 2 & target.time_to_pct_35[251.07] < 5 & fight_remains[759.57] > ( dot.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] + 5 ) | talent.eternal_agony.enabled[true] & talent.ghoulish_frenzy.enabled[false] & cooldown.dark_transformation.remains[0.00] < 4
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-9:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        16.  variable ( default - 10 )
         - variable.st_planning will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:10 )
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 15 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-10:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        17.  variable ( default - 11 )
         - variable.adds_remain will check this script entry ( Unholy:default:11 )
        active_enemies[2.00] >= 4 & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.remains[759.57] > 6 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-11:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
        18.  wait ( default - 12 )
        The action (wait) is usable at (3.93 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: talent.soul_reaper.enabled[false] & target.time_to_pct_35[251.07] < 5 & fight_remains[759.57] > 5 & cooldown.soul_reaper.remains[0.00] < ( gcd.execute[1.27] * 0.75 ) & active_enemies[2.00] = 1
        Excluded -0.94 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.19ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-12:wait:0.19:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.10):Post-Recheck Times(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00)
        19.  outbreak ( default - 13 )
         - we will use the ability on a different target, if available, until virulent_plague expires at 19728.95 [+22.05].
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        The action (outbreak) is usable at (3.93 + 5.93) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +5.93 vs. +10.00).
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
        cycle min:15.86, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ( dot.virulent_plague.refreshable[false] | talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & ( dot.frost_fever_superstrain.refreshable[true] | dot.blood_plague_superstrain.refreshable[true] ) ) & ( ! talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_blight.enabled[true] & cooldown.unholy_blight.remains[25.70] > 15 / ( ( talent.superstrain.enabled[false] * 3 ) + ( talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] * 2 ) ) )
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.37ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-13:outbreak:0.37:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.03):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.07):Pre-Recheck(0.19):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        20.  wound_spender ( default - 14 )
        The action (wound_spender) is usable at (3.93 + 5.93) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +5.93 vs. +10.00).
        apoc_timing #1 [Unholy:default:3]; conditions = FAIL: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 7
         - value = 3.8148791696863.
        apoc_timing Result = 3.8148791696863.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] > variable.apoc_timing[3.81] & talent.plaguebringer.enabled[true] & talent.superstrain.enabled[false] & buff.plaguebringer.remains[0.00] < gcd.execute[1.27]
        Excluded -1.26 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.37ms
        TimeData:Unholy-default-14:wound_spender:0.37:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.00):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.14):Pre-Recheck(0.14):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        21.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 15 )
        There is no criteria for trinkets.
        Action list (trinkets) was found.
        + trinkets
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        22.  gavel_of_the_first_arbiter ( trinkets - 1 ) - IsUsableItem item 189862 and nil
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-1:gavel_of_the_first_arbiter:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        23.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 2 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-2:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        24.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 3 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-3:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket1' action because the equipped trinket #1 is not usable.
        25.  trinket1 ( trinkets - 4 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-4:trinket1:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
        26.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 5 )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-trinkets-5:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - trinkets
        27.  call_action_list:racials ( default - 16 )
        There is no criteria for racials.
        Action list (racials) was found.
        + racials
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        28.  arcane_torrent ( racials - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        29.  blood_fury ( racials - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-2:blood_fury:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        30.  berserking ( racials - 3 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-3:berserking:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        31.  lights_judgment ( racials - 4 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-4:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        32.  ancestral_call ( racials - 5 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-5:ancestral_call:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        33.  arcane_pulse ( racials - 6 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-6:arcane_pulse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        34.  fireblood ( racials - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-7:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        35.  bag_of_tricks ( racials - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-racials-8:bag_of_tricks:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (racials), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - racials
        36.  call_action_list:garg_ua_opener ( default - 17 )
        Criteria for garg_ua_opener FAIL at +3.93 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[32.38] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        37.  call_action_list:garg_opener ( default - 18 )
        Criteria for garg_opener FAIL at +3.93 - active_enemies[2.00] = 1 & talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.unholy_assault.enabled[true] & time[32.38] < 12 * gcd.max[1.27]
        38.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 19 )
        There is no criteria for cooldowns.
        Action list (cooldowns) was found.
        + cooldowns
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        39.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-1:potion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        40.  army_of_the_dead ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-2:army_of_the_dead:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        41.  vile_contagion ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-3:vile_contagion:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        42.  raise_dead ( cooldowns - 4 )
        The action (raise_dead) is unusable at (3.93 + 1.27) because IsUsable returned false.
        Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-4:raise_dead:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01)
        43.  summon_gargoyle ( cooldowns - 5 ) - talent [ summon_gargoyle ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-5:summon_gargoyle:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        44.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 6 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (3.93 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[758.29] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        There are 1 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & ( fight_remains[757.29] < 30 | ! talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] | talent.unholy_command.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.unholy_command.rank[2.00] = 2 | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | ! talent.apocalypse.enabled[true] | ( pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | cooldown.apocalypse.remains[75.00] < 1 & debuff.festering_wound.stack[2.00] >= 4 ) & ( ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] | cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] > 4 ) ) )
        Time spent on this action:  0.86ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-6:dark_transformation:0.86:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.06):Pre-Recheck(0.30):Post-Recheck Times(0.07):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.05):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.29):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        45.  dark_transformation ( cooldowns - 7 )
        The action (dark_transformation) is usable at (3.93 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & ( cooldown.any_dnd.remains[0.00] < 10 & talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] & ( ( cooldown.vile_contagion.remains[90.00] | raid_event.adds.exists[true] & raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > 10 ) & death_knight.fwounded_targets[2.00] < cycle_enemies[2.00] | ! talent.vile_contagion.enabled[true] ) & ( raid_event.adds.remains[758.29] > 5 | ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] ) | ! talent.infected_claws.enabled[true] ) | fight_remains[758.29] < 25
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded -9.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.42ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-7:dark_transformation:0.42:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.28):Post-Recheck Times(0.04):Post Recheck(0.00)
        46.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 8 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-8:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        47.  soul_reaper ( cooldowns - 9 ) - talent [ soul_reaper ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-9:soul_reaper:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        48.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 10 )
        The action is not ready ( 31.63 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-10:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        49.  unholy_blight ( cooldowns - 11 )
        The action is not ready ( 31.63 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-11:unholy_blight:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        50.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 12 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-12:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        51.  unholy_assault ( cooldowns - 13 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-13:unholy_assault:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        52.  apocalypse ( cooldowns - 14 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-14:apocalypse:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        53.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 15 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (3.93 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[759.57] <= 21
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        There are 2 recheck events.
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.01.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +0.01 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[759.56] <= 21
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 1.00.
        st_planning #1 [Unholy:default:10]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +1.00 ) NOT MET: variable.st_planning[true] & runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 20 & ( pet.gargoyle.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & pet.army_ghoul.active[false] & pet.apoc_ghoul.active[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.army_of_the_damned.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] | ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & ! talent.summon_gargoyle.enabled[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false] ) | fight_remains[758.57] <= 21
        Time spent on this action:  0.94ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-15:empower_rune_weapon:0.94:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.24):Post-Recheck Times(0.05):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.02):Recheck Post-Channel(0.01):Recheck Loop End(0.23):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        54.  empower_rune_weapon ( cooldowns - 16 )
        The action (empower_rune_weapon) is usable at (3.93 + 0.00).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
        List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Unholy:default:19 ) would PASS at 0.00.
        adds_remain #1 [Unholy:default:11]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = nil.
        adds_remain Result = false.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.adds_remain[false] & buff.dark_transformation.up[false]
        adds_remain Result = false.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        There were no recheck events to check.
        Time spent on this action:  0.14ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-16:empower_rune_weapon:0.14:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
        55.  abomination_limb ( cooldowns - 17 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-17:abomination_limb:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
        56.  sacrificial_pact ( cooldowns - 18 ) - talent [ sacrificial_pact ] missing
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-cooldowns-18:sacrificial_pact:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - cooldowns
        57.  call_action_list:covenants ( default - 20 )
        There is no criteria for covenants.
        Action list (covenants) was found.
        + covenants
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        58.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 1 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-1:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        59.  swarming_mist ( covenants - 2 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-2:swarming_mist:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        60.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-3:abomination_limb:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
        61.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-4:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        62.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-5:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        63.  abomination_limb ( covenants - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-6:abomination_limb:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        64.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 7 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-7:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        65.  shackle_the_unworthy ( covenants - 8 ) - ability unknown
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-8:shackle_the_unworthy:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        66.  fleshcraft ( covenants - 9 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-covenants-9:fleshcraft:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (covenants), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
        - covenants
        67.  run_action_list:aoe ( default - 21 )
        Criteria for aoe FAIL at +3.93 - active_enemies[2.00] >= 4
        68.  run_action_list:generic ( default - 22 )
        Criteria for generic PASS at +3.93 - active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        Action list (generic) was found.
        + [generic]
        Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
        69.  death_coil ( generic - 1 )
        The action (death_coil) is usable at (3.93 + 1.27).
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.27 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
         - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[0.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[758.29] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Excluded 0.00 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        st_planning Result = true.
        Excluded -2.99 recheck time as it is outside our constraints ( 0.00 - 10.00 ).
        1 - true
        0.01 - true
        7.1798821550256 - true
        There are 3 recheck events.
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 1.28.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #1 ( +1.28 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[0.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[758.28] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 2.27.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #2 ( +2.27 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[1.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[0.00] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[757.29] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 8.45.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        garg_pooling #1 [Unholy:default:4]; conditions = FAIL: runic_power.deficit[0.00] > 60 & cooldown.summon_gargoyle.remains[180.00] < 7
         - value = 2.5432527797909.
        garg_pooling Result = 2.5432527797909.
        pooling_runic_power #1 [Unholy:default:8]; conditions = PASS: NONE
         - value = true.
        pooling_runic_power Result = true.
        Recheck #3 ( +8.45 ) NOT MET: ! variable.pooling_runic_power[true] & ( buff.sudden_doom.react[0.00] | runic_power.deficit[0.00] <= 40 | rune.current[3.01] < 3 ) | pet.gargoyle.active[false] | fight_remains[751.11] < ( 30 / gcd.execute[1.27] )
        Time spent on this action:  1.08ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-1:death_coil:1.08:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.10):Pre-Recheck(0.11):Post-Recheck Times(0.09):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.09):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.02):Recheck Post-Script(0.08):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.11):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
        70.  any_dnd ( generic - 2 )
        The action (any_dnd) is usable at (3.93 + 5.93) with cost of 1 runes.
         - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +5.93 vs. +10.00).
        List ( generic ) called from ( Unholy:default:22 ) would PASS at 5.93.
        active_enemies[2.00] <= 3
        cycle min:19.50, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
         - this entry's criteria PASSES: active_enemies[2.00] >= 2 & death_knight.fwounded_targets[2.00] >= cycle_enemies[2.00]
        Action chosen:  any_dnd at 5.93!
        Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-2:any_dnd:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
        71.  wound_spender ( generic - 3 )
        The action is not ready in time ( 5.93 vs. 5.93 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-3:wound_spender:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        72.  festering_strike ( generic - 4 )
        The action is not ready ( 7.20 ) before our maximum delay window ( 5.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-4:festering_strike:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        73.  festering_strike ( generic - 5 )
        The action is not ready ( 7.20 ) before our maximum delay window ( 5.93 ) for this query.
        Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
        TimeData:Unholy-generic-5:festering_strike:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
        Returned from list (generic), current recommendation is any_dnd (+5.93).
        - [generic]
        Added generic to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    Completed default action list [ Unholy - default ].
    Recommendation is any_dnd at 3.93 + 5.93.
    Recommendation #4 is any_dnd at 5.93s (9.86s).
    cycle min:19.50, max:0.00, ae:2, before:0, after:0, cycle_enemies:2
    Time spent generating recommendations:  36.71ms

Raidbots Sim Report (Link)


Additional Information

Also noticed that it happens when you "lose focus" on the target.

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This also happens on blood spec aswell :)


This should be fixed in 10.0.0-06.4.