Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Outlaw AOE reroll Logic

Gyudon47 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


There is a new updated APL for rerolls for outlaw during blade flurry. I dont think you have looked into this yet as the last update was 6 days ago for outlaw and the addon still suggest to keep every single buff. Basically we keep single Ruthless precision, Broadside, Grand Melee or 2+rolls of anything not counting skull and crossbones.

With Blade Flurry up, ignore rules above and take everything that is 2+ (not counting SaC) or single BS, GM, RP



Complete a proper ticket following the instructions you deleted.

Post a snapshot when you think it should be telling you to reroll but it isn't.


Terribly sorry about that here is the snapshot where i think it would be rerolling

build: v8.2.0-07
level: 120 (120)
class: ROGUE
spec: outlaw

talents: acrobatic_strikes

azerite: ace_up_your_sleeve=1

essences: [essence_of_the_focusing_iris]=3, memory_of_lucid_dreams=3

sets/legendaries/artifacts: none

gear: ardent_worshippers_boots=1

itemIDs: 158075, 159314, 159461, 159653, 165518, 165925, 168345, 168348, 168378, 168703, 168879, 169311, 169319, 169931, 169932

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 17:57:02 ( 1003948.40 ).

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00 ).

  • combo_points, 5 / 5
  • energy, 150 / 150

Processing precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[001] potion ( precombat - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[002] marked_for_death ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown

[003] stealth ( precombat - 3 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[004] roll_the_bones ( precombat - 4 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[005] slice_and_dice ( precombat - 5 ) - ability unknown

[006] adrenaline_rush ( precombat - 6 ) - ability disabled.

[007] azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 7 ) - ability disabled.

[008] cyclotronic_blast ( precombat - 8 ) - ability unknown
Completed precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[009] kick ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[010] stealth ( default - 2 )
The action (stealth) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because cannot stealth in combat.

[011] variable ( default - 3 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:3).

[012] variable ( default - 4 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:4).

[013] variable ( default - 5 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:5).

[014] variable ( default - 6 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:6).

[015] variable ( default - 7 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:7).

[016] variable ( default - 8 )

  • variable.ambush_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:8).

[017] variable ( default - 9 )

  • variable.bte_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:9).

[018] variable ( default - 10 )

  • variable.blade_flurry_sync will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:10).

[019] call_action_list ( default - 11 )
Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - stealthed.all[false]

[020] call_action_list ( default - 12 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (cds) was found.

  • cds
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[021] call_action_list ( cds - 1 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - ! stealthed.all[false]
Action list (essences) was found.

  • cds, essences
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[022] concentrated_flame ( essences - 1 ) - ability unknown

[023] blood_of_the_enemy ( essences - 2 ) - ability unknown

[024] guardian_of_azeroth ( essences - 3 ) - ability unknown

[025] focused_azerite_beam ( essences - 4 ) - ability disabled.

[026] purifying_blast ( essences - 5 ) - ability unknown

[027] the_unbound_force ( essences - 6 ) - ability unknown

[028] ripple_in_space ( essences - 7 ) - ability unknown

[029] worldvein_resonance ( essences - 8 ) - ability unknown

[030] memory_of_lucid_dreams ( essences - 9 ) - ability unknown
Returned from list (essences), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • essences

[031] adrenaline_rush ( cds - 2 ) - ability disabled.

[032] marked_for_death ( cds - 3 ) - ability unknown

[033] marked_for_death ( cds - 4 ) - ability unknown

[034] blade_flurry ( cds - 5 )
The action (blade_flurry) is usable at (0.00 + 10.91) with cost of 15.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +10.91 vs. +60.00).
    List ( cds ) called from ( Outlaw:default:12 ) would PASS at 10.91.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[4.00] >= 2 & ! buff.blade_flurry.up[true] & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[true] | raid_event.adds.remains[111.09] > 8 | raid_event.adds.in > ( 2 - cooldown.blade_flurry.charges_fractional[1.30] ) * 25 )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    Rechecking stopped at step #1. The recheck ( 11.04 ) isn't ready within a reasonable time frame ( 10s ).

[035] ghostly_strike ( cds - 6 ) - ability unknown

[036] killing_spree ( cds - 7 ) - ability unknown

[037] blade_rush ( cds - 8 ) - ability unknown

[038] vanish ( cds - 9 ) - ability disabled.

[039] shadowmeld ( cds - 10 ) - ability unknown

[040] potion ( cds - 11 ) - ability disabled.

[041] variable_intensity_gigavolt_oscillating_reactor ( cds - 12 ) - ability disabled.

[042] use_items ( cds - 13 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[3600.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[0.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

Substituting focused_azerite_beam for Heart of Azeroth action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
[043] focused_azerite_beam ( items - 1 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

[044] blood_fury ( cds - 14 ) - ability unknown

[045] berserking ( cds - 15 ) - ability unknown

[046] fireblood ( cds - 16 ) - ability unknown

[047] ancestral_call ( cds - 17 ) - ability unknown

[048] cyclotronic_blast ( cds - 18 ) - ability unknown

[049] azsharas_font_of_power ( cds - 19 ) - ability disabled.

[050] ashvanes_razor_coral ( cds - 20 ) - ability disabled.

[051] use_items ( cds - 21 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[3600.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[0.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

Substituting focused_azerite_beam for Heart of Azeroth action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
[052] focused_azerite_beam ( items - 1 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
Returned from list (cds), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • cds

[053] run_action_list ( default - 13 )
Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - combo_points.current[5.00] >= cp_max_spend - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[60.00] > 1 ) )
Action list (finish) was found.

  • [finish]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[054] between_the_eyes ( finish - 1 )
The action (between_the_eyes) is usable at (0.00 + 11.01) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +11.01 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would PASS at 11.01.
  • combo_points.current[5.00] >= cp_max_spend - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[60.00] > 1 ) )
    var[bte_condition] [01/Outlaw:default:9] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]; value: true
    var[bte_condition] [01/Outlaw:default:9] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]; value: true
  • this entry's criteria PASSES: variable.bte_condition[true]
    Action chosen: between_the_eyes at 11.01!

[055] slice_and_dice ( finish - 2 ) - ability unknown

[056] roll_the_bones ( finish - 3 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +11.01).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would PASS at 0.00.
  • combo_points.current[5.00] >= cp_max_spend - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[60.00] > 1 ) )
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.roll_the_bones.remains[19.65] <= 3
    There were no recheck events to check.

[057] roll_the_bones ( finish - 4 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +11.01).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would PASS at 0.00.
  • combo_points.current[5.00] >= cp_max_spend - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[60.00] > 1 ) )
    var[rtb_reroll] [01/Outlaw:default:3] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]; value: true
    var[rtb_reroll] [02/Outlaw:default:4] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.deadshot.enabled[true] | azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.enabled[true] -- [true]; value: true
    var[rtb_reroll] [03/Outlaw:default:5] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 -- [false]; value: true
    var[rtb_reroll] [04/Outlaw:default:6] :: op: reset, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 & buff.snake_eyes.stack[0.00] >= 2 - buff.broadside.up[false] -- [false]; value: true
    var[rtb_reroll] [05/Outlaw:default:7] :: op: set, conditions: buff.blade_flurry.up[true] -- [true]; value: true
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: ( active_enemies[4.00] = 1 | buff.blade_flurry.down[false] ) & variable.rtb_reroll[true]
    There are 1 recheck events.
    Rechecking stopped at step #1. The recheck ( 11.05 ) isn't ready within a reasonable time frame ( 10s ).

[058] between_the_eyes ( finish - 5 )
The action is not ready in time ( 11.01 vs. 11.01 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.

[059] dispatch ( finish - 6 )
The action (dispatch) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 35.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +11.01).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would PASS at 0.00.
  • combo_points.current[5.00] >= cp_max_spend - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[60.00] > 1 ) )
  • this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen: dispatch at 0.00!
    Returned from list (finish), current recommendation is dispatch (+0.00).
  • [finish]
    Added finish to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    The recommended action (dispatch) would be ready before the next GCD (0.00 < 0.00); exiting list (default).
    Completed default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
    Recommendation is dispatch at 0.00 + 0.00.

Thanks, I have a big batch of APL updates that will go out this weekend.


Should be resolved in the latest release.