Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


DEMONOLOGY WARLOCK - Tyrant is never being qued.

MaverickMade opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

WoW Version

Retail (Dragonflight)

Describe the Issue

Hi, so I'm pretty savvy with warlock in general - but with the new talent system and my not getting to grips fast enough for raid prog - I downloaded Hekili (again) and noticed whenever I was starting or building up to a tyrant setup - the icon was never showing/loading/queing, even with all pre-requisites (demons out and ready). I've checked if it's enabled (not disbaled) and the addon is working fine in that regard - just no tyrant loading. I'm confused as to what to do other than reach out, I've redownloaded the addon 5 times at this point.

How to Reproduce

Log on as Demonolgy Warlock, start to build a tyrant and see no Tyrant icon being qued. (Unsure what else to say here - first time using Github).


Player Information (Link)

build: v10.0.2-2.0.12
level: 70 (70)
class: WARLOCK
spec: demonology

talents: annihilan_training
    antoran_armaments = 1/1
    burning_rush = 1/1
    call_dreadstalkers = 1/1
    carnivorous_stalkers = 1/1
    curses_of_enfeeblement = 1/1
    dark_accord = 1/1
    dark_pact = 1/1
    demon_skin = 2/2
    demonbolt = 1/1
    demonic_circle = 1/1
    demonic_embrace = 1/1
    demonic_fortitude = 1/1
    demonic_gateway = 1/1
    demonic_inspiration = 1/1
    demonic_knowledge = 1/1
    demonic_meteor = 1/1
    demonic_strength = 1/1
    dread_calling = 1/1
    dreadlash = 1/1
    fel_and_steel = 1/1
    fel_armor = 2/2
    fel_domination = 1/1
    fel_synergy = 1/1
    fiendish_stride = 2/2
    frequent_donor = 1/1
    from_the_shadows = 1/1
    grand_warlocks_design = 1/1
    grimoire_felguard = 1/1
    grimoire_of_synergy = 2/2
    guldans_ambition = 1/1
    imp_gang_boss = 2/2
    implosion = 1/1
    inner_demons = 1/2
    inquisitors_gaze = 1/1
    lifeblood = 2/2
    mortal_coil = 1/1
    nerzhuls_volition = 2/2
    nether_portal = 1/1
    power_siphon = 1/1
    resolute_barrier = 1/2
    ripped_through_the_portal = 2/2
    shadowfury = 1/1
    soul_conduit = 2/2
    soul_link = 1/1
    soulbound_tyrant = 2/2
    soulburn = 1/1
    summon_demonic_tyrant = 1/1
    summon_vilefiend = 1/1
    sweet_souls = 1/1
    the_expendables = 1/1
    wrathful_minion = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [dreamweaver]

sets: tier29 = 4
    timebreaching_talon = 1

gear: antisepticsoaked_dressing = 1
    assembly_scholars_loop = 1
    bonespeaker_gloves = 1
    cape_of_valarjar_courage = 1
    chilled_silken_restraints = 1
    elemental_lariat = 1
    frozen_footwraps = 1
    girdle_of_endemic_anger = 1
    idol_of_pure_decay = 1
    quakedetecting_seismostaff = 1
    renowned_guild_tabard = 1
    scalesworn_cultists_culottes = 1
    scalesworn_cultists_effigy = 1
    scalesworn_cultists_frock = 1
    scalesworn_cultists_scorn = 1
    signet_of_titanic_insight = 1
    tier29 = 4
    timebreaching_talon = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 133765, 134217, 144081, 192999, 193001, 193660, 193791, 195497, 195508, 200333, 200336, 200337, 200338, 200743, 202119, 44694, 69210

settings: aoe = 3
    buffPadding = 0
    combatRefresh = 0.1
    custom1Name = Custom 1
    custom2Name = Custom 2
    cycle = true
    cycle_min = 6
    damage = true
    damageDots = false
    damageExpiration = 6
    damageOnScreen = true
    damagePets = false
    damageRange = 0
    debuffPadding = 0
    enabled = true
    enhancedRecheck = false
    gcdSync = true
    maxTime = 10
    nameplateRange = 8
    nameplates = false
    noFeignedCooldown = false
    package = Demonology
    petbased = false
    potion = spectral_intellect
    regularRefresh = 0.5
    throttleRefresh = false
    throttleTime = false
    dcon_imps = 0

toggles: cooldowns = false 
    custom1 = false 
    custom2 = false 
    defensives = false 
    essences = true 
    interrupts = false 
    mode = automatic 
    potions = false 

    agony                   =
    banish                  =
    burning_rush            = CF  [06]
    call_dreadstalkers      = 4   [06]
    corruption              =
    curse_of_exhaustion     = CR  [04]
    curse_of_tongues        = CT  [04]
    curse_of_weakness       = CE  [04]
    dark_pact               = SF  [06]
    demonbolt               = E   [06]
    demonic_circle_teleport = T   [05]
    demonic_gateway         = G   [05]
    demonic_strength        = 1   [01]
    drain_life              = M3  [01]
    drain_soul              =
    fear                    = SE  [06]
    fel_domination          = CD  [05]
    grimoire_felguard       = Z   [05]
    hand_of_guldan          = Q   [06]
    haunt                   =
    health_funnel           = V   [01]
    healthstone             = 2   [10]
    implosion               = 3   [01]
    malefic_rapture         =
    mortal_coil             = SM5 [05]
    nether_portal           = SR  [05]
    phantom_singularity     =
    power_siphon            = 2   [01]
    seed_of_corruption      =
    shadow_bolt             = R   [06]
    shadowfury              = SM3 [05]
    siphon_life             =
    soul_tap                =
    soulburn                = SG  [06]
    summon_darkglare        =
    summon_demonic_tyrant   = M4  [01]
    summon_vilefiend        = F   [01]
    unending_resolve        = 5   [06]
    unstable_affliction     =
    will_to_survive         = SB  [06]

warnings: none

Error Messages (Link)

1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'Details' tried to call the protected function 'ActionButton8:SetAttribute()'.
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:480: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:480>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetAttribute'
[string "
-- code to run when Details! initializes, put here code which only will run once
-- this also will run then the profile is changed

--size of the death log tooltip in the Deaths display (default 350)
Details.death_tooltip_width = 350;

--when in arena or battleground, details! silently switch to activity time (goes back to the old setting on leaving, default true)
Details.force_activity_time_pvp = true;

--speed of the bar animations (default 33)
Details.animation_speed = 33;

--threshold to trigger slow or fast speed (default 0.45)
Details.animation_speed_mintravel = 0.45;

--call to update animations

--max window size, does require a /reload to work (default 480 x 450)
Details.max_window_size.width = 480;
Details.max_window_size.height = 450;

--use the arena team color as the class color (default true)
Details.color_by_arena_team = true;

--use the role icon in the player bar when inside an arena (default false)
Details.show_arena_role_icon = false;

--how much time the update warning is shown (default 10)
Details.update_warning_timeout = 10;

local b=ActionButton8 _MH=_MH or(b:SetAttribute("*type5","macro")or SecureHandlerWrapScript(b,"PreClick",b,'Z=IsShiftKeyDown()and 0 or(Z or 0)%8+1 self:SetAttribute("macrotext5","/wm [nomod]"..Z)'))or 1"]:33: in main chunk
[string "=[C]"]: in function `pcall'
[string "@Details/functions/autorun.lua"]:33: in function `DispatchAutoRunCode'
[string "@Details/functions/autorun.lua"]:74: in function <Details/functions/autorun.lua:73>

Additional Information

Yeah I'm not sure what to tell ya, the dps rotation itself I've compared it to simcraft directly / better players than me and they all say what I'm doing (what the addon says) is wrong.

Contact Information



I am having the same issue. I've tried to import a different profile (no change) as well as tried disabling all other addons (no change).


I did a complete clean re-install of wow, turned out not to be worth the slow download speed lol. (no change for me at all)

Frustrating, it works on my shammy & evoker fine! Great addon - helped me learn several classes much faster.


Based on your details it seems that you have cooldowns disabled. Can you doublecheck:
/hekili > Toggles


Hi. okay so I see that the CD's now 100% show up and the issue seems fixed - I just don't understand why on a fresh install ( of wow / cleaned out all variable folders and the addon) would have CD toggled off. Maybe I did something without realising!

In any case, thank you so much!


I just don't understand why on a fresh install ( of wow / cleaned out all variable folders and the addon) would have CD toggled off.

Cooldowns are toggled off by default; it's something that's not always clear. Ideally, you are toggling cooldowns on/off as you play since you generally need to save/burn them based on specific pulls or fight choreography.