Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Outlaw Rogue Roll the Bones Problem

Raqz69 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


hey there,

ive texted you on twitter before, here is a snapshot of the problem.

(apl wants me to reroll my roll the bones crit buff at 15 seconds left)

build: v8.2.5-04.04
level: 120 (120)
class: ROGUE
spec: outlaw

talents: acrobatic_strikes

azerite: ace_up_your_sleeve=3

essences: [essence_of_the_focusing_iris]=3, memory_of_lucid_dreams=3, vision_of_perfection=2

sets/legendaries/artifacts: none

gear: band_des_uralten_baggerschiffs=1

itemIDs: 158075, 159294, 159310, 159320, 159322, 159333, 159461, 159617, 159973, 168343, 168348, 168377, 168818, 168887, 169156, 169313, 2575

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 23:14:14 ( 197747.76 ).

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00 ).

  • combo_points, 4 / 5
  • energy, 130 / 150

Processing precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[001] potion ( precombat - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[002] marked_for_death ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown

[003] stealth ( precombat - 3 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[004] roll_the_bones ( precombat - 4 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[005] slice_and_dice ( precombat - 5 ) - ability unknown

[006] adrenaline_rush ( precombat - 6 ) - ability disabled.

[007] azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 7 ) - ability disabled.

[008] cyclotronic_blast ( precombat - 8 ) - ability unknown
Completed precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[009] kick ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[010] stealth ( default - 2 )
The action (stealth) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because cannot stealth in combat.

[011] variable ( default - 3 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:3).

[012] variable ( default - 4 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:4).

[013] variable ( default - 5 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:5).

[014] variable ( default - 6 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:6).

[015] variable ( default - 7 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:7).

[016] variable ( default - 8 )

  • variable.ambush_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:8).

[017] variable ( default - 9 )

  • variable.bte_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:9).

[018] variable ( default - 10 )

  • variable.blade_flurry_sync will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:10).

[019] call_action_list ( default - 11 )
Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - stealthed.all[false]

[020] call_action_list ( default - 12 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (cds) was found.

  • cds
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[021] call_action_list ( cds - 1 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - ! stealthed.all[false]
Action list (essences) was found.

  • cds, essences
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[022] concentrated_flame ( essences - 1 ) - ability unknown

[023] blood_of_the_enemy ( essences - 2 ) - ability unknown

[024] guardian_of_azeroth ( essences - 3 ) - ability unknown

[025] focused_azerite_beam ( essences - 4 )
The action (focused_azerite_beam) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because active_enemies[1] is less than ability's minimum targets [3].

[026] purifying_blast ( essences - 5 ) - ability unknown

[027] the_unbound_force ( essences - 6 ) - ability unknown

[028] ripple_in_space ( essences - 7 ) - ability unknown

[029] worldvein_resonance ( essences - 8 ) - ability unknown

[030] memory_of_lucid_dreams ( essences - 9 ) - ability unknown
Returned from list (essences), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • essences

[031] adrenaline_rush ( cds - 2 ) - ability disabled.

[032] marked_for_death ( cds - 3 ) - ability unknown

[033] marked_for_death ( cds - 4 ) - ability unknown

[034] blade_flurry ( cds - 5 )
The action (blade_flurry) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 15.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( cds ) called from ( Outlaw:default:12 ) would PASS at 0.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[1.00] >= 2 & ! buff.blade_flurry.up[false] & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[false] | raid_event.adds.remains[0.00] > 8 | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > ( 2 - cooldown.blade_flurry.charges_fractional[2.00] ) * 25 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[035] ghostly_strike ( cds - 6 ) - ability unknown

[036] killing_spree ( cds - 7 ) - ability unknown

[037] blade_rush ( cds - 8 ) - ability unknown

[038] vanish ( cds - 9 ) - ability disabled.

[039] shadowmeld ( cds - 10 ) - ability unknown

[040] potion ( cds - 11 ) - ability disabled.

[041] variable_intensity_gigavolt_oscillating_reactor ( cds - 12 ) - ability disabled.

[042] use_items ( cds - 13 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[112.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[1.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[043] heart_essence ( items - 1 )
The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.

[044] lustrous_golden_plumage ( items - 2 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

[045] blood_fury ( cds - 14 ) - ability unknown

[046] berserking ( cds - 15 ) - ability unknown

[047] fireblood ( cds - 16 ) - ability unknown

[048] ancestral_call ( cds - 17 ) - ability unknown

[049] cyclotronic_blast ( cds - 18 ) - ability unknown

[050] azsharas_font_of_power ( cds - 19 ) - ability disabled.

[051] ashvanes_razor_coral ( cds - 20 ) - ability disabled.

[052] use_items ( cds - 21 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[112.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[1.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[053] heart_essence ( items - 1 )
The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.

[054] lustrous_golden_plumage ( items - 2 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
Returned from list (cds), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • cds

[055] run_action_list ( default - 13 )
Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - combo_points.current[4.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[true] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
Action list (finish) was found.

  • [finish]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[056] between_the_eyes ( finish - 1 )
The action is not ready before our maximum delay window (15.00) for this query.

[057] slice_and_dice ( finish - 2 ) - ability unknown

[058] roll_the_bones ( finish - 3 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would PASS at 0.00.
  • combo_points.current[4.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[true] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    variable.rtb_reroll [01/Outlaw:default:3] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | ! buff.grand_melee.up[false] & ! buff.ruthless_precision.up[true] ), result: false
    variable.rtb_reroll [02/Outlaw:default:4] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.deadshot.enabled[true] | azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.enabled[true] -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | buff.ruthless_precision.remains[14.83] <= cooldown.between_the_eyes.remains[19.17] ), result: true
    variable.rtb_reroll [03/Outlaw:default:5] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [04/Outlaw:default:6] :: op: reset, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 & buff.snake_eyes.stack[0.00] >= 2 - buff.broadside.up[false] -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [05/Outlaw:default:7] :: op: set, conditions: buff.blade_flurry.up[false] -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [01/Outlaw:default:3] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | ! buff.grand_melee.up[false] & ! buff.ruthless_precision.up[true] ), result: false
    variable.rtb_reroll [02/Outlaw:default:4] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.deadshot.enabled[true] | azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.enabled[true] -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | buff.ruthless_precision.remains[14.83] <= cooldown.between_the_eyes.remains[19.17] ), result: true
    variable.rtb_reroll [03/Outlaw:default:5] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [04/Outlaw:default:6] :: op: reset, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 & buff.snake_eyes.stack[0.00] >= 2 - buff.broadside.up[false] -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [05/Outlaw:default:7] :: op: set, conditions: buff.blade_flurry.up[false] -- [false]
  • this entry's criteria PASSES: buff.roll_the_bones.remains[14.83] <= 3 | variable.rtb_reroll[true]
    Action chosen: roll_the_bones at 0.00!
    Returned from list (finish), current recommendation is roll_the_bones (+0.00).
  • [finish]
    Added finish to blocklist as it was called via RAL.
    The recommended action (roll_the_bones) would be ready before the next GCD (0.00 < 0.00); exiting list (default).
    Completed default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
    Recommendation is roll_the_bones at 0.00 + 0.00.
    Recommendation #1 is roll_the_bones at 0.00s (0.00s).
    variable.rtb_reroll [01/Outlaw:default:3] :: op: set, conditions: NONE -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | ! buff.grand_melee.up[false] & ! buff.ruthless_precision.up[true] ), result: false
    variable.rtb_reroll [02/Outlaw:default:4] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.deadshot.enabled[true] | azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.enabled[true] -- [true]
  • value: rtb_buffs[1.00] < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up[false] | buff.ruthless_precision.remains[14.83] <= cooldown.between_the_eyes.remains[19.17] ), result: true
    variable.rtb_reroll [03/Outlaw:default:5] :: op: set, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [04/Outlaw:default:6] :: op: reset, conditions: azerite.snake_eyes.rank[0.00] >= 2 & buff.snake_eyes.stack[0.00] >= 2 - buff.broadside.up[false] -- [false]
    variable.rtb_reroll [05/Outlaw:default:7] :: op: set, conditions: buff.blade_flurry.up[false] -- [false]

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.00 ).

  • combo_points, 0 / 5
  • energy, 105 / 150

Processing precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[001] potion ( precombat - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[002] marked_for_death ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown

[003] stealth ( precombat - 3 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[004] roll_the_bones ( precombat - 4 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[005] slice_and_dice ( precombat - 5 ) - ability unknown

[006] adrenaline_rush ( precombat - 6 ) - ability disabled.

[007] azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 7 ) - ability disabled.

[008] cyclotronic_blast ( precombat - 8 ) - ability unknown
Completed precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[009] kick ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[010] stealth ( default - 2 )
The action (stealth) is unusable at (0.00 + 0.00) because cannot stealth in combat.

[011] variable ( default - 3 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:3).

[012] variable ( default - 4 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:4).

[013] variable ( default - 5 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:5).

[014] variable ( default - 6 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:6).

[015] variable ( default - 7 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:7).

[016] variable ( default - 8 )

  • variable.ambush_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:8).

[017] variable ( default - 9 )

  • variable.bte_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:9).

[018] variable ( default - 10 )

  • variable.blade_flurry_sync will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:10).

[019] call_action_list ( default - 11 )
Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - stealthed.all[false]

[020] call_action_list ( default - 12 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (cds) was found.

  • cds
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[021] call_action_list ( cds - 1 )
Criteria PASS at +0.00 - ! stealthed.all[false]
Action list (essences) was found.

  • cds, essences
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[022] concentrated_flame ( essences - 1 ) - ability unknown

[023] blood_of_the_enemy ( essences - 2 ) - ability unknown

[024] guardian_of_azeroth ( essences - 3 ) - ability unknown

[025] focused_azerite_beam ( essences - 4 )
The action (focused_azerite_beam) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.00) because active_enemies[1] is less than ability's minimum targets [3].

[026] purifying_blast ( essences - 5 ) - ability unknown

[027] the_unbound_force ( essences - 6 ) - ability unknown

[028] ripple_in_space ( essences - 7 ) - ability unknown

[029] worldvein_resonance ( essences - 8 ) - ability unknown

[030] memory_of_lucid_dreams ( essences - 9 ) - ability unknown
Returned from list (essences), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • essences

[031] adrenaline_rush ( cds - 2 ) - ability disabled.

[032] marked_for_death ( cds - 3 ) - ability unknown

[033] marked_for_death ( cds - 4 ) - ability unknown

[034] blade_flurry ( cds - 5 )
The action (blade_flurry) is usable at (0.00 + 1.00) with cost of 15.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( cds ) called from ( Outlaw:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[1.00] >= 2 & ! buff.blade_flurry.up[false] & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[false] | raid_event.adds.remains[0.00] > 8 | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > ( 2 - cooldown.blade_flurry.charges_fractional[2.00] ) * 25 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[035] ghostly_strike ( cds - 6 ) - ability unknown

[036] killing_spree ( cds - 7 ) - ability unknown

[037] blade_rush ( cds - 8 ) - ability unknown

[038] vanish ( cds - 9 ) - ability disabled.

[039] shadowmeld ( cds - 10 ) - ability unknown

[040] potion ( cds - 11 ) - ability disabled.

[041] variable_intensity_gigavolt_oscillating_reactor ( cds - 12 ) - ability disabled.

[042] use_items ( cds - 13 )
Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[112.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[5.00] <= 2

[043] blood_fury ( cds - 14 ) - ability unknown

[044] berserking ( cds - 15 ) - ability unknown

[045] fireblood ( cds - 16 ) - ability unknown

[046] ancestral_call ( cds - 17 ) - ability unknown

[047] cyclotronic_blast ( cds - 18 ) - ability unknown

[048] azsharas_font_of_power ( cds - 19 ) - ability disabled.

[049] ashvanes_razor_coral ( cds - 20 ) - ability disabled.

[050] use_items ( cds - 21 )
Criteria FAIL at +0.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[112.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[5.00] <= 2
Returned from list (cds), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • cds

[051] run_action_list ( default - 13 )
Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +0.00 - combo_points.current[0.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[true] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
Action list (finish) was found.

  • [finish]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[052] between_the_eyes ( finish - 1 )
The action is not ready before our maximum delay window (15.00) for this query.

[053] slice_and_dice ( finish - 2 ) - ability unknown

[054] roll_the_bones ( finish - 3 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.00) because ability 'usable' function returned false without explanation.

[055] between_the_eyes ( finish - 4 )
The action is not ready before our maximum delay window (15.00) for this query.

[056] dispatch ( finish - 5 )
The action (dispatch) is unusable at (0.00 + 1.00) because ability 'usable' function returned false without explanation.
Returned from list (finish), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • [finish]
    Added finish to blocklist as it was called via RAL.

[057] call_action_list ( default - 14 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (build) was found.

  • build
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[058] pistol_shot ( build - 1 )
The action (pistol_shot) is usable at (0.00 + 1.00) with cost of 20.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    Blocking list ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would NOT BLOCK at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[0.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[true] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    List ( build ) called from ( Outlaw:default:14 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria PASSES: buff.opportunity.up[true] & ( buff.keep_your_wits_about_you.stack[0.00] < 14 | buff.deadshot.up[true] | energy.current[127.42] < 45 )
    Action chosen: pistol_shot at 1.00!

[059] sinister_strike ( build - 2 )
The action is not ready in time ( 1.00 vs. 1.00 ) [ Clash: 0.00 vs. 0.00 ] - padded by 0.05s.
Returned from list (build), current recommendation is pistol_shot (+1.00).

  • build

[060] arcane_torrent ( default - 15 ) - ability unknown
The recommended action (pistol_shot) would be ready before the next GCD (1.00 < 1.00); exiting list (default).
Completed default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Recommendation is pistol_shot at 0.00 + 1.00.
Recommendation #2 is pistol_shot at 1.00s (1.00s).
Advancing clock by 1.00...

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 1.00, GCD: 1.00 ).

  • combo_points, 2 / 5
  • energy, 107 / 150

Processing precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[001] potion ( precombat - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[002] marked_for_death ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown

[003] stealth ( precombat - 3 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[004] roll_the_bones ( precombat - 4 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[005] slice_and_dice ( precombat - 5 ) - ability unknown

[006] adrenaline_rush ( precombat - 6 ) - ability disabled.

[007] azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 7 ) - ability disabled.

[008] cyclotronic_blast ( precombat - 8 ) - ability unknown
Completed precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[009] kick ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[010] stealth ( default - 2 )
The action (stealth) is unusable at (1.00 + 0.00) because cannot stealth in combat.

[011] variable ( default - 3 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:3).

[012] variable ( default - 4 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:4).

[013] variable ( default - 5 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:5).

[014] variable ( default - 6 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:6).

[015] variable ( default - 7 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:7).

[016] variable ( default - 8 )

  • variable.ambush_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:8).

[017] variable ( default - 9 )

  • variable.bte_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:9).

[018] variable ( default - 10 )

  • variable.blade_flurry_sync will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:10).

[019] call_action_list ( default - 11 )
Criteria FAIL at +1.00 - stealthed.all[false]

[020] call_action_list ( default - 12 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (cds) was found.

  • cds
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[021] call_action_list ( cds - 1 )
Criteria PASS at +1.00 - ! stealthed.all[false]
Action list (essences) was found.

  • cds, essences
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[022] concentrated_flame ( essences - 1 ) - ability unknown

[023] blood_of_the_enemy ( essences - 2 ) - ability unknown

[024] guardian_of_azeroth ( essences - 3 ) - ability unknown

[025] focused_azerite_beam ( essences - 4 )
The action (focused_azerite_beam) is unusable at (1.00 + 1.00) because active_enemies[1] is less than ability's minimum targets [3].

[026] purifying_blast ( essences - 5 ) - ability unknown

[027] the_unbound_force ( essences - 6 ) - ability unknown

[028] ripple_in_space ( essences - 7 ) - ability unknown

[029] worldvein_resonance ( essences - 8 ) - ability unknown

[030] memory_of_lucid_dreams ( essences - 9 ) - ability unknown
Returned from list (essences), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • essences

[031] adrenaline_rush ( cds - 2 ) - ability disabled.

[032] marked_for_death ( cds - 3 ) - ability unknown

[033] marked_for_death ( cds - 4 ) - ability unknown

[034] blade_flurry ( cds - 5 )
The action (blade_flurry) is usable at (1.00 + 1.00) with cost of 15.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( cds ) called from ( Outlaw:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[1.00] >= 2 & ! buff.blade_flurry.up[false] & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[false] | raid_event.adds.remains[0.00] > 8 | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > ( 2 - cooldown.blade_flurry.charges_fractional[2.00] ) * 25 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[035] ghostly_strike ( cds - 6 ) - ability unknown

[036] killing_spree ( cds - 7 ) - ability unknown

[037] blade_rush ( cds - 8 ) - ability unknown

[038] vanish ( cds - 9 ) - ability disabled.

[039] shadowmeld ( cds - 10 ) - ability unknown

[040] potion ( cds - 11 ) - ability disabled.

[041] variable_intensity_gigavolt_oscillating_reactor ( cds - 12 ) - ability disabled.

[042] use_items ( cds - 13 )
Criteria FAIL at +1.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[111.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[3.00] <= 2

[043] blood_fury ( cds - 14 ) - ability unknown

[044] berserking ( cds - 15 ) - ability unknown

[045] fireblood ( cds - 16 ) - ability unknown

[046] ancestral_call ( cds - 17 ) - ability unknown

[047] cyclotronic_blast ( cds - 18 ) - ability unknown

[048] azsharas_font_of_power ( cds - 19 ) - ability disabled.

[049] ashvanes_razor_coral ( cds - 20 ) - ability disabled.

[050] use_items ( cds - 21 )
Criteria FAIL at +1.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[111.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[3.00] <= 2
Returned from list (cds), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • cds

[051] run_action_list ( default - 13 )
Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +1.00 - combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
Action list (finish) was found.

  • [finish]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[052] between_the_eyes ( finish - 1 )
The action (between_the_eyes) is usable at (1.00 + 14.17) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +14.17 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 14.17.
  • combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[true] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (14.17).
    There were no recheck events to check.

[053] slice_and_dice ( finish - 2 ) - ability unknown

[054] roll_the_bones ( finish - 3 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is unusable at (1.00 + 1.00) because ability 'usable' function returned false without explanation.

[055] between_the_eyes ( finish - 4 )
The action (between_the_eyes) is usable at (1.00 + 14.17) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +14.17 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 14.17.
  • combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[true] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (14.17).
    There were no recheck events to check.

[056] dispatch ( finish - 5 )
The action (dispatch) is usable at (1.00 + 1.00) with cost of 35.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (1.00).
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Returned from list (finish), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
  • [finish]
    Added finish to blocklist as it was called via RAL.

[057] call_action_list ( default - 14 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (build) was found.

  • build
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[058] pistol_shot ( build - 1 )
The action (pistol_shot) is usable at (1.00 + 1.00) with cost of 40.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    Blocking list ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would NOT BLOCK at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    List ( build ) called from ( Outlaw:default:14 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.opportunity.up[false] & ( buff.keep_your_wits_about_you.stack[0.00] < 14 | buff.deadshot.up[false] | energy.current[129.72] < 45 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[059] sinister_strike ( build - 2 )
The action (sinister_strike) is usable at (1.00 + 1.00) with cost of 45.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    Blocking list ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would NOT BLOCK at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[2.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    List ( build ) called from ( Outlaw:default:14 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen: sinister_strike at 1.00!
    Returned from list (build), current recommendation is sinister_strike (+1.00).
  • build

[060] arcane_torrent ( default - 15 ) - ability unknown
The recommended action (sinister_strike) would be ready before the next GCD (1.00 < 1.00); exiting list (default).
Completed default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Recommendation is sinister_strike at 1.00 + 1.00.
Recommendation #3 is sinister_strike at 1.00s (2.00s).
Advancing clock by 1.00...

RECOMMENDATION #4 ( Offset: 2.00, GCD: 1.00 ).

  • combo_points, 3 / 5
  • energy, 84 / 150

Processing precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[001] potion ( precombat - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[002] marked_for_death ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown

[003] stealth ( precombat - 3 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[004] roll_the_bones ( precombat - 4 )
We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential. Skipping.

[005] slice_and_dice ( precombat - 5 ) - ability unknown

[006] adrenaline_rush ( precombat - 6 ) - ability disabled.

[007] azsharas_font_of_power ( precombat - 7 ) - ability disabled.

[008] cyclotronic_blast ( precombat - 8 ) - ability unknown
Completed precombat action list [ Outlaw - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[009] kick ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled.

[010] stealth ( default - 2 )
The action (stealth) is unusable at (2.00 + 0.00) because cannot stealth in combat.

[011] variable ( default - 3 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:3).

[012] variable ( default - 4 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:4).

[013] variable ( default - 5 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:5).

[014] variable ( default - 6 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:6).

[015] variable ( default - 7 )

  • variable.rtb_reroll will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:7).

[016] variable ( default - 8 )

  • variable.ambush_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:8).

[017] variable ( default - 9 )

  • variable.bte_condition will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:9).

[018] variable ( default - 10 )

  • variable.blade_flurry_sync will check this script entry (Outlaw:default:10).

[019] call_action_list ( default - 11 )
Criteria FAIL at +2.00 - stealthed.all[false]

[020] call_action_list ( default - 12 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (cds) was found.

  • cds
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[021] call_action_list ( cds - 1 )
Criteria PASS at +2.00 - ! stealthed.all[false]
Action list (essences) was found.

  • cds, essences
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[022] concentrated_flame ( essences - 1 ) - ability unknown

[023] blood_of_the_enemy ( essences - 2 ) - ability unknown

[024] guardian_of_azeroth ( essences - 3 ) - ability unknown

[025] focused_azerite_beam ( essences - 4 )
The action (focused_azerite_beam) is unusable at (2.00 + 1.00) because active_enemies[1] is less than ability's minimum targets [3].

[026] purifying_blast ( essences - 5 ) - ability unknown

[027] the_unbound_force ( essences - 6 ) - ability unknown

[028] ripple_in_space ( essences - 7 ) - ability unknown

[029] worldvein_resonance ( essences - 8 ) - ability unknown

[030] memory_of_lucid_dreams ( essences - 9 ) - ability unknown
Returned from list (essences), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • essences

[031] adrenaline_rush ( cds - 2 ) - ability disabled.

[032] marked_for_death ( cds - 3 ) - ability unknown

[033] marked_for_death ( cds - 4 ) - ability unknown

[034] blade_flurry ( cds - 5 )
The action (blade_flurry) is usable at (2.00 + 1.00) with cost of 15.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( cds ) called from ( Outlaw:default:12 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.any[1.00] >= 2 & ! buff.blade_flurry.up[false] & ( ! raid_event.adds.exists[false] | raid_event.adds.remains[0.00] > 8 | raid_event.adds.in[3600.00] > ( 2 - cooldown.blade_flurry.charges_fractional[2.00] ) * 25 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[035] ghostly_strike ( cds - 6 ) - ability unknown

[036] killing_spree ( cds - 7 ) - ability unknown

[037] blade_rush ( cds - 8 ) - ability unknown

[038] vanish ( cds - 9 ) - ability disabled.

[039] shadowmeld ( cds - 10 ) - ability unknown

[040] potion ( cds - 11 ) - ability disabled.

[041] variable_intensity_gigavolt_oscillating_reactor ( cds - 12 ) - ability disabled.

[042] use_items ( cds - 13 )
Criteria PASS at +2.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[110.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[2.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[043] heart_essence ( items - 1 )
The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (2.00 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.

[044] lustrous_golden_plumage ( items - 2 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

[045] blood_fury ( cds - 14 ) - ability unknown

[046] berserking ( cds - 15 ) - ability unknown

[047] fireblood ( cds - 16 ) - ability unknown

[048] ancestral_call ( cds - 17 ) - ability unknown

[049] cyclotronic_blast ( cds - 18 ) - ability unknown

[050] azsharas_font_of_power ( cds - 19 ) - ability disabled.

[051] ashvanes_razor_coral ( cds - 20 ) - ability disabled.

[052] use_items ( cds - 21 )
Criteria PASS at +2.00 - buff.bloodlust.react[0.00] | time_to_die[110.00] <= 20 | combo_points.deficit[2.00] <= 2
Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[053] heart_essence ( items - 1 )
The action (heart_essence) is unusable at (2.00 + 0.00) because your equipped major essence is supported elsewhere in the priority or is not an active ability.

[054] lustrous_golden_plumage ( items - 2 ) - ability disabled.
Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
Returned from list (cds), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).

  • cds

[055] run_action_list ( default - 13 )
Time-sensitive Criteria deferred at +2.00 - combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
Action list (finish) was found.

  • [finish]
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[056] between_the_eyes ( finish - 1 )
The action (between_the_eyes) is usable at (2.00 + 13.17) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +13.17 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 13.17.
  • combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[true] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (13.17).
    There were no recheck events to check.

[057] slice_and_dice ( finish - 2 ) - ability unknown

[058] roll_the_bones ( finish - 3 )
The action (roll_the_bones) is unusable at (2.00 + 1.00) because ability 'usable' function returned false without explanation.

[059] between_the_eyes ( finish - 4 )
The action (between_the_eyes) is usable at (2.00 + 13.17) with cost of 25.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +13.17 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 13.17.
  • combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[true] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (13.17).
    There were no recheck events to check.

[060] dispatch ( finish - 5 )
The action (dispatch) is usable at (2.00 + 1.00) with cost of 35.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    List ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would FAIL at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
  • this entry would not be reached at the current time via the current action list path (1.00).
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Returned from list (finish), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+60.00).
  • [finish]
    Added finish to blocklist as it was called via RAL.

[061] call_action_list ( default - 14 )
There is no criteria for this action list..
Action list (build) was found.

  • build
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +60.00s.

[062] pistol_shot ( build - 1 )
The action (pistol_shot) is usable at (2.00 + 1.00) with cost of 40.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    Blocking list ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would NOT BLOCK at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    List ( build ) called from ( Outlaw:default:14 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.opportunity.up[false] & ( buff.keep_your_wits_about_you.stack[0.00] < 14 | buff.deadshot.up[false] | energy.current[107.03] < 45 )
    There were no recheck events to check.

[063] sinister_strike ( build - 2 )
The action (sinister_strike) is usable at (2.00 + 1.00) with cost of 45.

  • the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.00 vs. +60.00).
    Blocking list ( finish ) called from ( Outlaw:default:13 ) would NOT BLOCK at 1.00.
  • combo_points.current[3.00] >= cp_max_spend[5.00] - ( buff.broadside.up[false] + buff.opportunity.up[false] ) * ( talent.quick_draw.enabled[true] & ( ! talent.marked_for_death.enabled[false] | cooldown.marked_for_death.remains[0.00] > 1 ) ) * ( azerite.ace_up_your_sleeve.rank[3.00] < 2 | ! cooldown.between_the_eyes.up[false] | ! buff.roll_the_bones.up[true] )
    List ( build ) called from ( Outlaw:default:14 ) would PASS at 1.00.
  • NONE
  • this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen: sinister_strike at 1.00!
    Returned from list (build), current recommendation is sinister_strike (+1.00).
  • build

[064] arcane_torrent ( default - 15 ) - ability unknown
The recommended action (sinister_strike) would be ready before the next GCD (1.00 < 1.00); exiting list (default).
Completed default action list [ Outlaw - default ].
Recommendation is sinister_strike at 2.00 + 1.00.
Recommendation #4 is sinister_strike at 1.00s (3.00s).


So, RtB reroll was recommended based on:

buff.roll_the_bones.remains[14.83] <= 3 | variable.rtb_reroll[true]

That is, either your RtB buff(s) have fewer than 3 seconds remaining -OR- the rtb_reroll variable is true. In this case, rtb_reroll was true. Why? Well, variables are complicated but we can go through each step. rtb_reroll is used to combine several conditions to ultimately just answer yes or no, do we reroll. Those conditions are in default #3-7.

First rule is in default #3:

Reroll for 2+ buffs with Loaded Dice up. Otherwise reroll for 2+ or Grand Melee or Ruthless Precision.


In your case, rtb_reroll was set to 'false' because you had Ruthless Precision up.

Second rule is in default #4:

Reroll for 2+ buffs or Ruthless Precision with Deadshot or Ace up your Sleeve.


You have Deadshot and Ace Up Your Sleeve, so rtb_reroll was set to 'true' based on Ruthless Precision's remaining time (14.83 seconds) being less than the remaining CD on Between the Eyes (19.17 seconds).

(Given the cooldown reduction effects that impact Between the Eyes, it's worth revisiting this part of the APL.)

Third rule is in default #5:

2+ Snake Eyes: Always reroll for 2+ buffs.


You don't have Snake Eyes, so this is skipped and rtb_reroll remains 'true'.

Fourth rule is default #6:

2+ Snake Eyes: Do not reroll with 2+ stacks of the Snake Eyes buff (1+ stack with Broadside up).


You still don't have Snake Eyes, so this is skipped and rtb_reroll remains 'true'.

Fifth rule is default #7:

With Blade Flurry up, ignore rules above and take everything that is 2+ (not counting SaC) or single BS, GM, RP


You don't have Blade Flurry up, so this is skipped and rtb_reroll remains 'true'.

tl;dr: Your Ruthless Precision was expected to fall off before your next Between the Eyes cast.

What do you do with this information? Well, you could do some testing in sims to figure out how you might want to adjust that logic in default #4. Instead of flat out comparing RP's remaining time to BtE's cooldown, maybe build in some buffer time.

Using the default SimC profile, it looks like there are some tiny, tiiiiny gains by doing so:


The 10 second buffer (literally adding 10 seconds to BtE's CD) has a higher DPS floor and higher top-end damage in a Patchwerk sim, but no discernable DPS difference on average:

rtb_buffs < 2 & ( buff.loaded_dice.up | buff.ruthless_precision.remains <= cooldown.between_the_eyes.remains + 10 )

A 5 second buffer outperforms by 0.2% on average, with comparable DPS floor and top-end damage. 0.2% is almost literally nothing.

tl;dr pt. 2: You'd have to do some work to sort out a precise threshold for when your CDR effects will risk DPS by not having RP up for BtE when it comes off CD. I'm guessing the default APL writers for SimulationCraft stopped with this implementation because they didn't come up with anything that ultimately had better performance on average.