Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[BUG] Target counting issue for Fury Warrior

kingreboot opened this issue ยท 52 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

Addon will sometime get stuck (mostly seen when changing talents/specs) on my warrior where the addon will not count more then one target and will not think I am in melee range until I am basically directly under the mob I am targeting. I can Fix this with a quick reload. I will also mention that I don't change talents with normal loadouts but instead using BtWLoadouts Addon (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/btwloadouts).

How to Reproduce

unsure. Change specs while as a warrior?

Player Information (Link)


Error Messages (Link)

No bugs were reported

Additional Information

Snapshot: https://pastebin.com/qCg5Sh5R

Contact Information



Was the snapshot taken when you were having this issue?




and I under stand why you changed the name to target counting, but I was also have a rang issue. It was recommending charge and telling me I was out of range even though I was in melee range hitting melee range spells.


Do you have multiple nameplates showing? Or only your target's nameplate?


all nameplates showing and damaged enemies are selected. Even with forcing the addon to count other targets with an Aoe ability does not seems to work. Will note that I use Leatrix to only show Nameplates while in combat, but this has not been an issue in the past and I can confirmed when this issue has happen, that the nameplates were showing.


Can you update to v10.0.19a, then post a new snapshot at the cleave dummies and add a screenshot as well? Thanks.




only issue I have is trying to force the bug has been not easy. Its happen a good amount, but recreating it seems very random.


Could be related to joining a group. Most of my examples happen in M+ groups, but the one above I notice while in a World boss group and I have seen this happen in my raid groups. I don't think I have experienced this while solo


I have now tried few combination to try to trigger the issue, but nothing has seemed to work. I will try to get a screenshot when I next notice it.


The first picture recommends Rampage while you have 2 stacks of Whirlwind still up (and 80+ rage), which would cleave it to everything; I imagine that's the correct recommendation based on target count.

The second picture showing Charge... well that probably is because charge is recommended at distance > 5, but charge needs a minimum distance of 8.
Charge's Conditions: time <= 0.5 | movement.distance > 5

@Hekili that probably needs changed to be >7 I imagine.


Also, if you want to be 100% sure what Hekili is counting as it's targets, you can turn on an option which places a number in the bottom right hand corner of the recommendations:

Example: 5 target dummies:




First example shows not counting targets and second example is showing charge in melee range




All I know is if I reload my UI, the recommendation start displaying the right spells again and target count starts working again


I need the snapshot and the screenshot, as noted above.


I will try to get snapshot, but the first snapshot I sent had the same issue as screenshot.



in Arms spec in raid


that snapshot seems to be from when you are out of combat with no targets. What is the expected suggestion?


I thought I got the pause to go off before the pull was over. I was having the same issue where it was not counting more then one mob and recommending charge randomly and while in melee range


I see, I usually disable charge on my warrior so its never suggested... maybe that will help.
It's not an out of the box solution for everyone though.


I leave charge on as it usually not in the way when in range and I like using it when I have to leave range of mob/boss for a mechanic and to know at what point I am in range to use charge to get back in


I wonder if this is related to the new implied targeting stuff (in WoW, not the addon). Have you changed those settings at all?


no, unless another addon messes with it, but I can't think of other addons that would mess with it. If it part of the new implied targeting stuff, then it would have to be something that changes based on something because a reload fixes the issue.


Please don't use the alpha for 10.0.7 on live. It probably doesn't impact Warrior since there aren't any real changes, but it might.

In your screenshot, with the exception of your targets, the other enemies look like they might not be within 8 yards. Your nameplateRange setting is set to 8. I'm going to post a new 10.0.5 version that records more targeting data, so I might need to see if you can get another snapshot afterward.


ok, I will swap back to the 10.0.5 version, also this just happens to be where the snapshot was taken, I was moving in and out of the pack to see if anything was changing, so yes I might have been out of range in that pack, but not always. Also I have detect with damage selected and it was not working. Unless I misunderstand that option and nameplates over rides that option.


Understood. Trust me, I don't enjoy sending you after multiple snapshots, it's just most helpful to come away with an example that is explicitly clear that the targets should've been detected. 8 yards isn't that far and your snapshot makes it questionable. If you snapshot again, getting the snapshot and screenshot when you're literally inside the enemy hitboxes would be really helpful.

Does this issue tend to happen with these specific enemies?

If you change your Nameplate Range to 10 yards, do you run into this issue?


I just changed the range (14 I think? not at computer) to test to see if that is the issues. Had it happen to me a day ago during a 20 NO, sadly did not grab the snapshot. I don't think it has todo with enemies types as I have seen it happen in most of the M+ this season. I will do a few keys tomorrow to fill my vault and will look out to get a snapshot


new snapshot while in raid, near alot of trash



This is likely related to other target auditing issues that cropped up recently. If it is not resolved in 1.0.23, please add a new snapshot with the latest version. Thanks!


Thanks, will test with newest build and will report if it crops up. Hopefully it does not


I was not able to stop and pause to to grab a snapshot/screenshot as it was during a high key and I just needed the addon to work so I reloaded, but it happened again on the current build. Well current of last night, I think v10.0.5-1.0.23b


Will point out that it's always happens after I swapped specs/gear/talents/loading in and never randomly during combat or while going in and out of combat.


I know, just letting you know that the problem is still there, will try to get a snapshot when I can


I can't investigate without the snapshot.


For target counting to break down, I'd expect there to be an error. If it happens during an update thread, the snapshot would include the message. If it's happening at another time, BugSack/BugGrabber would capture error messages that you can forward as well.


That would make sense, but all I have to go on is what I been experiencing. I have checked for errors and I get none. I wish it was easy to recreate or not happen in moments where I just need the addon to work. I tried my hardest to try to trigger it, but no luck


during the big pack at the start of vault (current M+ vault)


By default, snapshotting also creates a screenshot. Do you have the screenshot from when you took that snapshot?




oh let me check, did not know it did that


it was a pause, then I got the snapshot. Not sure how that works (for screenshotting that is) but let me check




Thanks; I'm making a couple of changes that may help.

  1. Enemies filtered due to being out of nameplateRange will be filtered based on their minimum range, not their maximum range. This means if an enemy is actually 12.5 yards away and GetRange says they are 10 - 15 yards away, they'll be excluded only if the lower number is greater than your range.

  2. I'm adding another quick fix so that when enemies are filtered by range, it will show their detected range vs. your nameplateRange in the snapshot for diagnostic purposes.

The first might solve your issue entirely; the second will make it easier to diagnose the range vs. your filter settings. I think we're close to resolution of this issue.


Will look out for it, but hoping to not see issues to report anymore


Please give 1.0.1 a try, even if just on target dummies. Same deal -- if you can send snapshot/screenshots in pairs if you still have trouble, I'll review further.


Ok, open a separate issue for charge if/when you get a snapshot for it. Thanks!




So I did not get a chance to get this snapshot, but the count issue is no longer there, but my other issue of the addon randomly showing charge when I am in range is still there. Just like the counting issue, a reload fixes it