Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[BUG] active_dot.x not updating when dots have expired (was: Missing Flame Shock spread after Primordial Wave in AOE)

Beltroth opened this issue · 13 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

After the last update the addon its no longer racommending Flame Shock spread through Lava Lash after casting Primordial Wave when doing AOE

How to Reproduce

  • Use primordial wave on a group of mobs before casting anything else
  • The addon will suggest to instant use Lighting Bolt without using Lava Lash first

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

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Yeah the snapshot was taken during that issue, i sincerly do not know what it's causing the issue, sometimes all is working fine, sometimes i have to reload the game


Are you using the "Better Hekili Targeting" WeakAura that is broken?


UPDATE: okay so now the addon is working, the problem started after i've installed OmniCD but after disabling and renabling OmniCD it appears to have fixed it


Okay so i've serched the forum and found that i have the same issue as kingreboot, sometimes the addon won't recognize that i'm on top of a group of adds and suggest me to do single target instead of the AOE rotation, i thought maybe was OmniCD interfering but it was just a quick reload fixing the issue but still happens from time to time


It happens still with or without omnicd, hekili sometimes skip the lavalash spread


You appear to have 7 active Flame Shocks with 5 current targets in your snapshot.


The addon recognized that you're in a group of adds, though. It shows in your snapshot. Was the snapshot taken when you were having the issue you're reporting?


Update: i've just reinstalled hekili and now it is working fine, maybe it was because i've changed fonts of the addons or maybe just a fresh install was needed, anyway now it's been 2 days without the issue.


Update: i've just reinstalled hekili and now it is working fine, maybe it was because i've changed fonts of the addons or maybe just a fresh install was needed, anyway now it's been 2 days without the issue.

Okay I just had to wait before replying D:, the problem still happen after a fresh install and deleting all the settings i had before, i don't have any WA like "Better Hekili Targeting".




this entry's criteria FAILS: talent.lashing_flames.enabled[true] & dot.flame_shock.ticking[true] & ( active_dot.flame_shock[7.00] < active_enemies[2.00] ) & active_dot.flame_shock[7.00] < 6

This looks like the issue. Had 4 targets in combat and no Lava Lash recommended to spread Flame Shock for spread then you would Lightning Bolt to get the haste from Splintering Elements.


Any progress? I am also facing this issue


Please don't post non-contributory status update questions. You'll know when it's been addressed.


Fix should be live in 1.0.23.