Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Assassination using Garrote 4x in Opener

xClow opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Before You Begin

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  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
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Describe the Issue

Recommending I garrote 4 times in a row on the opener, i tried to capture it on the 4th garrote but am not sure if I got it. I can submit another snapshot if i didn't.


This is what the rogue discord faq says I should be doing. Any advice?

How to Reproduce

Enter game as rogue
Change to assassination
Stealth and start using hekili

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)


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Couple more instances of pressing garrote 2 times in a row on opener and it suggesting a 3rd then 4th. What happens is i'll hit garrote, the icon for garrote stays, i hit it again, repeat


During testing it generated an auto-snapshot which ill place here but could open a new ticket if needed. https://pastebin.com/7CtsWTti


Just a quick note, you aren't using the latest version of the addon in these snapshots but I don't think there are any changes in the latest that would resolve this for you.

This is what the rogue discord faq says I should be doing. Any advice?

It looks like the FAQ and sim agree with each other, so I'll look at the sim. FAQs and guides are too often out of sync with what's proven or tested with sims to rely on them alone. Thanks for linking a sim. It looks like the Garrote entry the addon is using, but the sim is ruling out, is:


In the addon, these values are:

15.  garrote ( stealthed - 2 )
 - this entry's criteria PASSES: stealthed.improved_garrote[true] & ! will_lose_exsanguinate[false] & ( remains[22.34] < 12 / exsanguinated_rate[1.00] | pmultiplier[1.00] <= 1 ) & target.time_to_die[300.00] - remains[22.34] > 2

It looks like the multiplier on Garrote is snapshotted wrongly, so it's trying to apply a stronger Garrote even though the one that was just applied should've been buffed. I'll take a closer look.


I'll probably post an alpha build for you to test further. I made adjustments to the auditor that purges auras that seems to handle the dummies well.


Oh, the above may be occurring vs. Training Dummies only, because they are constantly dying and the addon purges aura data on a death event. Does this happen in real combat?


Oh, the above may be occurring vs. Training Dummies only, because they are constantly dying and the addon purges aura data on a death event. Does this happen in real combat?

Confirmed it did this on Terros and that's what made me check it on the dummy. I didn't grab a snapshot unfortunately but this is the timeline of casts on the log you can see right at the start where I did the garrote 4 times


Is this still an issue with the latest release?


Issue resolved! Thank you