Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Beacon of the Beyond doesn't get suggested.

jankozilla opened this issue ยท 27 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

I was playing with my sub rogue, and hitting dummy, The addon would suggest I use the 3 grenade trinket I have, but it would never suggest my Beacon of the Beyond.

How to Reproduce

1.Enter WoW
2. Play sub rogue.
3. Practice rotation on dummy with Beacon of the Beyond.
4.Beacon doesn't get suggested, only Dragonfire bomb dispenser.

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

Additional Information

No response

Contact Information



So I take it that you modified the priority to put Beacon to the Beyond at the top of the default priority. I'll need a snapshot from the actual default priority. The issue that jumps out is that the default priority uses several trinkets off-GCD but does not explicitly do that for Beacon. In your snapshot, Beacon would've been the number 1 recommendation except that it would be used when the GCD finishes recovering and Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser can be used while the GCD is still active instead.

I'll look at the DH situation further if you reset your priority to default when providing the snapshot. I'll also need a link to a sim of your character, so I can compare the sim behavior to the addon. Thanks!


Well I've only changed it in the settings in hope to fix the situation. But i'll try to provide it later on today.


Beacon should be recommended during the GCD before Shadow Blades. If you wait for the GCD to expire, Shadow Blades is recommended first. This is consistent with the sim.

If Beacon isn't recommended during the GCD, please add a snapshot taken during the GCD and I'll take a look.



Voila my dude! It seems to suggest Dragonfire Dispenser instead. It seems both are fighting for priority.


Simmilar situation is with Outlaw.
Snapshot - https://pastebin.com/FXSJL83N
Player info - https://pastebin.com/S2FJuP8R
During Ghostly strike (GS) recommendation, number 2 recommendation (second icon) is . Beacon. But after GS being cast, next suggestion rapidly changes to Shadow Dance, i think because Shadow Dance is also recommended during the GCD, that is why both Beacon and Shadow Dance are fighting for priority.


@IIeTpoc You don't have to add Player Info separately (it's included in the snapshot). I do need a sim for comparison, though.

edit: Also, if I need to compare pre-GS and post-GS, I need a snapshot for both circumstances, please. Thanks!


pre-GS https://pastebin.com/imAUwDeB
post-GS https://pastebin.com/KDFDbXAM

About Sims. I took BiS sim profile for outlaw from the outlaw discord https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTYgz1ZCEqoM-KDFQwvyWDSyDNTf8J5s1GD1lnhIwEdfmTZ31K0dnoRkHtgsq6ysEyt9qAke_e9uu01/pubhtml# and changed the bomb trinket with the passive one, thus Beacon is the only usable trinket in this profile. I set the Sim time to 6 minutes 30 seconds (Mythic Rashok kill timer), thus Beacon could be able to be used 3 times. We can see, that in this profile Sim uses Beacon even before Dreadblades.

I do not understand how do i model the behaviour which I have already described at the start of the post, but the sequence of spells I am getting ingame is actually the same as at this Sim (basicly the same profile, but fight lengs is 5 minutes instead of 6 minutes 30 seconds) https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/7izHKgaRiz1XEz7QqHjfVf

It is understandable, that in 5 minute fight duration, where you can only use Beacon twice, you can actually choose when exactly Beacon should be use for best results, but i think it is more valuable to be able to use Beacon closer to "on cooldown" as in longer than 5 minutes fights it is just more convinient to use it.


Actually i do not understand why my modification does not lead to change in the sequence in Simcraft.
I changed both Dreadblades and Shadow dance to not be used if !trinket.beacon_to_the_beyond.cooldown.ready. But according to the model Dreadblades is still used just before the trinket.


The issue is that with default simcraft outlaw profile the most optimal way to cast Beacon, again, according to the simcraft, is before Shadowdance. This is shown here
And addon also recommends it at first this way - the preGS link.
pre-GS https://pastebin.com/imAUwDeB

But right after GS is being pressed, suddenly recommendations are being changed to cast Shadow Dance, delaying the use of Beacon by around 10-20 seconds,
post-GS https://pastebin.com/KDFDbXAM


But right after GS is being pressed, suddenly recommendations are being changed to cast Shadow Dance, delaying the use of Beacon.
post-GS https://pastebin.com/KDFDbXAM

This isn't right after GS is being pressed; the global cooldown isn't active. Technically, the sim behavior is to recommend Beacon in the first 0.1s of the GCD (for Outlaw) which is overly restrictive in my opinion. I'll probably go ahead and relax that part of it, but you can see in your screenshot that the usage of Beacon is immediately upon pushing the previous button:



Ok i got it, did not look at the actuall miliseconds. Thank you!




This means that Beacon is not on cooldown, not that Beacon has been used. What is the actual issue right now? If you're looking for help writing a custom priority, I still don't do that.


Voila my dude! It seems to suggest Dragonfire Dispenser instead. It seems both are fighting for priority.

So, looking at your snapshot, when Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser was recommended, Beacon to the Beyond was ruled out:

  1. beacon_to_the_beyond ( cds - 24 )
    The action (beacon_to_the_beyond) is usable at (3.00 + 0.00).
  • this entry's criteria FAILS: ! stealthed.all[false] & ( buff.deeper_daggers.up[false] | ! talent.deeper_daggers.enabled[true] ) & ( ! raid_event.adds.up[false] | ! equipped.stormeaters_boon[false] | cooldown.stormeaters_boon.remains[0.00] > 20 )

In the forecast, it doesn't see that you would have Deeper Daggers at that point (which would've been applied via Eviscerate in your case). You should have it, so I looked and found that only the conduit version of Deeper Daggers was implemented; the talent was not. This will be resolved in the next release.

Currently, it reached Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser simply because it doesn't have any special conditions for its usage and nothing higher in priority was selected.


This should be addressed for both Outlaw and Sub now. Can you confirm?


Works perfectly for me on all three rogue specs now


This is indeed solved now.


For outlaw it works indeed!


Can you take a look on Havoc now? :D same issue


Can you take a look on Havoc now? :D same issue

Did you supply information about Havoc having this issue somewhere? I don't see a snapshot.


I can do it today, just tell me how to get the snapshot :)



A snapshot is required to diagnose this issue.


Please supply a Snapshot of the addon's decision-making when you are seeing this issue in-game. This is not a screenshot. To generate a Snapshot, please complete the following steps.

  • Log into your WoW character.
  • Recreate the issue you are reporting (i.e., generate 5 Holy Power).
  • When you see the recommendation you disagree with, press ALT-SHIFT-P to Pause and Snapshot (or use ALT-SHIFT-[ to Snapshot without pausing).
    • You can change these keybindings in /hekili > Toggles if needed.
    • If you take the snapshot at a different time, it will not be useful and you'll be asked to submit a new one.
  • Type /hekili and press Enter.
  • Open the Snapshots section on the left side.
  • Select the snapshot that shows the recommendation that you disagree with.
    • Snapshots are labeled with your specialization, the display in question (usually, you'll choose Primary), and the recommendations the addon made with their timings.
  • Click in the Export Snapshot box, press CTRL+A to select all text including hidden text and press CTRL+C to copy.
  • Open https://pastebin.com, use CTRL+V to paste the snapshot text, then click Create New Paste.
  • Provide the Pastebin link in a new comment.

This step is essential, as most issues are related to specific classes, specializations, gear, talent choices, or other game systems. If you do not provide this information, I cannot triage your problem.


@JacobSobota Got a snapshot where Beacon should've been recommended but wasn't?


Yes I'm not sure If I've got it right, but the case is occurring when beacon and bomb are out of CD's I'm getting beacon for half a second and afterwards bomb is getting displayed. And thus bomb CD is a bit different due to the fact of storing 3 bombs, there are fight's when I don't see beacon at all, or when It flashes for 200ms I'm using it when hekili shows the bomb suggestion.


Anything? :)


https://pastebin.com/YuJSpDN9 after resetting to standard settings I've only seen it before "pull" after that only bomb is getting suggested


I'll also need a link to a sim of your character, so I can compare the sim behavior to the addon. Thanks!


I'm going to flag the trinket entries in the Havoc priority to use generic trinkets (including Beacon) off GCD. In your snapshot, the addon would've recommended Beacon in 0.12 seconds, but Fel Rush was available immediately.