Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Potion not being recommended for frost mage

dglynch opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

For my frost mage, the potion is never recommended. I believe this is because the priority list includes a Shadowlands potion ("potion = phantom_fire" in the snapshot) which I don't have in my bags. It should recommend a Dragonflight potion instead.

How to Reproduce

  1. Enter the game as a frost mage.
  2. Enable potions.
  3. See recommendations.

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)


Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

No response


Which Dragonflight potion(s) do you have in your bag?

Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power, Rank 2. I am using this same potion on my retribution paladin and it works fine.

Also, if you go to /hekili > Gear and Items, and select "Potion" at the upper right, what do you see?



The phantom_fire bit there doesn't actually do anything; it's from when the addon still had a dropdown where you could pick which potion you wanted.

Which Dragonflight potion(s) do you have in your bag?


Also, if you go to /hekili > Gear and Items, and select "Potion" at the upper right, what do you see?



What about /dump Hekili.Class.abilities.potion? It is strange that the Potion ability shows that it's unknown in your snapshot.

Does it work after reloading your UI?


Reloading my UI does not seem to change anything.

Here's the output from that dump command:

[08:12:18] Dump: value=Hekili.Class.abilities.potion
[08:12:18] [1]={
[08:12:18] gcd="off",
[08:12:18] bagItem=true,
[08:12:18] itemSpellName="Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power",
[08:12:18] realCast=0,
[08:12:18] handler=,
[08:12:18] key="potion",
[08:12:18] listName="|T136243:0|t |cff00ccff[Potion]|r",
[08:12:18] texture=967534,
[08:12:18] itemLoaded=253442.829,
[08:12:18] charges=1,
[08:12:18] recharge=300,
[08:12:18] link="|cffffffff|Hitem:191382::::::::70:64:::::::::|h[Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier2:17:23::1|a]|h|r",
[08:12:18] id=-101,
[08:12:18] itemSpellID=371028,
[08:12:18] itemPended=253442.829,
[08:12:18] funcs={
[08:12:18] cast=,
[08:12:18] usable=,
[08:12:18] item=,
[08:12:18] timeToReady=
[08:12:18] },
[08:12:18] name="Potion",
[08:12:18] from=0,
[08:12:18] itemSpellKey="elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power_371028",
[08:12:18] startsCombat=false,
[08:12:18] cooldown=300,
[08:12:18] toggle="potions"
[08:12:18] }


Thanks; this is sorted for next release.


I confirm this is fixed for me when I apply the mentioned commit as a patch locally.