Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[REC] Throw glaive should be in the opener and is blocked by blade_dance.remains condition

bobifle opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

For my DH havoc, I expect to cast throw glaive (to apply serated debuff) before fel rushing then eye beam.

I may be related to the following rule:

25 throw glaive: talent.serrated_glaive.enabled & cooldown.eye_beam.remains < 6 & ! debuff.serrated_glaive.up & ! debuff.essence_break.up & cooldown.blade_dance.remains

cooldown.blade_dance.remains block the action, because it's not in cooldown on pull. I don't know if removing this would be a good fix, I don't know the impact for the non opener cycle. Howver Serated is a debuff that is critical for the opener.


How to Reproduce

Target a boss / dummy, throw glaive should be third in the recommendation, immolation aura -> sigilf of flame -> throw glaive

Snapshot (Link)

Havoc; Primary - Immolation Aura(0.00), Fel Rush(1.27), Eye Beam(1.52), Vengeful Retreat(4.06), Essence Break(5.33)

Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

No response

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Contact Information

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Also, I suspect you haven't updated in a while, because I'm pretty sure I already build in an option not to check Blade Dance's CD for Throw Glaive. Check if that appears in your Havoc options and give it a try.


Sim yourself and look at what your sim does. If the guide you're reading and the sim are out of alignment, you'll see different results in the addon as well.


I have the latest version, v10.1.0-1.0.2c and the blade dance cooldown is still here (defaut havoc package, I have no custom).
Let me try the sim on raidbot, bu tbh I'm not super familiar with raidbot


like this ?

but there's the issue with simulation craft prio list as well


I don't know if it matters, but the guide is from the DH discord "The Fel Hammer" which is supposed to be the most accurate, same ppl who write on wowhead


there's the issue with simulation craft prio list as well

The sim priority generally has a reason to be designed as it is. I do recommend going to /hekili > Havoc, and look at the "Throw Glaive before Blade Dance" option.

I don't know if it matters, but the guide is from the DH discord "The Fel Hammer" which is supposed to be the most accurate, same ppl who write on wowhead

They also build the sim priority, so it's something they might want to revise the priority to make that happen.

Just for clarity, in that sim, here's your opener up to the first Throw Glaive:

Time List # Name Target Resources Buffs
Pre precombat 0 flask Bobe 0.0/120: 0% fury  
Pre precombat 1 augmentation Bobe 0.0/120: 0% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat 2 food Bobe 0.0/120: 0% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat 4 3min_trinket Bobe 0.0/120: 0% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat 5 trinket_sync_slot Bobe 0.0/120: 0% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat 7 arcane_torrent Fluffy_Pillow 0.0/120: 0% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat 8 use_item_algethar_puzzle_box Fluffy_Pillow 15.0/120: 12% fury corrupting_rage
Pre precombat A immolation_aura Fluffy_Pillow 15.0/120: 12% fury algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage
0:00.000 default B auto_attack Fluffy_Pillow 35.0/120: 29% fury immolation_aura, unbound_chaos, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage
0:00.000 default I fel_rush Fluffy_Pillow 35.0/120: 29% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, unbound_chaos, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage
0:00.387 cooldown a potion Fluffy_Pillow 62.0/120: 52% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, out_of_range, initiative, momentum, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage
0:00.462 default P eye_beam Fluffy_Pillow 62.0/120: 52% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, initiative, momentum, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:01.744 default G annihilation Fluffy_Pillow 76.0/120: 63% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, inner_demon, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:01.744 default H vengeful_retreat Fluffy_Pillow 36.0/120: 30% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, algethar_puzzle, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:02.498 default J essence_break Fluffy_Pillow 73.0/120: 61% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, vengeful_retreat_movement, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:03.253 default B auto_attack Fluffy_Pillow 81.0/120: 68% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:03.253 default K death_sweep Fluffy_Pillow 81.0/120: 68% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:04.008 cooldown Z metamorphosis Fluffy_Pillow 66.0/120: 55% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:05.173 default K death_sweep Fluffy_Pillow 81.0/120: 68% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, inner_demon, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:05.926 default L annihilation Fluffy_Pillow 54.0/120: 45% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, inner_demon, tactical_retreat, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:06.682 default S annihilation Fluffy_Pillow 69.0/120: 57% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, initiative, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_fury, seething_potential, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power
0:07.436 default O throw_glaive Fluffy_Pillow 37.0/120: 31% fury bloodlust, immolation_aura, metamorphosis, furious_gaze, momentum, tactical_retreat, seething_fury, seething_potential, algethar_puzzle, mutated_magmammoth_scale, corrupting_rage, elemental_potion_of_ultimate_power

I asked the discord, there's a APL pending fix. So I'll guess it will be reflecting soon in Hekili.
