Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Keybind text wrong on most characters except action bar 1

Denixerianer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

As the title suggests i tried 3 characters and only on one of those three characters the keybinds are showing what they are supposed to. Only action bar 2 and 3 are affected action bar 1 keybinds get shown correctly. I know there is a way to manually set keybinds but that is incredibly tedious especially when you want to move an ability somewhere else. I use the default action bars.

How to Reproduce

log onto your character and it no workey

Player Information (Link)


Error Messages (Link)

there are no error messages

Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

No response

    avenging_wrath         = V   [01]
    blade_of_justice       = 1   [01]
    blessing_of_freedom    = F   [01]
    blessing_of_protection = CC  [05]
    consecration           = CQ  [05]
    crusader_strike        = 2   [01]
    divine_protection      = C   [01], C   [02]
    divine_shield          = T   [01]
    divine_steed           = X   [01]
    divine_storm           = Q   [02], SQ  [06]
    flash_of_light         = E   [01]
    hammer_of_justice      = 4   [01]
    hammer_of_wrath        = 1   [02], S3  [06]
    intercession           = V   [02], ST  [06]
    judgment               = 3   [01]
    lay_on_hands           = CE  [05]
    rebuke                 = 4   [02], S4  [06]
    redemption             = T   [02], CT  [05]
    shield_of_vengeance    = SC  [06]
    templars_verdict       = 2   [02], S2  [06]
    turn_evil              = CX  [05]
    wake_of_ashes          = Q   [01]
    will_to_survive        = CV  [05]
    word_of_glory          = E   [02], SE  [06]

These are the keybinds detected based on your action bars. For example, WoG is E on action bar 2 or shift-E on action bar 6. The addon will prefer the lowest numbered action bar. Divine Storm is Q on action bar 2 or shift-Q on action bar 6.

You may want to remove spells from the unused action bar if it's in two places.

If none of these line up (i.e., you're using a non-Elv, non-Bartender, non-Dominos, non-ConsolePort action bar mod), you can always set your keybindings on each ability manually in /hekili > Abilities.