Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Spellflash Not Working, but works for Roomie.

Mallust1 opened this issue · 21 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this bug report (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Describe the Issue

My roommate and I both play BM and have the exact same addons and Setup his spellflash works perfectly and mine did until 10.2 but now mine dont work but his does still. I turned off all addons other then hekili and reloaded hekili and still no spell flash working on mine but roomies spellflash works perfectly and we have exaxt same set up. We both play Beastmaster Hunter.

How to Reproduce

Just always does it

Player Information (Link)


Error Messages (Link)


Additional Information

I dont see any errors going off or anything.

Contact Information

No response


hmm... i displaced the spellflashcore.lua file as mentioned above - but still not working with macros :-(


Here is the copy info from addon sorry new to this
build: v10.2.0-1.0.0b
level: 70 (70)
class: HUNTER
spec: beast_mastery

alpha_predator = 1/1
animal_companion = 1/1
aspect_of_the_beast = 1/1
barbed_shot = 1/1
barbed_wrath = 1/1
beast_cleave = 2/2
beast_master = 2/2
bestial_wrath = 1/1
binding_shot = 1/1
bloody_frenzy = 1/1
born_to_be_wild = 2/2
call_of_the_wild = 1/1
camouflage = 1/1
cobra_shot = 1/1
counter_shot = 1/1
death_chakram = 1/1
dire_command = 2/2
dire_frenzy = 2/2
dire_pack = 1/1
hunters_avoidance = 1/1
improved_kill_command = 2/2
improved_tranquilizing_shot = 1/1
intimidation = 1/1
keen_eyesight = 2/2
kill_cleave = 1/1
kill_command = 1/1
kill_shot = 1/1
killer_command = 2/2
master_handler = 1/1
master_marksman = 2/2
multishot = 1/1
natural_mending = 2/2
natures_endurance = 1/1
pack_tactics = 1/1
pathfinding = 1/2
posthaste = 2/2
rejuvenating_wind = 2/2
savagery = 1/1
scent_of_blood = 1/2
serrated_shots = 1/2
stomp = 2/2
survival_of_the_fittest = 1/1
tar_trap = 1/1
training_expert = 2/2
tranquilizing_shot = 1/1
war_orders = 2/2
wild_call = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [dreamweaver]

sets: igneous_flowstone = 1
tier30 = 4

gear: ashen_predators_faceguard = 1
ashen_predators_skinners = 1
ashen_predators_sling_vest = 1
ashen_predators_trophy = 1
bow_of_the_dragon_hunters = 1
elemental_lariat = 1
flametouched_cuffs = 1
flametouched_legguards = 1
flametouched_treads = 1
harlans_loaded_dice = 1
igneous_flowstone = 1
ranged = 1
renowned_guild_tabard = 1
ringbound_hourglass = 1
signet_of_titanic_insight = 1
stylish_black_shirt = 1
swollen_bark_clasp = 1
tier30 = 4
vibrant_wildercloth_shawl = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 155881, 192999, 193000, 193001, 193421, 193426, 193428, 193449, 193511, 193656, 202477, 202479, 202480, 202482, 203996, 3427, 69210

settings: aoe = 3
combatRefresh = 0.25
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 3
damageOnScreen = true
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
enabled = true
enhancedRecheck = false
gcdSync = true
maxTime = 20
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = false
noFeignedCooldown = false
package = Beast Mastery
petbased = false
potion = spectral_agility
regularRefresh = 0.5
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
avoid_bw_overlap = true
barbed_shot_grace_period = 0.5
check_pet_range = true

toggles: cooldowns = true
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = false
essences = true [overridden]
interrupts = true
mode = automatic
potions = false

death_chakram = 5 [01]
healthstone = 0 [01]
kill_shot = 2 [01]
multishot = 4 [01]
potion = 9 [01]
will_to_survive = 7 [01]

warnings: none


Pls close this ticket and delete figure it out, it was my ability being macro with Pet ability was causing the issue


A lot of people are reporting issues right now related to marcos not flashing. It worked before WoW 10.2


Same issue here, Macros no longer flash


Post a snapshot (or at the very least, the information from the Issue Reporting tab).

Are you using a particular bar addon? Macros and items are working fine for me, using base UI.


Try with the latest release.


Using what I think is newest - Hekili-v10.2.0-1.0.0c

Still does not work with macros


Not the OP, but I tried it after disabling all addons except Hekili, same issue. Macros do not highlight. Here is the snapshot. Final Reckoning is a macro and it is the only ability that doesnt get a spellflash highlight.

Retribution; Primary - Final Reckoning(0.00), Templar's Verdict(1.19), Wake of Ashes(2.39)
build: v10.2.0-1.0.0c
level: 70 (70)
class: PALADIN
spec: retribution

adjudication = 1/1
aegis_of_protection = 1/1
art_of_war = 1/1
auras_of_swift_vengeance = 1/1
avenging_wrath = 1/1
avenging_wrath_might = 1/1
blade_of_justice = 1/1
blade_of_vengeance = 1/1
blessed_champion = 2/2
blessing_of_freedom = 1/1
blessing_of_protection = 1/1
blessing_of_sacrifice = 1/1
blinding_light = 1/1
boundless_judgment = 1/1
burning_crusade = 1/1
cavalier = 1/1
consecrated_blade = 1/1
crusaders_reprieve = 1/1
divine_resonance = 1/1
divine_steed = 1/1
divine_storm = 1/1
divine_toll = 1/1
expurgation = 1/1
final_reckoning = 1/1
final_verdict = 1/1
fist_of_justice = 2/2
greater_judgment = 1/1
guided_prayer = 1/1
hammer_of_wrath = 1/1
heart_of_the_crusader = 1/1
holy_aegis = 2/2
holy_blade = 1/1
jurisdiction = 1/1
justification = 1/1
lay_on_hands = 1/1
lightforged_blessing = 1/1
of_dusk_and_dawn = 1/1
penitence = 1/1
rebuke = 1/1
sanctified_plates = 2/2
seal_of_alacrity = 2/2
seal_of_might = 2/2
seal_of_order = 1/1
seal_of_the_crusader = 2/2
searing_light = 1/1
seething_flames = 1/1
shield_of_vengeance = 1/1
swift_justice = 1/1
tempest_of_the_lightbringer = 1/1
templar_strikes = 1/1
truths_wake = 1/1
unbound_freedom = 1/1
unbreakable_spirit = 1/1
vanguard_of_justice = 1/1
vanguards_momentum = 1/1
vengeful_wrath = 1/1
wake_of_ashes = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [pelagos]

sets: irideus_fragment = 1

gear: irideus_fragment = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 134408, 134517, 137342, 155890, 159463, 159626, 190496, 193001, 193657, 193658, 193743, 193760, 193819, 202455, 203460

settings: aoe = 3
combatRefresh = 0.25
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damageOnScreen = true
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
enabled = true
enhancedRecheck = false
gcdSync = true
maxTime = 20
nameplateRange = 8
nameplates = true
noFeignedCooldown = false
package = Retribution
petbased = false
potion = spectral_strength
regularRefresh = 0.5
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
check_wake_range = true
desync_toll = false
sov_damage = 20

toggles: cooldowns = true
custom1 = true
custom2 = false
defensives = false
essences = true
interrupts = false
mode = automatic
potions = false

arcane_torrent = - [01]
avenging_wrath = 6 [01]
blade_of_justice = E [06]
blazebinders_hoof = 9 [01]
blessing_of_freedom = N4 [03]
blessing_of_protection = N6 [03]
blessing_of_sacrifice = N7 [03]
blinding_light = N9 [03]
cleanse_toxins = N5 [03]
crusader_strike = 2 [01]
divine_protection = N3 [03]
divine_shield = N0 [03]
divine_steed = Z [06]
divine_storm = 3 [01]
divine_toll = 5 [01]
final_reckoning = 8 [01]
flash_of_light = N8 [03]
hammer_of_justice = X [06]
hammer_of_wrath = 7 [01]
hand_of_reckoning = T [06]
healthstone = F8 [05]
irideus_fragment = 0 [01]
judgment = 1 [01]
lay_on_hands = N1 [03]
rebuke = ` [06]
shield_of_vengeance = N2 [03]
templar_slash = 2 [01]
templar_strike = 2 [01]
templars_verdict = Q [06]
turn_evil = G [06]
wake_of_ashes = 4 [01]
word_of_glory = F [06]

warnings: [#1] Priority 'Retribution' uses action 'trinket1' ( cooldowns - 5 ) that is not found in the abilities table.
[#2] Priority 'Retribution' uses action 'trinket1' ( cooldowns - 7 ) that is not found in the abilities table.

targets: Nameplates are enabled.

  • Checking nameplate1 [ Creature-0-4225-2444-985-189632-00004BFDEE ] Animated Duelist.
    nameplate1 - -1 - Creature-0-4225-2444-985-189632-00004BFDEE - 351.00 - 7 - Animated Duelist

    • Excluded by on-screen nameplate requirement.

183435 - retribution_aura - 1 - 3600.00
31884 - avenging_wrath - 1 - 16.73
335152 - *sign_of_iron - 1 - 3600.00
385127 - blessing_of_dawn - 1 - 12.42
375345 - *elemental_lariat_empowered_earth - 1 - 0.53
383941 - crumbling_power - 18 - 13.05
395197 - *mana_spring - 1 - 3600.00

407475 - *consecrated_blade - 1 - 6.52


197277 - judgment - 1 - 7.62
383346 - expurgation - 1 - 2.52

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 22:35:17 ( 181786.56 ); using built-in ( Retribution ) priority.
*** START OF NEW DISPLAY: Primary ***

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 5.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 1 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-1:arcane_torrent:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
    2.   shield_of_vengeance ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-2:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.trinket_1_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:3 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-3:variable:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02)
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.trinket_2_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-4:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.trinket_1_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:5 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-5:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.trinket_2_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-6:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.trinket_priority[1] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:7 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-7:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Retribution - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    9.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_crusade[0] will check this script entry ( Retribution:default:2 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-2:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    10.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    11.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
    Time spent on this action:  0.75ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-1:potion:0.75:Ability Known, Enabled(0.75)
    12.  lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    13.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-3:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    14.  algethar_puzzle_box ( cooldowns - 4 ) - IsUsableItem item 193701 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-4:algethar_puzzle_box:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    15.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 172.89 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.09ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-6:irideus_fragment:0.09:Ability Known, Enabled(0.09)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    16.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 172.89 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-8:irideus_fragment:0.06:Ability Known, Enabled(0.06)
    17.  shadowed_razing_annihilator ( cooldowns - 9 ) - IsUsableItem item 205046 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-9:shadowed_razing_annihilator:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
    18.  shield_of_vengeance ( cooldowns - 10 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-10:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    19.  execution_sentence ( cooldowns - 11 ) - talent [ execution_sentence ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-11:execution_sentence:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    20.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 12 )
    The action is not ready ( 56.63 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-12:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    21.  crusade ( cooldowns - 13 ) - talent [ crusade ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-13:crusade:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    22.  final_reckoning ( cooldowns - 14 )
    The action (final_reckoning) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Retribution:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: ( holy_power.current[5.00] >= 4 & time[7.48] < 8 | holy_power.current[5.00] >= 3 & time[7.48] >= 8 | holy_power.current[5.00] >= 2 & talent.divine_auxiliary.enabled[false] ) & ( ! talent.crusade.enabled[false] & ( buff.avenging_wrath.up[true] | cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains[56.63] > 30 | action.avenging_wrath.disabled[false] ) | talent.crusade.enabled[false] & ( cooldown.crusade.remains[0.00] > 30 & ( ! buff.crusade.up[false] | buff.crusade.stack[0.00] >= 10 ) | action.crusade.disabled[false] ) ) & ( time_to_hpg[0.00] > 0 | holy_power.current[5.00] = 5 | holy_power.current[5.00] >= 2 & talent.divine_auxiliary.enabled[false] )
    Action chosen:  final_reckoning at 0.00!
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is final_reckoning (+0.00).
    - cooldowns
    The recommended action (final_reckoning) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default).
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Retribution - default ].
Recommendation is final_reckoning at 0.00 + 0.00.
Recommendation #1 is final_reckoning at 0.00s (0.00s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.19, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 5.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 1 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    2.   shield_of_vengeance ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-2:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.trinket_1_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:3 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-3:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.trinket_2_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-4:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.trinket_1_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:5 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-5:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.trinket_2_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-6:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.trinket_priority[1] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:7 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-7:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Retribution - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    9.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_crusade[0] will check this script entry ( Retribution:default:2 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-2:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    10.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    11.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
    Time spent on this action:  0.77ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-1:potion:0.77:Ability Known, Enabled(0.77)
    12.  lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    13.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-3:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    14.  algethar_puzzle_box ( cooldowns - 4 ) - IsUsableItem item 193701 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-4:algethar_puzzle_box:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    15.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 172.89 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.07ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-6:irideus_fragment:0.07:Ability Known, Enabled(0.07)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    16.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 172.89 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.05ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-8:irideus_fragment:0.05:Ability Known, Enabled(0.05)
    17.  shadowed_razing_annihilator ( cooldowns - 9 ) - IsUsableItem item 205046 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-9:shadowed_razing_annihilator:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.04)
    18.  shield_of_vengeance ( cooldowns - 10 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-10:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    19.  execution_sentence ( cooldowns - 11 ) - talent [ execution_sentence ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-11:execution_sentence:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    20.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 12 )
    The action is not ready ( 56.63 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-12:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    21.  crusade ( cooldowns - 13 ) - talent [ crusade ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-13:crusade:0.01:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01)
    22.  final_reckoning ( cooldowns - 14 )
    The action is not ready ( 60.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-14:final_reckoning:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - cooldowns
    23.  call_action_list:generators ( default - 4 )
    There is no criteria for generators.
    Action list (generators) was found.
    + generators
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    24.  call_action_list:finishers ( generators - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria for finishers deferred at +0.00 - holy_power.current[5.00] = 5 | buff.echoes_of_wrath.up[false] & set_bonus.tier31_4pc[0.00] & talent.crusading_strikes.enabled[false] | ( debuff.judgment.up[true] | holy_power.current[5.00] = 4 ) & buff.divine_resonance.up[false] & ! set_bonus.tier31_2pc[0.00]
    Action list (finishers) was found.
    + generators, finishers
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    25.  variable ( finishers - 1 )
     - variable.ds_castable[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:finishers:1 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-finishers-1:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    26.  divine_storm ( finishers - 2 )
    The action (divine_storm) is usable at (0.00 + 1.19) with cost of 4 holy_power (have 5).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.19 vs. +10.00).
    List ( generators ) called from ( Retribution:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.19.
    List ( finishers ) called from ( Retribution:generators:1 ) would PASS at 1.19.
    holy_power.current[5.00] = 5 | buff.echoes_of_wrath.up[false] & set_bonus.tier31_4pc[0.00] & talent.crusading_strikes.enabled[false] | ( debuff.judgment.up[true] | holy_power.current[5.00] = 4 ) & buff.divine_resonance.up[false] & ! set_bonus.tier31_2pc[0.00]
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: variable.ds_castable[false] & ( ! talent.crusade.enabled[false] | cooldown.crusade.remains[0.00] > gcd.max[1.19] * 3 | buff.crusade.up[false] & buff.crusade.stack[0.00] < 10 )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.27ms
    TimeData:Retribution-finishers-2:divine_storm:0.27:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.11):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.03):Post Stack(0.04):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
    27.  justicars_vengeance ( finishers - 3 ) - talent [ justicars_vengeance ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-finishers-3:justicars_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    28.  templars_verdict ( finishers - 4 )
    The action (templars_verdict) is usable at (0.00 + 1.19) with cost of 4 holy_power (have 5).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.19 vs. +10.00).
    List ( generators ) called from ( Retribution:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.19.
    List ( finishers ) called from ( Retribution:generators:1 ) would PASS at 1.19.
    holy_power.current[5.00] = 5 | buff.echoes_of_wrath.up[false] & set_bonus.tier31_4pc[0.00] & talent.crusading_strikes.enabled[false] | ( debuff.judgment.up[true] | holy_power.current[5.00] = 4 ) & buff.divine_resonance.up[false] & ! set_bonus.tier31_2pc[0.00]
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: ! talent.crusade.enabled[false] | cooldown.crusade.remains[0.00] > gcd.max[1.19] * 3 | buff.crusade.up[false] & buff.crusade.stack[0.00] < 10
    Action chosen:  templars_verdict at 1.19!
    Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
    TimeData:Retribution-finishers-4:templars_verdict:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.04):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.00):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
    Exiting finishers with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (finishers), current recommendation is templars_verdict (+1.19).
    - finishers
    The recommended action (templars_verdict) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (generators).
    Exiting generators with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (generators), current recommendation is templars_verdict (+1.19).
    - generators
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Retribution - default ].
Recommendation is templars_verdict at 0.00 + 1.19.
Recommendation #2 is templars_verdict at 1.19s (1.19s).

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 1.20, GCD: 1.19, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 1.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 1 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-1:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    2.   shield_of_vengeance ( precombat - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-2:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    3.   variable ( precombat - 3 )
     - variable.trinket_1_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:3 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-3:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    4.   variable ( precombat - 4 )
     - variable.trinket_2_buffs[false] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-4:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    5.   variable ( precombat - 5 )
     - variable.trinket_1_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:5 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-5:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    6.   variable ( precombat - 6 )
     - variable.trinket_2_sync[0.5] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:6 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-6:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    7.   variable ( precombat - 7 )
     - variable.trinket_priority[1] will check this script entry ( Retribution:precombat:7 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-precombat-7:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Retribution - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Retribution - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    9.   variable ( default - 2 )
     - variable.time_to_crusade[0] will check this script entry ( Retribution:default:2 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-default-2:variable:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    10.  call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    11.  potion ( cooldowns - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
    Time spent on this action:  0.73ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-1:potion:0.73:Ability Known, Enabled(0.73)
    12.  lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    13.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 3 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-3:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    14.  algethar_puzzle_box ( cooldowns - 4 ) - IsUsableItem item 193701 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-4:algethar_puzzle_box:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    15.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 6 )
    The action is not ready ( 171.69 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.06ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-6:irideus_fragment:0.06:Ability Known, Enabled(0.06)
    Substituting irideus_fragment for Irideus Fragment action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    16.  irideus_fragment ( cooldowns - 8 )
    The action is not ready ( 171.69 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.05ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-8:irideus_fragment:0.05:Ability Known, Enabled(0.05)
    17.  shadowed_razing_annihilator ( cooldowns - 9 ) - IsUsableItem item 205046 and nil
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-9:shadowed_razing_annihilator:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    18.  shield_of_vengeance ( cooldowns - 10 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-10:shield_of_vengeance:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    19.  execution_sentence ( cooldowns - 11 ) - talent [ execution_sentence ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-11:execution_sentence:0.01:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01)
    20.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 12 )
    The action is not ready ( 55.43 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-12:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    21.  crusade ( cooldowns - 13 ) - talent [ crusade ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.01ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-13:crusade:0.01:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01)
    22.  final_reckoning ( cooldowns - 14 )
    The action is not ready ( 58.80 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Retribution-cooldowns-14:final_reckoning:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - cooldowns
    23.  call_action_list:generators ( default - 4 )
    There is no criteria for generators.
    Action list (generators) was found.
    + generators
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    24.  call_action_list:finishers ( generators - 1 )
    Time-sensitive Criteria FAIL at +1.20 with no valid rechecks - holy_power.current[1.00] = 5 | buff.echoes_of_wrath.up[false] & set_bonus.tier31_4pc[0.00] & talent.crusading_strikes.enabled[false] | ( debuff.judgment.up[false] | holy_power.current[1.00] = 4 ) & buff.divine_resonance.up[false] & ! set_bonus.tier31_2pc[0.00]
    25.  blade_of_justice ( generators - 2 )
    The action (blade_of_justice) is usable at (1.20 + 4.86).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +4.86 vs. +10.00).
    List ( generators ) called from ( Retribution:default:4 ) would PASS at 4.86.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! dot.expurgation.ticking[false] & holy_power.current[1.00] <= 3 & set_bonus.tier31_2pc[0.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.11ms
    TimeData:Retribution-generators-2:blade_of_justice:0.11:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    26.  wake_of_ashes ( generators - 3 )
    The action (wake_of_ashes) is usable at (1.20 + 1.19).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.19 vs. +10.00).
    List ( generators ) called from ( Retribution:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.19.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: holy_power.current[1.00] <= 2 & ( cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains[54.24] | cooldown.crusade.remains[0.00] | ! talent.crusade.enabled[false] & action.avenging_wrath.disabled[false] | talent.crusade.enabled[false] & action.crusade.disabled[false] ) & ( ! talent.execution_sentence.enabled[false] | cooldown.execution_sentence.remains[0.00] > 4 | target.time_to_die[348.61] < 8 | action.execution_sentence.disabled[false] )
    Action chosen:  wake_of_ashes at 1.19!
    Time spent on this action:  0.16ms
    TimeData:Retribution-generators-3:wake_of_ashes:0.16:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.02):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.06):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
    The recommended action (wake_of_ashes) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (generators).
    Exiting generators with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (generators), current recommendation is wake_of_ashes (+1.19).
    - generators
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Retribution - default ].
Recommendation is wake_of_ashes at 1.20 + 1.19.
Recommendation #3 is wake_of_ashes at 1.19s (2.39s).
Time spent generating recommendations:  7.87ms

Tested again with build: v10.2.0-1.0.0d, same issue.


Thanks for checking. So, there is currently a Blizzard "bug" but it looks like Tga123 has accepted some fixes that I submitted previously, so I'll investigate a bit and see if I can fix SpellFlash that way.


Any news ? still not working :( Or is there a fix? Thanks


Any updates? I too am experiencing the same issues. Any macro'd button will not flash, replace them with the standard button and flashy flash. please help us BMs



Have you tried this?

whatever this is, it comes up to an empty bunch of nothingness.


It's a link to the support channel on the Hekili Discord. I would check it out it's the top post. Has a file that can't be attached on github.



It's a link to the support channel on the Hekili Discord. I would check it out it's the top post. Has a file that can't be attached on github.


i'm old and apparently stupid, i cannot find Hekili's discord server. about to switch back to MAXdps until everything is sussed out.


Thanks that did work :)


https://discord.gg/3cCTFxM hekili link . It took me a minute to find link . The link to fix it is at the top of the #github tab. If you need help let me know but it did fix it.