[REC] Recommending Trinket and Roll the Bones during Subterfuge/ Shadow Dance on Outlaw HO build
wheatbread opened this issue ยท 6 comments
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Describe the Issue
Hekili is currently recommending Roll the Bones and usage of trinket (my trinket is Paracausal Fragment of Shalamayne) during Subterfuge and Shadow Dance windows.
From the outlaw FAQs on rogue server:
Crackshot turns Vanish and Shadow Dance into dps cooldowns with the intent to use as many 5+ combo point BtE's as possible inside them (BTE is between the eyes).
From the Wowhead outlaw guide:
Shadow Dance & Vanish: These two spells have very similar functionality in enabling the strongest talent in the Outlaw Rogue tree in Season 3 which is Crackshot. You want to make sure to use Vanish before Shadow Dance as Restless Blades is extremely powerful. During these damage windows you want to make sure you are only casting Between the Eyes to finish, and Ambush to generate.
Basically, the new Crackshot talent makes it so that you want to spam as many builders and BTEs as you can within that short window of time that Subterfuge (from Vanish/ Stealth) and Shadow Dance offer. Def should not be using anything else like roll the bones or trinkets during that short window.
How to Reproduce
- Go to training dummies as Outlaw with Crackshot talent.
- DPS the dummies and enter Subterfuge/ Shadow Dance window without Roll the Bones being up, and/ or with on-use trinket being off CD.
- Hekili will then recommend using RTB/ trinket during the Subterfuge/ Shadow Dance window.
Snapshot (Link)
Raidbots Sim Report (Link)
Additional Information
The above link was for dungeon slice, with an aoe build.
Here is the link for a patchwerk sim, with an st build. https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/wrY43nLftYGAruP858pQz2
Both builds are using HO (hidden opportunity), although this shouldn't affect the usage of BTE for Crackshot one way or another.
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At 2:20 in your st sim it uses rtb while in subterfuge. Seems intended unless the apl isn't updated? Once it is it should get fixed here too.
RtB is probably intentional as it'd make for some awkward logic to either early refresh or wait and let RtB fall off. I'll tinker a bit, though.
For trinkets, I'll dig a bit. Does that trinket have a cast time? Most trinkets are off GCD so they wouldn't matter.
So far, it sims with tiny losses to prevent using a cast time trinket in Stealth and to avoid rerolling in Stealth.
About Roll the Bones.
Ideally refresh before crackshot but better to refresh during than let it time out if you have T31 4pc. You should never let RtB expire if you have T31 4pc
RtB is probably intentional as it'd make for some awkward logic to either early refresh or wait and let RtB fall off. I'll tinker a bit, though.
Hi, sorry, late reply!
Here is the rotation info for RTB from the rogue discord:
With 4pc:
- Early refresh if buffs are under 7 secs, before hitting vanish or shadow dance
Without 4pc: - Not mentioned