Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Outlaw 4pc roll the bones recommendation

OfficialExiled opened this issue ยท 4 comments


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Describe the Issue

So, Im not fully sure how 100% simulationcraft recommends the roll the bones, but im pretty sure having 1 or 2 buffs and if you have loaded dice you want to use roll the bones to get 3 permanent rolls, and you want to keep having up 3 buffs and maintain Adrenalish Rush to get Loaded Dice with 4pc. However, im not sure if this snapshot shows much but when I did my rotation and had 3 buffs with loaded dice, it recommends me roll the bones very late so basically after we run out of buffs, that means we dont maintain 3 buffs but rather 2 buffs again and we have to build up to 3 buffs if it recommends roll the bones earlier.

Also I think when you have True Bearing buff that reduces cooldown is probably best for us currently to have more value from Vanish with Between the Eyes. So maybe it should recommend us to roll the bones to try RNG with 4pc before True Bearing buff is almost gone? but not fully sure about this one.

How to Reproduce

If you just start hitting dummy or doing keys and when you have alread 2-3 buffs while you have loaded dice, it should usually recommend you to reroll the buffs after the buffs runs out.

Snapshot (Link)


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Actually there is no mistake in addon logic and it follow simcraft recomendations 100%.
However what is possible to achieve for a robot might not be possible for a human.
Look at this criteria:

     - this entry's criteria PASSES: variable.rtb_reroll[false] | rtb_buffs_max_remains[0.54] <= set_bonus.tier31_4pc[1.00] + ( cooldown.shadow_dance.remains[27.25] <= 1 | cooldown.vanish.remains[53.14] <= 1 ) * 6

That means, your RTB has 0.5 seconds to expire. Your setbonus is equal to 1 second and the following " ( cooldown.shadow_dance.remains[27.25] <= 1 | cooldown.vanish.remains[53.14] <= 1 ) * 6" equals in your case to a zero.
What i would do to resolve it is to give more time to react adding 1 more second of value to a set_bonus.tier31_4pc.


Yeah maybe that snapshot was too tight yeah, if it can recommend to use roll the bones a bit earlier would be nice to at least maintain 3 buffs rolls instead of keep resetting and have 2 roll buffs instead


I have one more thing actually do you think its possible to add shadowmeld (nightelf racial ability) to try to go stealth and get subterfuge buff to use between the eyes again when Vanish and Shadow Dance is on cooldown and they are far off from cooldown is coming back? But this has some issues due to on boss it doesnt work and when we just hit adds in keys sometimes it doesnt let you go stealth after shadowmeld. Not sure how simulation shows with night elf rotation, but just a suggestion.


I have one more thing actually do you think its possible to add shadowmeld

There's already an option for this.