Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[FEATURE/PRIORITY] Outlaw. Disable Between the Eyes use in last 0.5 second of Crackshot window or adjust it usage to a ping.

IIeTpoc opened this issue · 8 comments


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  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this request and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this feature request (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Feature Request

For Outlaw with Crackshot.
There are situations when there are 0.5 seconds left in the "Stealthed" window before the next available GCD, and the addon rightly recommends using Between the Eyes (BtE) during those 0.5 seconds.
But when BtE is pressed as recommended due to pinging or lack of response, it turns out that the "Stealthed" window is already over, which puts BtE into a 45-second cooldown, delaying other Crackshot windows.
Using the snapshot function didn't work for me, as everything happens too fast in a 0.5 second window.
So I would like to ask you to add a feature that would actually limit the use of BtE if the next available GCD for a BtE throw is available in less than 0.7 or 0.5 seconds remaining in the "stealthed" window.
I wanted to change the duration of "stealthed.rogue", but unless I'm mistaken, there is no duration attached to "stealthed.rogue" at all.
I also tried to change the duration of "subterfuge" and made it 5 seconds instead of 6 in the profile, but nothing worked. It looks like the addon can get the actual duration of the buff despite having the "subterfuge" line in Outlaw.lua

May be changing an APL for something like this variable.finish_condition & talent.crackshot.enabled & ( stealthed.mantle | buff.subterfuge.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 | buff.shadowdance.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 ) could workd as a sub-optimal solution.

Additional Information

No response

Contact Information

IIeTpoc#3818 discord ID


The following change in stealth condition of BtE works good and consistent for me:

variable.finish_condition & talent.crackshot.enabled & ( stealthed.basic | buff.subterfuge.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 | buff.shadow_dance.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 )


+1 this seems to be dps neutral as well.. wonder if this happens to the sims sometimes too?


New setting is in 10.2.0-1.0.5c.


In the Outlaw APL file
Line 103 actions.stealth+=/between_the_eyes,if=variable.finish_condition&talent.crackshot change for this actions.stealth+=/between_the_eyes,if=variable.finish_condition&talent.crackshot&(stealthed.basic|buff.subterfuge.remains>gcd.remains*1.5|buff.shadow_dance.remains>gcd.remains*1.5)


I would substitute (stealthed.basic|buff.subterfuge.remains>gcd.remains*1.5|buff.shadow_dance.remains>gcd.remains*1.5) with stealthed.rogue.remains>gcd.remains*1.5 but stealthed.rogue.remains is not recognised as a function that can be compared with numbers.


Thanks for the setting!


I would substitute (stealthed.basic|buff.subterfuge.remains>gcd.remains*1.5|buff.shadow_dance.remains>gcd.remains*1.5) with stealthed.rogue.remains>gcd.remains*1.5 but stealthed.rogue.remains is not recognised as a function that can be compared with numbers.

stealthed.rogue_remains with an underscore is a Hekili invention to use for timing stuff related to stealthed.rogue. Generally, if a key evaluates to a value already (i.e., stealth.rogue evaluates to true/false) then it cannot have any sub-properties (.remains). In most cases, I create the property an underscore instead.


May be changing an APL for something like this variable.finish_condition & talent.crackshot.enabled & ( stealthed.mantle | buff.subterfuge.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 | buff.shadowdance.remains > gcd.remains * 1.5 ) could workd as a sub-optimal solution.

Change what part of the priority? The BtE usage itself?

I'm considering a spec option like this that applies to everything in the Stealth window.