Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


[FEATURE] TARGET additional state to check if target is in meele range

mgmaxgra opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this request and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this feature request (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.

Feature Request


Would it be possible to add following state for the target?


local mt_target
    local autoReset = setmetatable( {
        distance = 1,
        in_range = 1,
        in_meele_range = 1,


          elseif k == "in_range" then return t.distance <= 8
            elseif k == "in_meele_range" then 
                name_ = GetSpellInfo(1715)
                return IsSpellInRange(name_, "target") or 0

            elseif k == "minR" or k == "maxR" then
                local minR, maxR = RC:GetRange( "target", true, InCombatLockdown() )
                t.minR = minR or 5
                t.maxR = maxR or 10

In my own version i have done it with the Hamstring spell, so properly it will not work for every class?
I have only tested it with my warrior, and use this state that for example some trinket will not recommended while in range...

BR Markus

Additional Information

I have done it before with target.distance < XX, but you know, this isn't working anymore because it becomes protected in combat and distance always will be 15...

Contact Information

No response


What do you need it for?


To be honest it's just about convenience.
For example it's not a good decision to use "Branch of Tormented Ancient" in range as meele.
But yes, there are other solutions for that...

A: Using brain
B: Add it manually for myself...


If you're using Hamstring's spell ID to check range on your Warrior, why wouldn't you just use action.hamstring.in_range which already exists?


That's a possibility.
I didn't know that this option exists.
Thanks for your support!