Hekili Priority Helper

Hekili Priority Helper


Protection Paladin rotation are recommending HAmmer of Wrath when it's not available

FlemmingLarsen opened this issue · 9 comments


Before You Begin

  • I confirm that I have downloaded the latest version of the addon.
  • I am not playing on a private server.
  • I checked for an existing, open ticket for this issue and was not able to find one.
  • I edited the title of this issue (above) so that it describes the issue I am reporting.
  • I am reporting an issue with the default priority included with the specialization (imported or edited priorities are not supported).

Describe the Issue

The Protection Paladin priority is recommending Hammer of Wrath when the ability is not available. This is a occuring issue, and once it is there, it doesn't go away until either a proc or the less than 20% requirement activates and the ability is actually useable.

How to Reproduce

Play as Protection paladin (I have 4 set, don't know if that makes any difference). I also use the wowhead recommended M+ build.

Snapshot (Link)


Raidbots Sim Report (Link)

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Additional Information

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Again, it's telling you to use Avenging Wrath; after doing so, you can use Hammer of Wrath.


Snapshot is required.

A snapshot is required to diagnose this issue.


Please supply a Snapshot of the addon's decision-making when you are seeing this issue in-game. This is not a screenshot. To generate a Snapshot, please complete the following steps.

  • Log into your WoW character.
  • Recreate the issue you are reporting (i.e., generate 5 Holy Power).
  • When you see the recommendation you disagree with, press ALT-SHIFT-P to Pause and Snapshot (or use ALT-SHIFT-[ to Snapshot without pausing).
    • You can change these keybindings in /hekili > Toggles if needed.
    • If you take the snapshot at a different time, it will not be useful and you'll be asked to submit a new one.
  • Type /hekili and press Enter.
  • Open the Snapshots section on the left side.
  • Select the snapshot that shows the recommendation that you disagree with.
    • Snapshots are labeled with your specialization, the display in question (usually, you'll choose Primary), and the recommendations the addon made with their timings.
  • Click in the Export Snapshot box, press CTRL+A to select all text including hidden text and press CTRL+C to copy.
  • Open https://pastebin.com, use CTRL+V to paste the snapshot text, then click Create New Paste.
  • Provide the Pastebin link in a new comment.

This step is essential, as most issues are related to specific classes, specializations, gear, talent choices, or other game systems. If you do not provide this information, I cannot triage your problem.


The issue was closed before I could respond, so just pasting here

Protection Paladin; Primary - Avenging Wrath(0.00), Hammer of Wrath(0.00), Shield of the Righteous(1.08)
build: v10.2.0-1.0.15
level: 70 (70)
class: PALADIN
spec: protection

ardent_defender = 1/1
auras_of_the_resolute = 1/1
avengers_shield = 1/1
avenging_wrath = 1/1
barricade_of_faith = 1/1
bastion_of_light = 1/1
blessed_hammer = 1/1
blessing_of_freedom = 1/1
blessing_of_protection = 1/1
blessing_of_sacrifice = 1/1
blinding_light = 1/1
bulwark_of_order = 2/2
bulwark_of_righteous_fury = 1/1
cavalier = 1/1
cleanse_toxins = 1/1
consecrated_ground = 1/1
consecration_in_flame = 1/1
crusaders_judgment = 1/1
crusaders_reprieve = 1/1
divine_resonance = 1/1
divine_steed = 1/1
divine_toll = 1/1
eye_of_tyr = 1/1
final_stand = 1/1
gift_of_the_golden_valkyr = 1/2
grand_crusader = 1/1
greater_judgment = 1/1
guardian_of_ancient_kings = 1/1
hammer_of_wrath = 1/1
holy_aegis = 2/2
holy_shield = 1/1
inmost_light = 1/1
justification = 1/1
lay_on_hands = 1/1
of_dusk_and_dawn = 1/1
punishment = 1/1
rebuke = 1/1
redoubt = 1/1
relentless_inquisitor = 1/1
resolute_defender = 2/2
righteous_protector = 1/1
sacrifice_of_the_just = 1/1
sanctified_plates = 2/2
sanctified_wrath = 1/1
sanctuary = 1/1
seal_of_alacrity = 2/2
seal_of_might = 2/2
seal_of_order = 1/1
seal_of_the_crusader = 2/2
sentinel = 1/1
shining_light = 1/1
soaring_shield = 1/1
strength_in_adversity = 1/1
tyrs_enforcer = 1/2
unbreakable_spirit = 1/1
zealots_paragon = 1/1

pvptalents: none

covenant: none

conduits: none

soulbinds: [pelagos]

sets: branch_of_the_tormented_ancient = 1
tier31 = 4

gear: branch_of_the_tormented_ancient = 1
cloak_of_fading_echoes = 1
goldsteel_sabatons = 1
guild_tabard = 1
phlegethic_girdle = 1
raven_filigree_pendant = 1
rezans_gleaming_eye = 1
seal_of_the_regal_loa = 1
shield = 1
thornwoven_band = 1
tier31 = 4
unceasing_footmans_breastplate = 1
verdant_matrix_beacon = 1
volcorosss_barbed_fang = 1
white_swashbucklers_shirt = 1
zealous_commanders_cuffs = 1
zealous_pyreknights_ailettes = 1
zealous_pyreknights_barbute = 1
zealous_pyreknights_cuisses = 1
zealous_pyreknights_jeweled_gauntlets = 1

legendaries: none

itemIDs: 109795, 134405, 134499, 158712, 159458, 162548, 207149, 207169, 207189, 207190, 207191, 207192, 207789, 207798, 207884, 207923, 5976, 6795

settings: aoe = 3
combatRefresh = 0.25
custom1Name = Custom 1
custom2Name = Custom 2
cycle = false
cycle_min = 6
damage = true
damageDots = false
damageExpiration = 8
damageOnScreen = true
damagePets = false
damageRange = 0
enabled = true
gcdSync = true
maxTime = 20
nameplates = true
noFeignedCooldown = false
package = Protection Paladin
petbased = false
potion = phantom_fire
potionsReset = 20180919.1
rangeChecker = shield_of_the_righteous
rangeFilter = false
regularRefresh = 0.5
throttleRefresh = false
throttleTime = false
ds_damage = 60
goak_damage = 40
wog_health = 40

toggles: cooldowns = true
custom1 = false
custom2 = false
defensives = false
essences = true [overridden]
interrupts = false
mode = single
potions = false

avengers_shield = SW [01]
avenging_wrath = SS [01]
blessed_hammer = 2 [01]
consecration = SQ [01], SQ [11]
eye_of_tyr = 4 [01]
hammer_of_wrath = Q [01]
hand_of_reckoning = SE [01]
intercession = M5 [03]
judgment = E [01]
rebuke = R [01]
shield_of_the_righteous = 1 [01]
word_of_glory = 3 [01]

warnings: none

targets: Nameplates are enabled.

  • Checking nameplate2 [ Vehicle-0-4237-1279-4448-82682-0000787D44 ] Archmage Sol.
    nameplate2 - -1 - Vehicle-0-4237-1279-4448-82682-0000787D44 - 49.00 - 10 - Archmage Sol

317920 - concentration_aura - 1 - 3600.00
225787 - *sign_of_the_warrior - 1 - 3600.00
396092 - *well_fed - 1 - 2845.06
425949 - *vantus_rune_fyrakk_the_blazing - 1 - 44113.75
397734 - *word_of_a_worthy_ally - 1 - 3600.00
371354 - *phial_of_the_eye_in_the_storm - 1 - 1050.04
327510 - shining_light_free - 1 - 26.52
393038 - strength_in_adversity - 1 - 13.19
383389 - relentless_inquisitor - 3 - 8.52
280375 - redoubt - 3 - 6.52
385126 - blessing_of_dusk - 1 - 6.56
371355 - *eye_in_the_storm - 1 - 3600.00
132403 - shield_of_the_righteous - 1 - 3.17
385724 - faith_barricade - 1 - 8.19
424622 - sanctification_empower - 1 - 17.52
188370 - *consecration - 1 - 3600.00
390224 - *sophic_devotion - 1 - 8.48
386652 - bulwark_of_righteous_fury - 1 - 13.32
385127 - blessing_of_dawn - 1 - 18.66
410762 - *the_silent_star - 1 - 3600.00
21562 - *power_word_fortitude - 1 - 2864.31
381752 - blessing_of_the_bronze_paladin - 1 - 2994.65
183435 - retribution_aura [MISSING] - 1 - 3600.00
403296 - *bronze_attunement - 1 - 3600.00
395152 - *ebon_might - 1 - 3.69
360827 - *blistering_scales - 14 - 696.79

206151 - *challengers_burden - 1 - 3600.00
390435 - exhaustion - 1 - 385.02

206150 - *challengers_might - 1 - 3600.00
428177 - *growing_infestation - 1 - 3600.00
166476 - *frost_affinity - 1 - 17.02

197277 - judgment - 1 - 12.72
204301 - blessed_hammer - 1 - 9.02

New Recommendations for [ Primary ] requested at 16:44:47 ( 1655.88 ); using built-in ( Protection Paladin ) priority.
*** START OF NEW DISPLAY: Primary ***

RECOMMENDATION #1 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 2.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3599.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    5.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    6.   cleanse_toxins ( default - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-2:cleanse_toxins:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    7.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   avengers_shield ( cooldowns - 1 )
    The action (avengers_shield) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: time[103.87] = 0 & set_bonus.tier29_2pc[0.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.19ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:avengers_shield:0.19:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03):Post-TTR and Essential(0.07):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.03):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
    9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 3 )
    The action (avenging_wrath) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen:  avenging_wrath at 0.00!
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is avenging_wrath (+0.00).
    - cooldowns
    The recommended action (avenging_wrath) is ready in less than 0.2s; exiting list (default).
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
Recommendation is avenging_wrath at 0.00 + 0.00.
Recommendation #1 is avenging_wrath at 0.00s (0.00s).

RECOMMENDATION #2 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 0.00, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 2.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3599.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    5.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    6.   cleanse_toxins ( default - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-2:cleanse_toxins:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    7.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   avengers_shield ( cooldowns - 1 )
    The action (avengers_shield) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: time[103.87] = 0 & set_bonus.tier29_2pc[0.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.10ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:avengers_shield:0.10:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 120.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-3:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    11.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 4 )
    The action is not ready ( 120.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-4:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    12.  potion ( cooldowns - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
    Time spent on this action:  0.48ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-5:potion:0.48:Ability Known, Enabled(0.48)
    13.  moment_of_glory ( cooldowns - 6 ) - talent [ moment_of_glory ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-6:moment_of_glory:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    14.  divine_toll ( cooldowns - 7 )
    The action is not ready ( 37.24 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-7:divine_toll:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    15.  bastion_of_light ( cooldowns - 8 )
    The action (bastion_of_light) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.avenging_wrath.up[false] | cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains[120.00] <= 30
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.19ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-8:bastion_of_light:0.19:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.04):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.02):Post Recheck(0.00)
    16.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 9 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-9:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - cooldowns
    17.  call_action_list:mitigation ( default - 4 )
    There is no criteria for mitigation.
    Action list (mitigation) was found.
    + mitigation
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    18.  shield_of_the_righteous ( mitigation - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-1:shield_of_the_righteous:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    19.  word_of_glory ( mitigation - 2 )
    The action (word_of_glory) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( mitigation ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: health.pct[91.52] < wog_health[40.00] & ( holy_power.deficit[3.00] = 0 | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] | buff.shining_light_free.up[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.17ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-2:word_of_glory:0.17:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.06):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.03):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
    20.  guardian_of_ancient_kings ( mitigation - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-3:guardian_of_ancient_kings:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    21.  divine_shield ( mitigation - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-4:divine_shield:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    22.  ardent_defender ( mitigation - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-5:ardent_defender:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    23.  lay_on_hands ( mitigation - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-6:lay_on_hands:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    Exiting mitigation with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (mitigation), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - mitigation
    24.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for trinkets.
    Action list (trinkets) was found.
    + trinkets
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    25.  variable ( trinkets - 1 )
     - variable.trinket_sync_slot[0] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:trinkets:1 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.04ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-1:variable:0.04:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02)
    26.  variable ( trinkets - 2 )
     - variable.trinket_sync_slot[0] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:trinkets:2 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-2:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Substituting branch_of_the_tormented_ancient for Branch of the Tormented Ancient action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    27.  branch_of_the_tormented_ancient ( trinkets - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 129.28 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.10ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-3:branch_of_the_tormented_ancient:0.10:Ability Known, Enabled(0.10)
    Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
    28.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-4:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    29.  use_items ( trinkets - 5 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + trinkets, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Exiting items with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - items
    Exiting trinkets with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - trinkets
    30.  call_action_list:standard ( default - 6 )
    There is no criteria for standard.
    Action list (standard) was found.
    + standard
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    31.  consecration ( standard - 1 )
    The action (consecration) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.sanctification.stack[0.00] = buff.sanctification.max_stack[5.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-1:consecration:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.03):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
    32.  shield_of_the_righteous ( standard - 2 )
    The action is not ready ( 3600.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-2:shield_of_the_righteous:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    33.  judgment ( standard - 3 )
    The action (judgment) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 7500 mana (have 250000).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: spell_targets.shield_of_the_righteous[1.00] > 3 & buff.bulwark_of_righteous_fury.stack[1.00] >= 3 & holy_power.current[2.00] < 3
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.25ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-3:judgment:0.25:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.09):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post-Recheck Times(0.06):Post Recheck(0.00)
    34.  judgment ( standard - 4 )
    The action (judgment) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00) with cost of 7500 mana (have 250000).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: ! buff.sanctification_empower.up[true] & set_bonus.tier31_2pc[1.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.13ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-4:judgment:0.13:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    35.  hammer_of_wrath ( standard - 5 )
    The action (hammer_of_wrath) is usable at (0.00 + 0.00).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +0.00 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 0.00.
     - this entry has no criteria to test.
    Action chosen:  hammer_of_wrath at 0.00!
    Exiting standard with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (standard), current recommendation is hammer_of_wrath (+0.00).
    - standard
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
Recommendation is hammer_of_wrath at 0.00 + 0.00.
Recommendation #2 is hammer_of_wrath at 0.00s (0.00s).

RECOMMENDATION #3 ( Offset: 0.00, GCD: 1.08, Casting: 0.00 ).

Resources: holy_power[ 3.00 / 5.00 ], mana[ 250000.00 / 250000.00 ]
Checking if I'm casting ( No ) and if it is a channel ( No ).
No whitelist.

Processing precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    1.   devotion_aura ( precombat - 1 )
    The action is not ready ( 3599.77 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-1:devotion_aura:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    2.   lights_judgment ( precombat - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    3.   arcane_torrent ( precombat - 3 ) - ability disabled ( preference )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-3:arcane_torrent:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    4.   consecration ( precombat - 4 )
    We are already in-combat and this pre-combat action is not essential.  Skipping.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-precombat-4:consecration:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting precombat with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed precombat action list [ Protection Paladin - precombat ].

Processing default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    5.   rebuke ( default - 1 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-1:rebuke:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    6.   cleanse_toxins ( default - 2 ) - ability disabled ( toggle interrupts )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-default-2:cleanse_toxins:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    7.   call_action_list:cooldowns ( default - 3 )
    There is no criteria for cooldowns.
    Action list (cooldowns) was found.
    + cooldowns
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    8.   avengers_shield ( cooldowns - 1 )
    The action (avengers_shield) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: time[104.95] = 0 & set_bonus.tier29_2pc[0.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.15ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-1:avengers_shield:0.15:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.06):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.00):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    9.   lights_judgment ( cooldowns - 2 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-2:lights_judgment:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    10.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 120.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-3:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    11.  avenging_wrath ( cooldowns - 4 )
    The action is not ready ( 120.00 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-4:avenging_wrath:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    12.  potion ( cooldowns - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle potions )
    Time spent on this action:  0.47ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-5:potion:0.47:Ability Known, Enabled(0.47)
    13.  moment_of_glory ( cooldowns - 6 ) - talent [ moment_of_glory ] missing
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-6:moment_of_glory:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    14.  divine_toll ( cooldowns - 7 )
    The action is not ready ( 37.24 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-7:divine_toll:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    15.  bastion_of_light ( cooldowns - 8 )
    The action (bastion_of_light) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( cooldowns ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:3 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.avenging_wrath.up[false] | cooldown.avenging_wrath.remains[118.92] <= 30
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.13ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-8:bastion_of_light:0.13:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.02):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    16.  fireblood ( cooldowns - 9 ) - ability unknown
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-cooldowns-9:fireblood:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting cooldowns with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (cooldowns), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - cooldowns
    17.  call_action_list:mitigation ( default - 4 )
    There is no criteria for mitigation.
    Action list (mitigation) was found.
    + mitigation
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    18.  shield_of_the_righteous ( mitigation - 1 )
    The action (shield_of_the_righteous) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08) with cost of 3 holy_power (have 3).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( mitigation ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: tanking[true] & buff.shield_of_the_righteous.down[false] & ( holy_power.deficit[2.00] = 0 | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] )
    There are 1 recheck events.
    List ( mitigation ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 3.17.
    Recheck #1 ( +3.17 ) NOT MET: tanking[true] & buff.shield_of_the_righteous.down[true] & ( holy_power.deficit[2.00] = 0 | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] )
    Time spent on this action:  0.22ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-1:shield_of_the_righteous:0.22:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.04):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.03):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Pre-Recheck Loop(0.00):Recheck Loop Start(0.00):Recheck Post-Usable(0.01):Recheck Post-Stack(0.01):Recheck Post-Script(0.01):Recheck Post-Channel(0.00):Recheck Loop End(0.02):Post Recheck Loop(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
    19.  word_of_glory ( mitigation - 2 )
    The action (word_of_glory) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( mitigation ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:4 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: health.pct[91.52] < wog_health[40.00] & ( holy_power.deficit[2.00] = 0 | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] | buff.shining_light_free.up[true] )
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.13ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-2:word_of_glory:0.13:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.03):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.02):Post-Recheck Times(0.01):Post Recheck(0.00)
    20.  guardian_of_ancient_kings ( mitigation - 3 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-3:guardian_of_ancient_kings:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.03)
    21.  divine_shield ( mitigation - 4 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-4:divine_shield:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    22.  ardent_defender ( mitigation - 5 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-5:ardent_defender:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    23.  lay_on_hands ( mitigation - 6 ) - ability disabled ( toggle defensives )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-mitigation-6:lay_on_hands:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    Exiting mitigation with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (mitigation), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - mitigation
    24.  call_action_list:trinkets ( default - 5 )
    There is no criteria for trinkets.
    Action list (trinkets) was found.
    + trinkets
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    25.  variable ( trinkets - 1 )
     - variable.trinket_sync_slot[0] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:trinkets:1 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-1:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    26.  variable ( trinkets - 2 )
     - variable.trinket_sync_slot[0] will check this script entry ( Protection Paladin:trinkets:2 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.03ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-2:variable:0.03:Ability Known, Enabled(0.01):Post-TTR and Essential(0.01)
    Substituting branch_of_the_tormented_ancient for Branch of the Tormented Ancient action; it is otherwise not included in the priority.
    27.  branch_of_the_tormented_ancient ( trinkets - 3 )
    The action is not ready ( 129.28 ) before our maximum delay window ( 10.00 ) for this query.
    Time spent on this action:  0.09ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-3:branch_of_the_tormented_ancient:0.09:Ability Known, Enabled(0.09)
    Bypassing 'trinket2' action because the equipped trinket #2 is not usable.
    28.  trinket2 ( trinkets - 4 )
    Time spent on this action:  0.02ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-trinkets-4:trinket2:0.02:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02)
    29.  use_items ( trinkets - 5 )
    There is no criteria for Use Items.
    + trinkets, items
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Exiting items with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from Use Items; current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - items
    Exiting trinkets with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (trinkets), current recommendation is NO ACTION (+10.00).
    - trinkets
    30.  call_action_list:standard ( default - 6 )
    There is no criteria for standard.
    Action list (standard) was found.
    + standard
    Current recommendation was NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    31.  consecration ( standard - 1 )
    The action (consecration) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria FAILS: buff.sanctification.stack[0.00] = buff.sanctification.max_stack[5.00]
    There were no recheck events to check.
    Time spent on this action:  0.11ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-1:consecration:0.11:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.02):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.01):Post Stack(0.02):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.01):Pre-Recheck(0.01):Post-Recheck Times(0.00):Post Recheck(0.00)
    32.  shield_of_the_righteous ( standard - 2 )
    The action (shield_of_the_righteous) is usable at (0.00 + 1.08) with cost of 3 holy_power (have 3).
     - the action is ready before the current recommendation (at +1.08 vs. +10.00).
    List ( standard ) called from ( Protection Paladin:default:6 ) would PASS at 1.08.
     - this entry's criteria PASSES: ( ( ( ! talent.righteous_protector.enabled[true] | cooldown.righteous_protector_icd.remains[0.00] = 0 ) & holy_power.current[3.00] > 2 ) | buff.bastion_of_light.up[false] | buff.divine_purpose.up[false] ) & ( ! buff.sanctification.up[false] | buff.sanctification.stack[0.00] < buff.sanctification.max_stack[5.00] )
    Action chosen:  shield_of_the_righteous at 1.08!
    Time spent on this action:  0.17ms
    TimeData:Protection Paladin-standard-2:shield_of_the_righteous:0.17:Ability Known, Enabled(0.02):Post-TTR and Essential(0.04):Post Cycle(0.00):Post Usable(0.01):Post Ready/Clash(0.02):Post Stack(0.01):Pre-Script(0.00):Post-Script(0.03):Pre-Recheck(0.03):Post Recheck(0.00):Action Stored(0.01)
    The recommended action (shield_of_the_righteous) is ready within the active GCD; exiting list (standard).
    Exiting standard with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.
    Returned from list (standard), current recommendation is shield_of_the_righteous (+1.08).
    - standard
    Exiting default with recommendation of NO ACTION at +10.00s.

Completed default action list [ Protection Paladin - default ].
Recommendation is shield_of_the_righteous at 0.00 + 1.08.
Recommendation #3 is shield_of_the_righteous at 1.08s (1.08s).
Time spent generating recommendations:  7.98ms

Snapshots are better placed on Pastebin so they don't lose their formatting.

After using Avenging Wrath, will you not be able to use Hammer of Wrath?


This recommendation will stay until such a time that the ability actually procs for use and triggers Hekili to once again function correctly for a while.

This is when the snapshot needs to be taken -- when Hammer of Wrath is first in queue and not able to be used. I'll reopen the ticket and watch for an updated snapshot.


Is there an ETA on when a snapshot with HoW first in the queue will be available?
